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All comments

  • Ayoub1Dev 195



    Really nice. Looks, works and feels awesome.

    Did you use any frameworks?

    I have seen that you made it accessible for different devices using aria-label, but, you did not make it accessible for us XD. I dont't know what each icon does when I hover over it it should display a message saying what it does.

    I guess you already know, but just in case you don't, you have to add the title attribute with the function of the btn.

    <button type="button" class="menu__btn" aria-label="upload file" 
    style="user-select: auto;" ** title="Upload File" ** > .... </button>
  • Joy Shaheb 215



    If I Missed any web dev best practices, let me know. Suggestions & Criticisms are highly appreciated 💖

    Ayoub1Dev 195



    You want me to critic, OK.

    You have a vertical scroll, it needs removing, : -0

    Joy how much to you like lambos :)

    Marked as helpful

  • Fran 25



    Pardon this little license. To do something different, I decided to transform the tip calculator into a new version in Spanish.

    On the other hand, to establish concepts, I chose not to use flexbox, in this way I settled basic knowledge

    I recognize that I have had a big jam designing the CSS classes so that they can be organized. I have heard about the BEM methodology and I don't know if it would be appropriate to learn it. I would appreciate your most humble opinion. Thank you all

    Ayoub1Dev 195



    Hola amig@, he econtrado un problema de accesibilidad muy molesto. Cambio a ingles : ) , para que otros tambien aprendan de este fallo


    The accessibility is that when any of the input fields is click the 0 stays on the input field.

    • Example If I try to type 21 euros the value typed is 210 instead of 21.


    The problem is because you have set the value of the input to 0 in your HTML value="0"


    Remove the value atribute from your HTML and add a placeholder attribute. placeholder="0"


    Marked as helpful

  • Jan 135



    My second challenge, now really starting to understand how powerful mobile-first approach in combination with using rems and ems can be for quickly building a responsive website. Any feedback is highly appriciated. :)

    Ayoub1Dev 195



    When I previewed your site I found a vertical scroll. Using DevTools I found that you did not reset the margin of the body.

    • Like this:
    body {
       margin: 0;

    This will remove the extra space and your wrapper will be 100% of the viewport.

    TIP It is a good practice to start with this on your projects, which will set all elements to the styles inside the curly { } brackets.

    *, *::before, *::after { 
         box-sizing: border-box;
         margin: 0;
         padding: 0 ;

    Hope this helps.

    Marked as helpful

  • Zaid 225



    I have been having difficulty with controlling images and I was unable to get the image to fill its parent container without a min-width. If there is another I could accomplish simple or better results please let me know. Feedback is always much appreciated.

    Ayoub1Dev 195




    <div class="img"></div>


    .img {
        grid-area: img;
        background: url(/images/image-header-mobile.jpg);
        background-color: var(--img-1-color);
        background-blend-mode: overlay;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-size: cover;

    Marked as helpful

  • Zaid 225



    I have been having difficulty with controlling images and I was unable to get the image to fill its parent container without a min-width. If there is another I could accomplish simple or better results please let me know. Feedback is always much appreciated.

    Ayoub1Dev 195



    I did not use an img tag in HTML, I just set the background image of the container div. Check out my code for insight!!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Arreyawn


    1. I just couldn't find out how to get the purple overlay on the photo, I tried to get the overlay but it only came on the left side, not on the photo itself.
    Ayoub1Dev 195



    You can also do that by setting another div* to position: absolute; over the image.

    *The div should have a transparency value like rgba()

  • @Arreyawn


    1. I just couldn't find out how to get the purple overlay on the photo, I tried to get the overlay but it only came on the left side, not on the photo itself.
    Ayoub1Dev 195



    I didn' check your code but I think I can help you.

    Hope this helps :)

    1. To display the overlay you just need <div class="img"></div> without an img tag.

    2. In CSS you set the width and height of the container

    3. You have to set the background property (NOT background-image) to the url() of the image and following the url specify the color, like this: background: url(/images/image-header-desktop.jpg), rgb(91, 46, 119);

    4. Here the intersting part. There is a property in css called background-blend-mode, it contains many values but we are intersted in the overlay value, like this : background-blend-mode: overlay;


    <div class="img"></div>


    .img {
        width: 460px;
        background: url(/images/image-header-desktop.jpg), rgb(91, 46, 119);
        background-blend-mode: overlay;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-size: 100%;
  • P



    This is my first project on a frontend mentor. I couldn't figure out how to position the circles in the background, any feedback is welcome.

    Ayoub1Dev 195



    Great job @IvanDodig i have also just started on front mentor and i have just uploaded my challenge. I have used just HTML and CSS so make sure to check my code because you will understand how to use the background-image property and the background-position property. Good luck and lets continue the journey together. :-}
