#accessibilityWeb accessibility is the practice of making websites usable by as wide a range of people as possible. This includes people with disabilities, but can also include other factors, like a slow internet connection.
#airtableAirtable is a versatile, cloud-based spreadsheet-database hybrid platform that simplifies data organization and collaboration. With an API for web developers, Airtable enables seamless integration of dynamic, real-time data into web applications, streamlining workflows.
#angularAngular is a robust, open-source front-end web application framework developed by Google. Featuring a component-based architecture, powerful data binding, and extensive tooling, Angular simplifies the development and testing of large-scale, maintainable web applications.
#angular-materialAngular Material is a UI component library for Angular developers. It offers a comprehensive set of material design components that are ready to use, ensuring consistency in design and functionality across web applications.
#animationAnimations can add a nice layer of polish to web pages. Various libraries exist, but it can also be done with plain CSS and JavaScript.
#anime-jsAnime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library that allows developers to create complex animations with simple yet flexible APIs. It supports CSS properties, SVG parameters, DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects, making it a great option for web animations.
#astroAstro is a front-end framework that enables developers to build fast, optimized web applications. By leveraging partial hydration and server-rendering, Astro significantly reduces the client-side JavaScript footprint, resulting in improved performance and user experience.
#axiosAxios is a promise-based HTTP client for JavaScript that simplifies the process of making API requests from web applications. With support for modern features such as interceptors and progress events, Axios enhances web development efficiency and error handling.
#backboneBackbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that provides structure to web applications by implementing a Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. It simplifies client-side code organization and promotes modular, maintainable code for complex applications.
#bemBEM (Block, Element, Modifier) is a CSS naming methodology that promotes maintainable, scalable, and reusable code. By providing a structured approach to organizing CSS classes, BEM makes it easier for developers to understand and modify the styles in large web projects.
#blazorBlazor is a framework from Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web interfaces using C#. It integrates with the .NET platform, enabling the creation of rich, client-side web applications that run directly in the browser without JavaScript.
#bootstrapBootstrap is an open-source CSS framework that offers a comprehensive set of pre-designed components, layouts, and utilities. Designed for responsive, mobile-first web development, Bootstrap simplifies the creation of visually appealing and functional websites.
#bulmaBulma is a responsive CSS framework based on Flexbox that provides an extensive set of UI components and styling options. With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, Bulma enables rapid web development while maintaining clean and customizable code.
#c#C# is a programming language created by Microsoft. It is used in web development to build dynamic websites and applications, often with the .NET framework, which provides tools and libraries to enhance development efficiency and capabilities.
#chaiChai is a versatile assertion library for JavaScript that allows developers to write test assertions in a readable, natural language style. Compatible with various testing frameworks, Chai streamlines the testing process and enhances test maintainability.
#chakra-uiChakra UI is a simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications.
#chart-jsChart.js is a JavaScript charting library that enables developers to effortlessly create responsive, interactive data visualizations. It offers a variety of chart types and customization options, simplifying the integration of dynamic charts into web applications.
#contentfulContentful is a headless Content Management System (CMS) designed for modern web development. It provides a flexible API-driven approach to manage and deliver content across multiple platforms, streamlining content creation and collaboration.
#cube-cssCUBE CSS is a pragmatic CSS methodology that promotes scalable and maintainable web projects. By combining the best practices of BEM, OOCSS, and other approaches, it creates a unified system for structuring and styling web components.
#cypressCypress is a powerful end-to-end testing framework designed for modern web applications. It simplifies and accelerates test automation, providing real-time feedback and an intuitive API for seamless integration.
#d3D3.js (Data-Driven Documents) is a powerful JavaScript library for creating dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers. It leverages HTML, SVG, and CSS, allowing developers to manipulate documents based on data, creating rich, customizable, and responsive visualizations.
#daisy-uidaisyUI is a free, open-source plugin for Tailwind CSS that provides a set of well-designed, prebuilt components and utility classes. It simplifies the process of creating consistent, responsive user interfaces with minimal setup.
#denoDeno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript built on V8 and Rust. It offers a built-in package manager, first-class async/await support, and a robust standard library, making it an appealing alternative to Node.js for server-side development and scripting tasks.
#djangoDjango is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It takes care of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without reinventing the wheel.
#editor-xEditor X is a web design platform for building advanced and responsive websites. It offers advanced layout and design tools, including multi-column and grid layouts.
#eleventyEleventy is a static site generator that helps developers build fast and flexible websites using templates and reusable components. It is written in JavaScript and has a simple configuration and a flexible plugin system.
#elixirElixir is a dynamic, functional programming language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. It leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed, and fault-tolerant systems, making it ideal for web development and beyond.
#elmElm is a functional programming language for building web applications with a strong focus on reliability and user experience. It compiles to JavaScript and has a strong type system and functional reactive programming model.
#emberEmber.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building web applications that follows the convention over configuration principle. It's well-suited for building complex and feature-rich applications.
#emotionEmotion is a JavaScript library for styling components in a declarative way, with features for themes, variants, and responsive styles. It can be used with any JavaScript framework and helps developers build consistent and maintainable styles.
#expressExpress.js is a fast web framework for building web applications and APIs with Node.js. It provides routing, middleware, and support for multiple template engines and is often used as the back-end for web apps built with Node.js.
#fetchFetch is a browser API for making HTTP requests from JavaScript. It is a modern alternative to XMLHttpRequest and provides a simple interface for making HTTP requests with support for methods, headers, and request and response bodies.
#fire-cmsFire CMS is a content management system for building and managing websites and web apps. It offers tools for templates, content management, and collaboration and is built on the Firebase platform.
#firebaseFirebase is a cloud platform for building and managing web applications with tools for real-time data synchronization, cloud storage, authentication, and hosting. It is available as a cloud service or standalone app.
#flaskFlask is a lightweight Python web framework that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for building web applications. It is known for its flexibility and simplicity and is well-suited for building small to medium-sized web applications.
#flutterFlutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to build natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase.
#foundationFoundation is a responsive front-end UI framework that provides a consistent and flexible foundation for building web applications. It includes a responsive grid system, HTML and CSS UI components, and templates.
#framer-motionFramer Motion is a React animation library that helps you create interactive animations with a simple and powerful API.
#freshFresh is a lightweight web framework for Deno that makes it easy to build web applications and APIs. It is built on top of Oak and includes features like routing, middleware support, and dependency injection.
#gatsbyGatsby.js is a static site generator that uses React and GraphQL to build fast, modern websites and apps. It includes features like automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, and asset optimization.
#graphqlGraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows clients to request specific data and can help improve performance by reducing data transfer. It is often used as an alternative to REST APIs in modern applications.
#gruntGrunt is a JavaScript task runner that automates tasks like minification, compilation, and linting to improve developer productivity. It can be extended with plugins for different tasks and technologies.
#gsapGSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is a JavaScript library for creating smooth, high-performance animations. It includes features like timeline management and easing functions and is used to create interactive user experiences.
#gulpGulp is a JavaScript task runner that automates web development tasks and optimizes files for production. It can be extended with plugins for different tasks and technologies.
#handlebarsHandlebars is a JavaScript templating library that makes it easy to generate dynamic HTML, XML, or text content. It provides a simple syntax for creating templates and is often used with server-side languages like Node.js.
#ionicIonic is an open-source UI toolkit for building cross-platform mobile, web, and desktop applications. It combines web technologies with native capabilities, offering pre-designed components, performance optimization, and framework flexibility for efficient app development across multiple platforms.
#itcssITCSS (Inverted Triangle CSS) is a methodology for organizing and scaling CSS in large web projects. It divides styles into layers and creates a hierarchy to improve maintainability and scalability. It is often used with other methodologies like BEM or SMACSS.
#jasmineJasmine is a framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework, making it ideal for testing any JavaScript application.
#jestJest is a JavaScript testing framework that is easy to use and configure. It includes features like automatic test discovery, mocking, and code coverage and is often used for unit and integration testing.
#jqueryjQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to manipulate the DOM, handle events, and perform asynchronous HTTP requests. It can be used to add interactivity and functionality to websites and is easy to learn and use.
#jssJSS (JavaScript Stylesheets) is a library for creating and managing styles in JavaScript applications. It allows developers to define styles in a declarative and dynamic way using a simple and intuitive API.
#laravelLaravel is a popular PHP framework for web application development that is expressive, elegant, and easy to use. It includes features like routing and middleware and is widely used by developers with a large community.
#lessLess is a dynamic stylesheet language that extends CSS with features like variables and mixins. It makes writing and maintaining large stylesheets easier and is often used in build processes.
#lighthouseLighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving your web pages' performance, quality, and security. It can be run as a Chrome Extension or from the command line and generates a report with actionable recommendations for improvement.
#litLit is a lightweight, modern library for building fast, reusable web components. By leveraging the Web Components standard and efficient reactive programming, Lit empowers developers to create modular, maintainable, and high-performance web applications with ease.
#material-uiMaterial UI is a front-end framework for building user interfaces based on Google's Material Design guidelines. It offers pre-designed components for web projects.
#materialize-cssMaterialize CSS is a front-end framework based on Material Design, providing responsive UI components and styles. It also offers optional JavaScript extensions.
#mobxMobX is a state management library for JavaScript that uses reactive programming to automate complex state-based logic and efficiently share state between components.
#mochaMocha is a JavaScript test runner that runs on Node.js and in the browser. It supports testing synchronous and asynchronous code with various assertions and reporters. It is often used with other libraries like Chai or Sinon.
#mongodbMongoDB is a NoSQL database program that uses JSON-like documents and optional schemas. It is designed for large scale and high performance, making it popular for modern web applications.
#mswMSW (Mock Service Worker) is a JavaScript testing library for mocking network requests. It allows you to define responses for HTTP requests made by your application. It works with the Fetch API and supports Node.js and browser environments.
#mysqlMySQL is a free, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage data stored in relational database tables.
#nextNext.js is a framework for building server-rendered or statically exported React applications with automatic code splitting, optimized performance, and easy deployment.
#ngrxNgRx is a framework for building reactive applications in Angular. Utilizing Redux-inspired patterns and RxJS, it provides efficient state management, isolation of side effects, and integration of event-driven programming concepts.
#nodeNode.js is a JavaScript runtime that executes JS code outside a web browser. It is used for building scalable, real-time web apps and is lightweight and efficient due to its non-blocking I/O model.
#nunjucksNunjucks is a templating engine for JavaScript and Node.js used in web development to separate HTML and logic. It supports various features and can be used with web frameworks like Express.js.
#nuxtNuxt.js is a framework for creating universal Vue.js applications. It simplifies the development of single-page or universal Vue apps with automatic code-splitting, server-side rendering, and more.
#nxNx is a suite of extensible dev tools for monorepo development, helping teams build and test applications efficiently. It supports multiple frameworks and languages, offers code generation, and facilitates an integrated CI/CD process.
#oocssOOCSS is a methodology for writing CSS that encourages code reuse and modularity by applying principles of object-oriented programming. It focuses on separating structure from skin and container from content to create scalable and maintainable stylesheets.
#open-propsOpen Props is a lightweight CSS library that provides a set of design tokens (variables) for consistent styling. It includes pre-built values for things like colors, spacing, and typography to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design.
#panda-cssPanda CSS is a build-time CSS-in-JS engine that generates atomic CSS. It offers type-safe styling primitives and static analysis of JavaScript and TypeScript files and combines the developer experience of CSS-in-JS with the performance benefits of atomic CSS.
#parcelParcel is a fast, zero-config web application bundler that automatically handles all build steps, including code transformation and asset handling. It produces small, optimized bundles for quick page load times.
#phoenixPhoenix is a web development framework written in Elixir that provides highly performant and scalable web applications. It leverages the Erlang VM capabilities, offering robust features for real-time communication and large-scale app development.
#phpPHP is a widely-used, open-source scripting language designed for web development. With a focus on server-side processing, PHP enables dynamic content generation and interaction with databases, powering popular content management systems like WordPress and Drupal.
#piniaPinia is a lightweight framework for building server-rendered Vue.js applications with a powerful configuration system and reactive state management. It integrates seamlessly with Nuxt.js and has a plugin system for extending its capabilities.
#post-cssPostCSS is a tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins. It allows developers to add features like variables, nesting, and auto-prefixing to their CSS, enabling modern styling techniques and improving workflow efficiency.
#postgresPostgreSQL is a powerful open-source object-relational database management system with a strong reputation for reliability and performance. It supports a wide range of data types and SQL features and can be used on multiple platforms.
#preactPreact is a fast, lightweight alternative to React for building user interfaces. It is similar to React and optimized for performance, making it a good choice for projects where bundle size is a concern.
#prismaPrisma is a modern open-source database toolkit for Node.js and TypeScript. With an auto-generated and type-safe query builder, Prisma simplifies database access and data management in modern web applications, ensuring high performance and developer productivity.
#progressive-enhancementProgressive enhancement is a design approach that creates a functional website and adds advanced features as needed. It aims to make a website accessible to all users, regardless of device or browser capabilities.
#pure-cssPure CSS is a minimalistic approach to CSS frameworks. It offers a set of small, responsive CSS modules that can be used in every web project. It prioritizes mobile-first styles and keeps file sizes low, facilitating faster page loads and simplified styling.
#pwaProgressive web apps (PWAs) are web apps that offer a native app-like experience, including offline support and push notifications. They are designed to be fast and reliable, making them a good choice for businesses looking to improve the user experience of their web apps.
#pythonPython is a versatile, open-source programming language that prioritizes readability and ease of use. Popular in web development, Python offers various frameworks like Django and Flask, enabling developers to create powerful, maintainable web applications with minimal code.
#railsRuby on Rails is a popular open-source web development framework written in Ruby. It makes programming web apps easier by providing a structure and tools to build and maintain applications using the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
#reactReact is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is efficient and declarative, using a virtual DOM to optimize updates to the UI. React is often used with other libraries or frameworks.
#react-nativeReact Native is a framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript and the React library. It allows developers to build cross-platform apps that run on Android and iOS, using native components and reusable code.
#react-queryReact Query is a library for fetching, caching, and updating data in React applications. It has a simple API and various configuration options, making it easy to manage data and update the UI.
#react-routerReact Router is a library for managing routes in React applications. It provides a simple API for defining routes and handling navigation, making it easy to build single-page apps.
#react-testing-libraryReact Testing Library is a library for testing React components in a way that resembles how users interact with an application. It encourages testing components in isolation and writing tests focusing on behavior, not implementation.
#recoilRecoil is a state management library for React that allows developers to manage shared state in their application. It helps improve performance and structure by allowing developers to declaratively specify how state is derived and shared between components.
#reduxRedux is a state management library for JavaScript that helps developers write predictable and easy-to-test applications by keeping the state in a single store.
#redux-sagaRedux Saga is a library for handling asynchronous logic and side effects in a Redux application. It uses generator functions to organize complex actions and helps keep code clean by separating side effects from core application logic.
#redux-toolkitRedux Toolkit is a set of tools that make it easier to build Redux applications. It includes useful functions and a developer tool to optimize and debug code.
#remixRemix is a full-stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web standards to deliver a fast, slick, and resilient user experience.
#rubyRuby is a dynamic, open-source programming language that emphasizes simplicity and productivity. Known for its elegant, readable syntax, Ruby is widely used in web development, powering popular frameworks such as Ruby on Rails for rapid, maintainable application creation.
#rustRust is a modern programming language known for its speed, memory safety, and reliability. In web development, it's used for building high-performance web servers, WebAssembly (Wasm) applications, and systems programming, helping developers create fast and secure web applications.
#rxjsRxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, making it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. RxJS helps manage data streams and complex event handling in web applications.
#sanitySanity is a headless CMS that allows developers to build custom content structures and workflows. It is flexible, customizable, and popular for building content-driven applications.
#sass/scssSass is a powerful CSS preprocessor, enhancing stylesheets with features like variables, nesting, mixins, and functions. It streamlines development, using indented syntax or SCSS, and compiles to standard CSS for browser compatibility.
#semantic-uiSemantic UI is a responsive front-end framework that streamlines UI design with human-friendly HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components. It offers a wide range of pre-built elements and modules, promoting ease of use, consistency, and accessibility in web development.
#shadcnshadcn is a collection of accessible, unstyled components built with Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. It provides developers with customizable building blocks for creating consistent and responsive web interfaces, allowing for greater design flexibility while maintaining accessibility standards.
#sinatraSinatra is a lightweight Ruby web framework designed for simplicity and minimalism. It provides a flexible, DSL-based approach to creating web applications with ease, making it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized projects or microservices.
#smacssSMACSS is a CSS methodology that guides developers in organizing and structuring stylesheets for scalability and maintainability. It advocates for categorizing styles into five types: base, layout, module, state, and theme, promoting a modular and systematic approach to CSS.
#solid-jsSolid JS is a declarative and reactive JavaScript library focused on performance and simplicity. It uses fine-grained reactivity and efficient compile-time optimizations to deliver a fast, lightweight solution for building modern web applications with minimal overhead.
#sqlSQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to manage and manipulate databases. In web development, it enables data storage, retrieval, and management, which is essential for dynamic websites that require database interaction.
#stitchesStitches is a CSS-in-JS styling library for modern web development, enabling developers to create fast, scalable, and maintainable styles within JavaScript. It offers features such as theming, responsive styles, and server-side rendering, promoting a seamless development experience.
#storybookStorybook is an open-source tool for developing and organizing UI components in isolation. It supports various frameworks, such as React, Vue, and Angular, and offers a collaborative environment for design, testing, and documentation, streamlining the component-driven development process.
#strapiStrapi is an open-source, headless CMS that provides a flexible and customizable API for managing content in web and mobile applications. With a plugin system, auto-generated API endpoints, and an intuitive admin panel, it accelerates development and simplifies content management.
#styled-componentsStyled-components is a CSS-in-JS library for styling React and React Native applications. It allows developers to write reusable, dynamic, and themeable components using tagged template literals. By encapsulating styles within components, it promotes a more maintainable and consistent UI.
#stylusStylus is a dynamic, expressive CSS preprocessor that simplifies writing stylesheets with features like variables, mixins, and nesting. It supports a flexible syntax, allowing developers to choose between a minimal or more traditional CSS-like style, and compiles to standard CSS.
#supabaseSupabase is an open-source backend-as-a-service that provides web developers with a real-time database, authentication, and API. It simplifies building and scaling web applications by offering seamless integration with PostgreSQL and easy-to-use tools for managing backend infrastructure.
#svelteSvelte is a reactive JavaScript framework for building web applications. It compiles components to highly efficient vanilla JavaScript, resulting in faster load times and improved performance. Svelte simplifies development with a clean syntax and built-in reactivity.
#swrSWR is a lightweight, powerful data fetching library for modern web applications, primarily built for React and React-based frameworks. Named after the stale-while-revalidate caching strategy, SWR optimizes data fetching with automatic caching, revalidation, and mutation features.
#symfonySymfony is a robust, full-stack PHP framework for web development, providing reusable components and a flexible structure. It promotes best practices, modularity, and performance, making it ideal for building complex, enterprise-level applications with a focus on maintainability.
#tailwind-cssTailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. It offers a wide range of pre-built classes that can be composed to create unique, responsive designs. Its modular and customizable nature promotes design consistency and development efficiency.
#theme-uiTheme UI is a library for styling React applications with a focus on themeability and design constraints. Built on top of the Styled System, it provides a set of layout and typography components, promoting consistency and accessibility while simplifying the development of themed UIs.
#trpctRPC is a framework that allows developers to build end-to-end typesafe APIs without schemas or code generation. It leverages TypeScript to ensure that the API's input and output types are validated, enhancing the reliability and maintainability of web applications.
#typescriptTypeScript is a statically-typed superset of JavaScript that adds optional type annotations, enabling more robust code analysis and error detection. It enhances development experience with better tooling, autocompletion, and refactoring, and compiles to standard JavaScript for browser compatibility.
#vanilla-extractVanilla Extract is a CSS-in-JS library that brings type-safety and a modular architecture to styling web applications. It uses JavaScript or TypeScript to create typed stylesheets, offering features like theming, variables, and utility functions while improving maintainability and performance.
#vee-validateVeeValidate is a template-based validation library for Vue.js. It allows developers to validate inputs and manage form state without writing a lot of validation code, making it simpler to create robust, user-friendly web forms in Vue applications.
#viteVite is a next-generation build tool and development server for web applications, leveraging native ES modules to enable fast development and optimized production builds. It supports popular frameworks, such as Vue, React, and Svelte, and offers features like HMR and CSS/JS minification.
#vitestVitest is a blazing fast unit test framework powered by Vite, with instant watch mode, ESM support, and Jest compatibility.
#vueVue.js is a progressive, reactive JavaScript framework for building web applications. Its adaptable architecture enables seamless integration with other libraries or existing projects, while its core library focuses on the view layer, making it easy to learn and use for a variety of applications.
#vuetifyVuetify is a Material Design component library for Vue.js, providing a wide range of pre-built, customizable UI components. It simplifies the development of responsive, accessible, and visually consistent web applications, while seamlessly integrating with the Vue.js ecosystem.
#vuexVuex is a state management library for Vue.js applications, enabling centralized and predictable state handling. It follows the Flux architecture pattern and provides a single source of truth for application data, simplifying debugging, testing, and the overall development process.
#wasmWebAssembly (Wasm) is a low-level, binary format that runs in web browsers. It allows developers to execute code written in languages like C, C++, and Rust at near-native speed, enabling high-performance web applications, games, and complex algorithms directly in the browser.
#web-componentsWeb Components is a suite of web platform APIs that enables developers to create reusable, encapsulated custom HTML elements. By leveraging Shadow DOM, Custom Elements, and HTML Templates, Web Components simplify the creation of modular, maintainable web applications.
#webflowWebflow is a visual web design tool and hosting platform that empowers designers to create responsive websites without writing code. It features a user-friendly interface, CMS, and e-commerce functionality, enabling the design and deployment of custom websites with ease and speed.
#webpackWebpack is a powerful, extensible build tool and module bundler for web applications. It optimizes assets like JavaScript, CSS, and images, reducing load times and improving performance. With its plugin system and rich ecosystem, Webpack enables efficient development and production workflows.
#wordpressWordPress is a widely-used, open-source content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites worldwide. Known for its flexibility, ease of use, and large community, it supports various themes and plugins, making it a popular choice for creating and managing blogs, e-commerce sites, and more.
#workboxWorkbox is a set of libraries and tools for building Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with efficient service workers and caching strategies. It simplifies the development of offline-first experiences, enabling faster and more reliable web applications that work seamlessly across various devices.
#wouterWouter is a minimalist routing library for modern React and Preact applications. With a similar API to React Router but much smaller in size, Wouter provides simple and efficient route matching that's perfect for single-page applications and server-rendered views.
#xstateXState is a JavaScript library for creating, interpreting, and visualizing state machines and statecharts. It enables developers to manage complex application logic and state transitions in a predictable, scalable, and testable manner, promoting better maintainability and reliability.
#zodZod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library that allows developers to create, parse, and validate data structures based on predefined schemas. It ensures type safety and reduces runtime errors, facilitating robust data handling in applications.
#zustandZustand is a lightweight, minimal state management library for React applications. It offers a simple API for creating and managing global or local state without the need for reducers or actions, making it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized projects that require a more straightforward approach.