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  • @ramneekdev089


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This was my first project with JS and I did it very quickly.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The most challenging part was assigning the navigation buttons, I assigned the enter button but not the up and down buttons.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would like to get help with the up and down navigation buttons, how can I assign them?

    Chamu 12,970



    Hi ramneekdev089

    I have gone through you project , below is my suggestion:


    • They are recommended methods that should be used when you are using more than image that should be displayed depending on screen sizes. Such images should be displayed using the srcset , picture element or as background images. Refer to MDN responsive images on how to implement these. Another point to note , is that images should have a meaningful alt value. The alt value should carry a descriptive message that can be interpreted by screen readers or in the event that the image fails to load - the message should be clear. If the image is decorative - then the alt value should be blank.
    • interactive elements such as buttons should have readable text , that is the only way assistive technology users are able to tell how they should handle the button. A button without text is confusing to users.
    • read also the following article on how to create an accessible disclosure pattern


    • a modern reset stylesheet is needed so that the site can be adaptive to various browsers

    • font sizes should be written in either rem or em, px values are not recommended since they are not responsive. The following article can explain better on the reasons why font sizes should never be in px values

    Marked as helpful

  • Rora Alem 60



    Hi everyone,

    I just completed my first challenge on Frontend Mentor, focusing on the QR code component. As a newbie to the challenge, it was an exciting learning experience.

    Before I move forward, I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on my first approach to mobile-first design. Any insights or best practices you can share would be incredibly valuable for my growth. Feel free to check out my work, and I'm open to learning from the community.

    Thank you all in advance for taking the time to review my work and share your knowledge!

    Best regards,


    Chamu 12,970



    Greetings Rora

    Congratulations for completing your first challenge. Well done, here are a few points to consider.

    • some of the elements to consider when creating a website are landmark elements. They provide a powerful way to structure your website and these include the main, header and footer. In this challenge I think we should be having the main element. For information read the following article on landmark elements
    • all images should have an alt attribute, where decorative images can have an empty value, the image in this challenge seems to be sending a message to users - hence it should be descriptive
    • the component is not centered like on the design - that can be achieved with using flex as you have done on the body and additional adding min-height: 100vh instead of the height property.
    • this challenge can be done without a media query, the .card component should use a max-width property instead of the width property. Let your sizes be in rems as well as the font-sizes

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi Melissa-Sadeg

    Congratulations on your first challenge. Here are a few points that you can have a look at

    • a site should be made up of Landmark region (elements), generally you need to have the main landmark element in this challenge. Find out more about landmark regions here
    • get a formatter to format your code for readability
    • it is important to have your font sizes in rems , using px values is not recommended as px are not responsive. The following article will brief you more on Why font-size must NEVER be in pixels
    • on the class .bordure , you are using explicit sizes like width: 320px; and height: 497px; . This will have responsive issues in some case, for example you will note that below 320px , the size will not be viewed in full. I would use max-width as that would allow the component to a certain maximum width. For the height of the component, let the elements decide how tall the component should be .

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    • the body is usually set to min-height: 100vh , I would go on and say that should be the best practice.
    • the image should have an alt value, it seems to me to carry a message. The message could be something like alt="QR code for Frontend mentor"
    • landmark elements are one of the building blocks of a website, this challenge should at least have the main element.
    • for font sizes , it is recommended to use rems - using px values is not recommended. See the following article for further explanation. Why font-size must NEVER be in pixels

    Happy coding

    Marked as helpful

  • JhonFXA 120



    For some reason, the font isn't loading on the live site. In the console, it shows '404 (Not Found)'. I've encountered this problem in other projects as well when hosting with GitHub Pages. Can someone help ;( ? Any tips are welcome!

    Chamu 12,970




    An FAQ like this one is an example of a Disclosure pattern. Here is an excellent explanation of the definition by one of our Mentors at Frontend Mentor , Grace:

    A "disclosure" means any user interface (UI) pattern that reveals
     additional content following some kind of user interaction.
     Common examples are tooltips, mobile menu toggles and accordions.

    Here is a link for more information Disclosure - ui. Some of the highlights are as follows

    • open disclosures with a button click (not hover or mouseover)
    • use aria-expanded to communicate state to assistive tech
    • use aria-controls to programmatically link buttons with the content they're controlling for the JAWS screen reader

    The disclosure has to be interactive, hence you need to use interactive elements such as a button. An img element is not an interactive element and should never have a click event. Alt value should be meaningful if the image is not decorative, a decorative image should have an empty alt value. A message such as expand answer is not beneficial to assistive technology users.

    Test your site with a keyboard only , you will find out that the content is not focusable.

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Chamu 12,970




    Congratulation for taking your first challenge and well done, here are a few things that you can take a look at:

    • landmark elements provides a powerful way to structure and orgarnise the structure of a web page. Such elements includes header, main, footer , this challenge should have the main element - it provides the primary content of a web site.
    • the image alt value in this particular case should be present , in my opinion it carries a message that is helpful if the image fails to load or to assistive technology. Probably something like QR code for Frontend mentor
    • keep specificity as low as possible by using classes instead of id - do not use id for styling. -it is important to have a reset stylesheet to normalise your css, one common is andy bell reset stylesheet
  • Yian 320



    I made this landing page responsive for Desktop / Tablet / Mobile

    Let me know what you think and upgrade something else

    Chamu 12,970



    Hi YIAN

    I have gone through your project, here is some things that you can have a look at:

    • there is a logo Splitter that you should use, Splitter is not an h1 in this case.
    • heading elements need to follow a sequential order, where an h1 is followed up by an h2 and an h2 can only be followed up by an h3
    • input elements should have a label to improve the accessibility of your project
    • an id should be unique, you cannot have more than one elements with the same id name. A class is the one that can be reused in several elements.
    • for the percentages , in my opinion , those should have been radio buttons - when you are given several options where one option can be selected at an given time then the choice to use should be radio buttons.
    • the calculations are a step behind when you are selecting the percentages
    • avoid CSS like this .calculator .content .calc-buttons .people-value .people-error-value.error-appear , that declaration will be very difficult to debug and override and is not necessary. Use a single class that you can apply the styles to.
  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi JUSTLOBO1121

    You don't have to worry about bootstrap at the moment, my opinion is that you focus more on the CSS which is the mother of all CSS frameworks / libraries. Remember that bootstrap is just CSS that has been compiled by others to easy the programming process but you will only enjoy or see the benefit of it , if you understands the ins and outs of the bootstrap classes that you are using. See that if you can style it any better with CSS, because at the moment the content is not confined within its parent containers.


    • you should have at least the main landmark element in this challenge - you can find out more on the importance of landmark elements on MDN.
    • the anchor element is used for navigation and the button element is used for click events. My opinion is that , that should be a button element.

    Using the correct semantic elements is important to make your site accessible .


    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi KYLE.

    Nice work Kyle, here are a few recommendations

    • the HTML looks good, you will need to make use of Landmark elements which are a powerful way to organise the structure of your webpage. Such elements include the header, main and footer . Find out more on MDN or an other resources.
    • the alt value for the image should be readable text that should be able to help users when the image fails to load or for the benefit of assistive tech users.
    • Font sizes should be in values such as rem or em, the following article is a good article on Why font-size must NEVER be in pixels
    • explicit width can be tricky to handle , like in the following example on the card width: 350px; . If my device has a width of 320px that will not be presented because of the explicit width mentioned earlier - such situations are handles well using a max-width . This particular challenge does not need a media query , if you set the card to the maximum width it should take (in rems) , eg max-width: 26rem , the card will scale accordingly on all device sizes but will never exceed 26rem. You may need to add some padding on the container in order to leave some space if needed.
    • Check out my solution here
  • P
    Chamu 12,970




    You only need to submit your solution once, you have made several submissions of the same project. Even after making improvements to your challenge, you don't need to submit again - most hosting sites allows continuous deployment

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi Tatyane

    Take note that your CSS is not being implemented, check your path to rectify it. You can use your previous solutions to the challenges for guidance.

    Eventlisteners should be attached to interactive elements such as buttons, they should NOT be applied on elements such as img and divs.

    Check also that your heading elements are in hierarchical order - do not skip headings.

    Happy coding

  • Karishma Garg 1,010



    Hey Guys, I just finished the Entertainment Web App Challenge. I would like you all to see it and let me know how I can improve it. Let me know my mistakes. Thank you!

    Entertainment Web App



    Chamu 12,970




    Nice work you did here. Well done . Your code is well formatted and readable. The functionalities are working as expected . The search functionality needs an adjustment as it is case sensetivy. I mean , let the search for Beyond Earth be done in uppercase, lowercase or even mixed. For example beyond or beYOnD or BEYOND should be able to pick Beyond Earth as well as any other movie that has beyond in it.

    Here is a link to my solution: entertainment web app

    Marked as helpful

  • Bombibi 140



    working with image is particular difficult for me, I had issue when I reduce the screen size, the image in the container shrink up to a point it disappear.

    Another issue I'm having although I use flexbox properties of flex: 1 in the flex items the two containers which is the flex items still shrink and I'm not sure why.

    thanks in advanced for any comments provided.


    Chamu 12,970




    • when styling , use the mobile first approach, where your first styles should be targetting mobile and the use a media query when necessary using the min-width.
    • after creating your html structure start styling from outside to inside, to enable to create some layouts. Here is what I mean, It is normally said the box model or everything in CSS is a box. Since you are starting from outside, which is the body:
    1. Do you have a box or boxes? This is important to determine the max-width of your container. For simplicity , let us remove the footer element from the code altogether so that we have one box (the main) remaining. What we are saying here is that , the body element has one child main element. Then , how does this box (main) relates to the body in mobile view, tablet , desktop view etc? Points to bear in mind are as follows:
    • They should be some space between the body and its child - we can add padding: 1rem to the body. That will always guarantee a space of 1rem regardless of whatever device you are using
    • What is the maximum width the main container should grow to. Yes using max-width is responsive , than using width . Lets give the main element a max-width: 64rem (note - this is a random figure , use the design to get the actual max value).
    • as for centering, we have flex to use to our advantage on the body. Right , check the responsiveness and presentation of the main element using Devtools or on actual devices.

    this declaration on images is usually enough:

    /* Make images easier to work with */
    picture {
      max-width: 100%;
      display: block;
  • @SerPet-eng


    1.) What did you find difficult while building the project?

    What I found challenging is to get around when the screen is changing, the image will also change from mobile to desktop.

    Also making sure the whole component is responsive:

    • text
    • margin
    • display
    • and padding

    2.) Which areas of your code are you unsure of?

    This code from my "script.js":

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
      const image = document.getElementById('responsiveImage');
      function changeImage() {
        if (window.innerWidth <= 800) {
          image.src = './images/image-product-mobile.jpg';
        } else {
          image.src = './images/image-product-desktop.jpg';
      window.addEventListener('resize', changeImage);

    Overall, this piece of code DID the job, when the screen is less than 800px then the image will be in mobile mode then pass that pixel it will be in a desktop mode.


    I think this cause some problems, because when the page/web first load the image turns into './images/image-product-mobile.jpg. Then after I resize or refresh the page/web, it'll became './images/image-product-desktop.jpg'

    I'm not quite sure how that happened

    3.) Do you have any questions about best practices?

    Yes, but it's all in my styles.css.

    Whenever I style, I just keep going and I add the necessary CSS properties that needs to be look like what the design is be, and even though I'm managing to complete the styling, I can't help but to have some thoughts about doing CSS asking Is this a good enough? or did I over did it again when it comes to styling?

    With that said, here is some of my CSS concern for references:

    .card button {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
      padding: 1em;
      font-family: var(--ff-Montserrat);
      font-weight: var(--fw-700);
      color: var(--clr-neutral-white);
      background-color: var(--clr-primary-darkCyan);
      border: none;
      border-radius: 10px;
      transition: background-color 0.3s ease-in-out;

    Also this one:

    .main {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      margin: 1rem;
      box-shadow: 0 0 5px 4px var(--clr-neutral-DgrayishBlue);
      border-radius: 1rem;
    @media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
      .main {
        flex-direction: row;
        margin-top: 6rem;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        max-width: 700px;
      .hero img {
        border-radius: 1rem 0 0 1rem;
      .card {
        padding: 2em;
        border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0;


    • I use a bunch of display: flex whenever I do some styling. I'm not sure when to use display: grid and what would be the best time to use it.

    Check Out My Repositories

    Check Out this on Netlify

    I would love you guys to check it out and give any kind of help, suggestions, tips, best-practices and criticism.

    Chamu 12,970




    So far so good with your project, here are some few recommendations to consider:

    • a project should consist of Landmark regions elements , among them includes header, main and footer . For this project , you should at least have the main element. Landmark regions are important for organisation and structure of a webpage. The MDN doc are a good reference for this topic. Change the div with the class="main" into your main element.
    • Responsive images are not created using Javascript, do not use Javascript for content that should be done with HTML or CSS. You will need to look at the picture element in most cases, it is a topic that you will need to continually visit. One of my main source is Responsive images.
    • alt values should describe the message that is in the image and should always avoid words like image, icon, picture etc ,as these words are automatically used by assistive technology.
    • i consider a heading element to be a short description of what is to come, hence a number that is a number does not provide that vital information to users.
    • Heading elements , follow a sequential order where an h1 is followed by an h2. Using the same logic an h2 can only be followed by an h3 and so forth, hence we cannot start with an h5 heading element and then somewhere down the code have an h1. Use CSS to style the content to match the desired font size
    • the attribution can be changed into the footer element.
    • keep specificity as low as possible by mostly targeting classes for styling
    • once again this challenge does not need Javascript unless you want to add additional features when the button has been clicked

    Marked as helpful

  • asamu2149 10



    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- displays site properly based on user's device --> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <title>Frontend Mentor | QR code component</title> <!-- Feel free to remove these styles or customise in your own stylesheet 👍 --> </head> <body> <section> <img src="images/image-qr-code.png" alt="this is QR code"> <article> <h1>Improve your front-end skills by building projects</h1> <p>Scan the QR code to visit Frontend Mentor and take your coding skills to the next level</p> </article> </section> <div class="attribution"> Challenge by <a href="" target="_blank">Frontend Mentor</a>. Coded by <a href="#">Ahmad Saif Al Muflihin.</a>. </div> </body> </html>
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi ASAMU2149

    Congratulations for taking this step in your journey to get better at Web development. The HTML looks good , it will needs some few adjustments as follows:

    • One of the best practices is to have dedicated files for HTML and then another one for CSS.
    • in your HTML, include landmark region elements which provide a poweful way to identify the organization and structure of a web page. These includes the main, header and footer elements. In this project you may need only the main and maybe the footer element. You can find out more on mdn - main element. Change the section element into the main element, and you can change the div with the attribution to the footer element. Find out more about semantic elements in general.
    • the body width should not be tempered with , it should always be the device width. The only change is applied as min-height: 100vh to allow a full screen view and scroll vertically if the content exceeds the height above.
    • height and width on elements should be avoided in most cases. The height should be decided by the elements themselves whilst on the width (in this case) you need to use max-width so that the width does not exceed a certain value. Here is an artcle to help you on Why font-size must NEVER be in pixels
    • it is very important to target classes when styling
  • P
    Chamu 12,970




    Congratulations for taking your first challenge.

    • as you can see, the preview does not present the deployed site, you have to follow the guide on how to deploy your site on Github. Just a few steps and you will be good to go. Another main point to take when hosting on Github is to have an index.html at the root of your repository. In your case , rename qr.html to index.html
    • Please revisit your notes on creating a webpage, you are missing some very important elements in your HTML code. There are starter files that you downloaded that should give you a hint of what you are missing, or simple edit that file as required. Just to mention one element missing is the head element and its associated elements. Extract the zip folder to begin with, you can not use a zip folder in your code.
    • check also on how to write the path of your images, it doesn't have to be that complicated. Refer to Freecodecamp, it has very good tutorials.

    I will not comment on the CSS for now until you have resolved these basic HTML fundamentals. We have a Discord channel that is dedicated to help learners that you should utilise for quick responses, please make use of it

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi Pok.

    I have an interest in this challenge after recently completing the same. However I am not able to view your live preview as I am getting the following error Site Not Found Looks like you've followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn't exist on Netlify. You can view my entertainment app solution here

  • P



    The initial project outlined the use of local JSON data, but the decision was made to take it a step further by integrating external data from The Movie Database API. The project leveraged popular web development technologies, including Next.js, React, and Firebase, to create a feature-rich movie search web application.

    The application also has authentication using auth0 and I would really like feedback on this project as it is my first time implementing authentication and storing user choices.

    Chamu 12,970



    Please do not post Figma files in your repo. Thanks

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Greetings NataJenkins.

    Having gone through your solution, here are some few considerations that you can consider:

    • it is a good thing that all your images have alt values as recommended but take note that some images are merely for decoration and should have an empty alt value as in alt = "" . Some words such as logo, image, picture should be avoided in the alt description as they are automatically announced by assistive technology. Including them will cause a repetition in the announcement. The message in the alt value is meant to provide a decrypted message in the image.
    • the logo should have an anchor element as its parent, that represents a link to the home page in a site.
    • Apply for Access and Learn more , in my opinions should be links to another section or page or section and should therefore be represented with an anchor element. I would suggest to look at when and where to use a button and anchor element . In short an anchor element is associated when navigating to other section or pages and a button is meant for submitting a form or event handlers
    • information-container__element-description , this content should be a paragraph. A div is a general element with no semantic meaning and should only be used as the last choice.
    • some of your styles are heavily nested , .container .header .title button . Keep specificity as low as possibly by applying styles on classes. Heavily nested styles are difficulty to maintain , debug and override. In this case the button should have a class that you should target. Nesting should be done when adding pseudo (hover, focus etc)
    • the site breaks between 376px and about 600px.

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Chamu 12,970




    So far so good with your solution. Here are some points to consider.

    • use semantic html ahead of elements such as divs. Landmark elements such as header , main and footer should make up your content instead of using a div then give it a class name of header or any of the other names I mentioned above. Read the MDN docs for the benefits of using semantic html.
    • the logo usually represents a link to the home page and should therefore be a child of an anchor element. If the the anchor element has an aria-label , then the logo can have an empty alt value.
    • alt values for images should contain values that are beneficial to assistive technology users. Words such as image , logo are redundant and should be avoided.
    • the register button , should also be an anchor element in my opinion. Look at the main difference between a button and an anchor element,
    • since you have a footer element, the footer icons should also be inside the footer element.
    • the icons are not just images but represent social media accounts such as facebook, twitter and instagram. That means that the parent should then be an anchor element.
    • a css reset like the one by Andy Bell - CSS Reset , should be present in your css
    • the font family does not look like the one mentioned in the style guide.
  • Nicolas 250



    Hello guys!

    I created this calculator using eval, but after I finished I read that eval has some security issues because it can be used to inject malicious code into a program. That is true? And if so, what other method should I use to get the calculator to work?

    Chamu 12,970



    Hi Nicolas

    • your html at the moment does not make your calcualtor accessible. It is very important to use semantic html to improve the accessibility of your project. Click events should not be placed on div elements - a div is a general element with no important meaning for assistive technology. That is to say , the operators and operands should be buttons. The theme switcher should be created using radio buttons
    • you only need to have one css reset stylesheet
    • font sizes are recommended to be in rems or em. Read more here Why font sizes should never be in px
    • this calculator should only accept numbers and the operators. At the moment I can enter a word or as many decimal points as I can, another reason why eval is not good to perform such calculations.
    • There is not enough space at the top and bottom of the calculator. Some of the content is cut off at the top.

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi AEMRO

    This is a follow up on my earlier communication on discord, but on this one I will provide feedback on this challenge. Take note that I will mainly focus on areas that I believe needs improvement

    • i see that this div <div action="#" class="input-for-the-tips"> , the action attribute is associated with the form element. Using semantic elements is encouraged as that will make your site accessible with a few more extra code and even without. In this case , you should be having a form element instead of the div . Since it is a form , it has to be keyboard accessible.
    • the error messages should have the alive-live attribute with a value of polite , that allows the user to be notified when the error happens
    • the buttons for the tips is another talking point, since we can only choose one tip at a time, this then will make us choose radio buttons (that's what radio buttons are meant to do). Remember some users cannot visually see the screen, using the correct semantic element will not cause confusion.
    • using the br element is considered bad practice - it is problematic to people who uses screen readers. Use css to achieve the design. See the following article br accessibility concerns
    • the designs that you download are not meant to be media queries breakpoints , they just show you how your finished product should look like at those given sizes. The breakpoints are for you to decide, you site should be responsive.
    • The functionality will need some panel beating as well, it works when you enter the number of people at the last point.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Orib-Farhan


    Hi there! I am completing every free or free+ front-end mentor challenge. so, feedbacks are welcomed, thank you. Any suggestions on how I can improve are also welcome!

    Chamu 12,970



    Hi Orib-Farhan

    I have gone through your project , here is my observations

    • some main components of a webpage includes landmark elements which are used to identify the organization and structure of a page. Screen readers exploit landmark regions to provide keyboard navigation to important sections of a page. Landmark regions can also be used as targets for skip links . Some of these elements includes main, header and footer
    • use semantic elements where possible. Landmark elements are part of semantic elements. As an example Download for Mac should be an anchor element - that is a link to the download page or section, hence using a heading element for it , is not semantically correct.
    • heading elements should follow a sequential order , where the h1 is the first heading element. The h1 can only be followed by an h2 in the hierarchy and not by any other heading element the same applies with an h2 which can ONLY be followed by an h3, and so forth.

    In conclusion , I would encourage you to slow down and get feedback in your current projects. I noted that you have completed over a dozen projects in a short space of time (2 weeks) but what will be more helpful is to find out where you need to improve. Use the Discord channel as well to ask questions if possible. Upon submitting a solution , take time to look at other solutions to see how others have accomplished the same challenge. That will give you more options in your growth.

  • P
    Chamu 12,970



    Hi alx29

    Nice work on this challenge, well done. Here are some few observations:

    • take note that the div with the class name passwordBody is overlapping its container. This is due to the following reasons:
    • the App container has the height set to height: 100vh; , that will limit the height to that value and in the case where the contents exceeds the height of the container , then the current scenario takes over.
    • usually you need to set the body element to min-height: 100vh, that does the opposite of the point made above. That is , it will allow all the contents to stay inside the body container by allowing to scroll. Explicit heights on any of the children should be taken with caution and must be avoided if possible. Let the contents decide the height according to the given factors.
    • when the character length is set to zero and some of the conditions are set, a password is generated. Maybe the character length should not start at zero
    • I have done the same challange and you can find my solution , Password generator

    Marked as helpful
