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All comments

  • @spencerrunde


    Decided to do this without Javascript to complete the optional challenge in the description. Also added the animation of the box bobbing up and down just for fun.

    Conrad 950



    nice job completing the optional challenge 👍

    I only see one issue:

    • if all the accordion tabs are opened, the content overflows the card (this is because you have a fixed height set on your card)

    Marked as helpful

  • @brookewargnier


    This was a quick 4 hour evening build. It really helped me start to feel like I'm getting a good handle on CSS and HTML, and it felt especially nice after my last project which had multiple section on a page!

    Please let me know if you find any issues of standards or any additional resources that you think will help me grow in any capacity :)


    • Brooke
    Conrad 950



    good job, it looks really nice 👍. I am also doing some smaller projects after completing some of the longer/bigger ones and I think its a good way to try new things!

    • my main suggestion is that you should avoid setting fixed height and width, especially fixed heights because this can cause problems with responsiveness and content overflowing its container.

    • if you really need to set a width or a height, use min-height:, max-height:, or min-width:, max-width:

    • try and use margin and padding on your elements inside the cards to create the space you need instead of setting a fixed height

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    its pretty decent. I would rate it 7.5/10

    • I think you need to fix the layout on mobile
    • on desktop at larger resolutions your design is stretching so try putting a max width on your div container
    • I think you need to validate the password better because currently you can enter just 1 character and it will accept it. maybe put a length requirement

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    • you are using way too many grid columns / rows. 135 is a pretty ridiculous number.
    • your grid is not responsive and the text is overflowing the containers. Try to use a responsive unit like fr to set the grid colums / rows.

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    here is a codepen I made to show you how I did the underline hover effect for my project

    Link to codepen

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    your image isnt showing up because you need to add the src="./images/image-header-desktop.jpg" on the image element.

    • example: <img class="img-src img-mono" src="./images/image-header-desktop.jpg" alt="">

    • currently you are trying to use the property content: url("./images/image-header-desktop.jpg") to link the image but that is not correct

  • Conrad 950



    looks good to me, nice job 👍

  • Conrad 950



    well done, the site looks good to me. The only thing I would suggest is that you put a max-width on your main container so that it doesn't stretch out at bigger screen sizes

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    good job , Cesar

    • I would put a max-width on your main container so that it does not stretch at larger screen sizes

    Marked as helpful

  • Diego 150



    Creo que el codigo que escribi es un poco desordenado aun estoy aprendiendo si ven en algo que pueda mejorar comenten

    Conrad 950



    you should avoid putting a fixed height on your containers because this could cause problems with content overflowing

    debe evitar poniendo un altura fija en su cajas, porque no es responsivo. debe usar min-height in vez de height en la mayoría de los casos.

    Marked as helpful

  • @BrandenEvansWD


    I would appreciate any feedback! I'm very new to scss still. One of the issues I was having was using "@use" to import my partials into my main scss style sheet. I eventually was able to more it work using @import and I can't seem to figure it out. Also issues with vs code plugins crashing whenever I would open the style.scss file.

    Conrad 950



    check out this video by Kevin Powell on how to use @forward and @use link to video

    Marked as helpful

  • @JimmyHoang296


    I can not figure out how add image to get same effect, so I use img as background

    Conrad 950



    you can take a look at my solution. it's not perfect but I was able to achieve the image positioning with position:absolute

    link to project

    Marked as helpful

  • Jan 135



    Really happy with the result, any feedback is highly appreciated :) Also i already know there is a bug I don't know how to fix and that is opening the menu in the mobile preview and then the menu doesn't dissapear when scaling the viewport to the desktop size. Any suggestions on how to tackle this problem would be very nice.

    Conrad 950



    looks really nice, good job!

    as far as the mobile nav remaining opened when scaling up to desktop size, I think you could just write a media query to hide it

    Marked as helpful

  • Frizy 30



    Hello guys! I have some questions:

    1. Do you think my CSS code looks messy?
    2. What change should I make for my CSS and HTML code to look better? Thank you!
    Conrad 950



    I would avoid nesting your paragraph elements inside of your heading elements, as it is incorrect to do so. <h2> 803K <p>Likes</p> </h2>

    Marked as helpful

  • Shahin NJ 1,190



    Any feedback with respect to the use of CSS Grids and SCSS would be appreciated.

    I'm still struggling with how to go about organizing my SCSS files; any recommendations for front-end architecture would be appreciated!

    Conrad 950



    Check out the 7-1 architecture for organizing scss files link

  • @R0b3rtG


    I tried this challenge and I think it turned out pretty good.

    It might not be the best but I'm happy with the result.

    What do you think? Please leave some feedback!

    Conrad 950



    It might be because you need to add bottom:0; and right:0; but thats just a guess since im on mobile and cant edit the code in the browser

  • @cryptososso


    Thank you for you feed back. I don't why when i published on github the background image doesn't show up.

    Conrad 950



    the current path you have is incorrect it should be: background-image: url("images/pattern-background-desktop.svg");

  • P



    I am not sure if my naming conventions are the best. Any suggestions on naming classes in the HTML? Also, any suggestions on organizing one's stylesheet? Not sure if it is properly organized. And anything else you may have found that I could've done better on! The feedback is much welcomed. Thanks!

    Conrad 950



    Check out BEM naming methodology css tricks article

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    To get rid of the small line of space at the bottom of your image you can add display: block to the image

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    You can make a css class with the active styles and then toggle it on and off with javaScript

  • Conrad 950



    looks really good. Just make sure you finish doing the hover styles according to the design

    Marked as helpful

  • Conrad 950



    I would put a max-width on your grid container so that it doesn't to fill the whole screen on higher resolutions

    Marked as helpful

  • @shake88junt


    I had some trouble figuring out the grey background at first, but it was an easy fix after I finally got to solving it. At first glance I thought this website would be very hard to make, but it wasn't too bad. It just made me realize how I should focus more on organizing my code. Next time I will create more reusable classes. Any tips on organization?

    Conrad 950



    it looks very nice but you didn't add any of state management. for example if I make a pledge, the number of backers should go up and the amount of money pledged should be added to the total. other than that, you did a very good job!

  • Conrad 950



    • If I type a number like 142.55 for the bill, it puts a red border around the input field.

    other than that it looks good 👍

    Marked as helpful
