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  • @B1N4R1


    This was an easy one to do, not much to say since it's a very simple and straight forward design.

    I used flexbox to create 2 columns: one for the qr and the other for the text provided, nothing too fancy.

    Any suggestions are as always, very much welcome!


    QR code component





    Thanks to the three of you: Lucas, David and PhoenixDev22

    I took your suggestions into account and applied them to the challenge. Most of them are things that I already knew but forgot to apply them 😅, like the main and footer landmarks or the margin for the container.

    As Lucas pointed out, the div.desk element was clearly needless so I removed it and used flex's gap property to add some spacing between the elements.

    Again thanks for the feedback!

  • @B1N4R1


    Hey Roberto!

    Firstly congrats on completing the challenge! Your solution looks good!

    Here some pointers:

    • You should really get rid of the min-width: 1440px in the 1440px media-query. This is just streching the card way to much
    • Try using lesser height definitions like you do in the div.main element, you can get rid of that height. Also when creating buttons, don't use like a height: 40px it's better if you use padding like a padding: 15px
    • Try using more semantic html and not so much divs, here an article about it.

    There is always room for more improvements but for me this are the more pressing ones in your case

    Hope this helps,


    PS.: You should also look at the report and try to fix the errors it tells you

    Marked as helpful

  • Rafal 1,395




    (Feedback requests on the bottom)

    Initially I wasn't sure what I could learn from this project as I have covered similar things in the past. Then it occured to me to build a custom search-modal and change the behaviour from the original design. I thought it'd be more interesting to build, sorry that it won't match the generated screenshot comparison 😁😅...

    A few fun items to mention:

    • I have added keyboard shortcuts to make this feel more 'appy'.
    • If you open up the search modal and use arrow keys and hit enter once you've selected a filter, it will work.
    • If you are on Mac/Windows the shortcuts will change from Ctrl/Cmd + S. I thought it only right to add this.
    • Added a VERY BRIEF custom scroll bar because why not.
    • I have found a jewel of 'filtering' an array with an array. The jewel is using .every() along with .includes().

    Super short example you can run in codepen:

    const filters= [1, 2, 3]
    const data= [1,3,4,5,6]
    const data2 = [1,6,8,4,2,3,9]
    const checkMatch = (filterArray, dataArray) => {
         return filterArray.every(filter => dataArray.includes(filter))
    console.log(checkMatch(filters, data)) //returns false
    console.log(checkMatch(filters, data2)) //returns true

    I don't think that I spent a lot of time perfecting the design, I'll trust that it's close enough without too many errors.

    If I need help with anything it'd be criticism of my HTML. Could I have added more semantic HTML? If so, where and why? If you're really hot and bothered feel free to rip my javascript apart but I know fully well how tiring that is when the project is not yours 😅.




    Great job! I loved your solution, real cool!


    P.S: I'm gonna use what u suggested for the filtering, I did it with a classical while loop I didn't remember about those two functions!

  • @B1N4R1


    Hi uiguy,

    Great solution to the challenge! Both the layout and the calculator logic are great.

    Here some little suggestions:

    • I would get rid of the max-width: 770px on the 600px media-query the calculator looks too stretched to my eyes.
    • I would avoid letting the user type in multiple periods (......). This is causing some problems when making calculations. Like for example you can calculate 8 + 6...... which is giving some syntax error.

    Btw, nice work with the theme toggle too.


  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Karim,

    Nice solution to the challenge!

    If you take a look at your html the data-filter attribute of some of the li.job elements have some commas, leading the JS to think the commas are also another language or tool? Idk that's my best guess


  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Manan,

    The solution looks good, here some improvements:

    • The design approach you took is good but I would suggest using CSS grid for this one, this way you don't need to use that much divs.
    • Also I would suggest using rems to define font-size instead of %
    • The logic for the calculator works great just be carefull with the multiple periods (.....), you should only allow for one period to be inserted.

    Rest of it looks nice, good work!


  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Saif,

    This is a great solution! I love the approach you took with CSS Grid, it's the same approach I took

    Some suggestions:

    • In a 4k screen the cards look way to streched and it's difficult to read, that's mainly because you're setting a font-size: 62.5% on the html selector. I would suggest you define a 12px font-size in the html element with a max-width of 1400px in the .container element.

    • If you want to center it to the middle instead of using huge margins I would do some basic flexbox centering like this:

       min-height: 100vh;
       display: flex;
       justify-content: center;

    Keep on the good work!


    Marked as helpful

  • @0-BSCode


    My main point of confusion is why is rem useful as a unit of measurement? I've seen a lot of other solutions using this in their projects and I have read up on the uses of it on my own. However, I can't seem to wrap my head around why the rem unit is useful. I'd be more than happy to learn more about it!



    Hi bryan,

    We use rems mostly for responsiveness, here an example of it:

    • We set font-size: 16px in the * selector and then we set a font-size for an h1 element like this: h1{font-size: 2rem}, this will give us a 32px h1 element. The problem now it would be that it'll look great in a laptop but in a mobile it may look a bit big, to fix this we'll use media queries and will set something like:
    @media (min-width: 768px){
           font-size: 12px;
    • Now the font-size of the h1 element it will be 24px and it will fit better in a mobile size

    That would be a good reason why you should use rems to set a font-size. If you want a more extend explanation about this you can go check this article where Kathleen McMahon dives deep into this subject.

    Also: Your solution looks way to small in 4k screens mainly bc of the font-size set in the * selector


    Marked as helpful

  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Thiago,

    First your solution looks good, here some improvements:

    • Although you got the layout correct and the responsiveness works fine, there is to much whitespace. To improve this I would remove the grid-template-rows, height & width of the .conteiner element. This way we let the content fill the width and height.

    • You should avoid defining font-size with pixels and instead use rems, what I usually do in this challenges is set a font-size with the * selector such as: *{font-size: 16px;} , once this is done every time I have to define a font-size for an element let's say an h1 I'll do: h1{font-size: 2rem}. What this does is it takes the 16px defined with the * selector and multiplies it by 2 which results in 32px. This is just how the rem unit works, here and article explained with more details.

    • You should redo the Sign up button part where you use a a tag wrapped in a p element. For this you should use the button element and style it with a background and a box shadow to make it look like the design you are given. You can look on the internet different ways to style button elements with CSS.

    • To finish, in the why us part instead of using a p element and a bunch of <br> it would be better to use an html unordered list.

    Keep on the good work!


    Marked as helpful

  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Matheus, your solution looks great! Nice work!

    One way to optimize your JS would be by handling 99% of the theme toggle with CSS instead of manually changing the value of each element with javascript. So you could do this:

    • Define three name classes for the body such as theme-1, theme-2, theme-3.
    • Once that's done you could do something like this:
          (theme-1 color variables here)
          (same variable names but theme-2 color values)
         (same variable names but theme-3 color values)
    • After this you could use a little JS trigger to change the body's classname to one of the three classnames defined before.

    You can see my solution for a live example of this approach.

    This is just optional and if you are happy with your approach then go on with it but I saw this and I wanted to let you know there is actually a very easy way to do it with CSS and lightweight JS script.

    Anyway, nice solution and keep on the good work!!


  • PowerZ 85



    I think HTML markup have some room for improvement but can't exactly point what i don't like about it. Any ideas ?

    To be honest most of the time i spent on this project i worked on making background somewhat responsive and i'm preety proud of how it worked out? Did I messed up anything I can't see ?



    Hi powerz,

    Your solution looks fantastic! I don't really see any improvements for the markup.

    However, I do suggest you increase the font-size of the footer, in very large screens it's too small to read. I would give it like a 1.2rem.

    Rest of it is great, see that you use semantic html tags like main, section, ... Responsiveness is great too. Heck, I like your solution more than mine lol.

    Keep on the good work!


  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Anosh,

    This solution looks great,

    The only thing is that the idea of this challenge is that you have three cards that are equal except for the colors, so the best way will be to define the same class for the three cards and then using CSS's :nth-child() selector change the colors of each card. This way you are not writting the same CSS three times, it's cleaner code and you take half the time to write the code.

    You can have a look at my solution to this challenge to get what I mean

    Also, beware the responsiveness! In really small devices the cards get to small, you should put a min-width on the card elements to avoid it.


  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Anosh,

    Great solution!

    You should change background-image: url('images/bg-pattern-card.svg') to background-image: url('../images/bg-pattern-card.svg') in the div.patternBG element, same with the rest of the images that won't load.

    Also instead of putting paddings and margins on the container to "center" the card, better to use flexbox. Try using less divs, like for example deleting

    Hope this helps!


    Marked as helpful

  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Jhemili,

    Your solution looks great, just two things:

    • I would add an option to close the question you just opened because once you open a question you can no longer have all the questions closed, there will always be one open.

    • Work a bit more on the frontend to make it look more like the designs they give you: the spacing looks a bit off it should be consistant, the card's width on tablets looks a bit large.

    Keep on the good work!


    Marked as helpful

  • @Arreyawn


    1. I can't figure out why the site isn't responsive. I used grid and flexbox around the items but when I try to resize the window, they won't shrink accordingly.
    2. I couldn't figure out the Javascript for the project. Getting the value of the buttons was difficult as I tried using .querySelectorAll but since it returns a nodelist I couldn't get the value of each individual button that the user clicks.
    3. Getting the value of the input fields was difficult as there's no submit button. I can't figure out how to get the value of the input fields without a button click.



    I would give you some suggestions and help you with your problems but there seems to be some problem with your github page.


  • TomSmg 90



    Hi there! thanks for all the help I had a problem with the second column (the long ona at the right) when you reduce the viewport, and before the breackpoint, it brakes at the botton and I couldn't find a solution I hope you could help me thanks again!



    Hi TomSmg, good solution!

    I've looked at it and I don't seem to find any errors, to me it all looks good. The layout is well done and the resposiveness too.

    However, I do think that in this case using CSS Grid is a much better option, this way you don't have to use that much divs and deal with so much rows and cols.

    You can head to this guide for a head start, you can also look at my solution for reference.

    Anyway, great job!


  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Julien! Congrats on completing the challenge, your solution looks fantastic!

    Three things:

    -When you hover the share button I would add cursor: pointer to the element so the user knows that the button is clickable.

    -Watch out the footer, in really small devices it overlaps with the card and makes it difficult to hit the share button or read anything behind it.

    -Be careful with the tooltip, when the tooltip is out in desktop mode and you change the size of the window to a mobile size the tooltip goes crazy.

    Overall, these are just little things the real deal is already done

    Keep the great work!


    Marked as helpful

  • @B1N4R1


    Hi Matheus,

    First of all, congrats on completing this challenge! Your solution looks great!

    Like Michael commented in the previous comment you should definitely check the link for the github page. I was able to get to your solution by looking at your github file path but you should definitely change the link to the correct one.

    Now back to your solution, I would suggest using less divs, it's a better way for the developer to read the markup and you end up writing less and cleaner code.

    Also, I saw you were trying to center the cards container with margins or at least that's what I guessed you were doing. If you want to center a div element and make sure it stays centered, you should check out this article about CSS Flexbox.

    Overall, it's a great solution!

    You can visit my solution of this challenge or the solution of other users for reference and see what other ways are to solve this challenge.

    P.S.: Sorry for the long text 😅


  • Bonrey 1,130



    Hello there 🙋‍♂️

    It was a nice challenge! I did it mainly to practice css animation with React, since I was a bit inexperienced in it and couldn't tackle bigger projects 😔

    In fact, it turned out to be harder than I thought at first. The thing that helped me the most was forwards value in animation-fill-mode property (it makes the element retain the computed values set by the last keyframe). A real life-saver 😅

    Another thing I practiced was writing clean code (well, at least I tried), not using extra properties or variables. Plus, I used sass @mixin for the first time.

    So, the overall experience was pretty gratifying!

    P.S. Could someone tell me if you can use the word "animation" in plural in this context (see the first paragraph)? English is not my first language, and I'm a bit confused. 🙄



    Hi Bonrey,

    Great solution to the challenge, I liked how you animated the card and how the "thank you" appears when you click the button and you did it all with React, That's great!

    I like the way you used Flexbox's flex-basis property to make the layout of the card, I thought of doing this challenge using CSS Grid but Flexbox is a good way to go to.

    Regarding your english doubt, you can use "animations" with no problem to refer to more than one animation

    Keep on like this!


  • Dusan 700



    Hello everyone,

    I've decided to create this project with a mobile-first approach and as a Progressive Web App (PWA). For layout, I was using Flexbox and CSS Grid with semantic HTML markup and CSS custom properties.

    I would like to hear your feedback because there is always room for improvement.



    Hey Dusan!

    First of all, awesome solution to the challenge I love it.

    Just one thing to say, when you click the "more/less" button, I like how the "div.more" animates and slides in but It would a lot cooler if you could do that when it slides down too.

    I just find it distracting when it disappears all of a sudden, know what I mean?

    It would be the same for the clock part, "div.time" I think it's called. I would make it go along with the animation of "div.more".

    Anyway the solution is great, I can see it's responsive and all so definitely dropping a like!

    Great work!
