Hey Ksenia, you've done another amazing job! For your first time using Vue as well, this looks really good and your code is really well structured. As you work with it more you'll find patterns and architectures that will help you scale your code for larger projects.
I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed the challenge. You're submitting some brilliant solutions that a lot of people will find useful to read through the code. Also, it's been great to see you commenting on other people's solutions and giving feedback.
Keep up the great work! 🙂
@mattstuddert Thank you for the feedback and for this awesome site! I love learning and trying new things with FEM challenges. I've completed only 3 challenges so far, but I learned a lot while working on them. That's cool how FEM allows us, newbies and more experienced aspiring coders, to improve our skills and gain confidence in them.
I'm glad if my solutions are useful for others. And yeah, I'm trying to give feedback and I'd like to be more active in it, but language boundary prevents me a bit.
@ksenius I'm really happy you're enjoying it so much! Your English is great! You can use the site to keep practicing that too if you like 🙂 There are a lot of people in the community whose first language is not English, so I wouldn't worry about it. You're doing an awesome job. Keep it up! 👍