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  • PhoenixDev22 16,990



    Hello everyone,

    I have completed another Frontend mentor challenge,. I learned a lot while making it .

    • I had used font awesome instead of the images provided .

    • I had a challenging time with header image , I don't know if I have position it right.

    • Did I use many media queries?

    I'd appreciate any comments for improvements or anything I've missed. Thank you in advance.

    Cornflakes 290



    Great Solution! Loved the social media icons animation. Keep them solutions coming.

  • visualdennis 8,255



    It starts with a loader animation, once you get to Thank You page, you can click on Thank you again to go back and forth between two pages/states.

    A challenge i've done while ago, so i'vent changed the old code, (e.g. conversion from px to rem etc) but i've just added some animations today.

    Animated Rating Component in React



    Cornflakes 290



    Unique design, clean code, smooth render, "Alive" component, and overall amazing display. I'll have to implement some styles from here. Loved the gradient effect on the card, it feels like sunlight coming from the moving curtain. :D

    May I ask, how long have you been a web developer (years of experience)? and could you recommend any online tools or courses to learn about web development?

  • @0xabdulkhalid


    👾 Hello, Frontend Mentor Community,

    This is my solution for the Interactive Rating Component.

    • 100% Accessible solution with form integration, you check by pressing tab key along with & to traverse your rating selection finally hit enter to submit your result
    • Learned the usage of fieldset, legend, & radio input elements to build well accessible form
    • Scored 99.5% on Google Pagespeed Insights! 🤩
    • Actually it's been overwhelmed at this part because of performance issues. So i injected the css and js inside the html file itself to improve site performance. results 86% => 99.5% 🚀
    • Used Prettier code formatter to ensure unified code format ⚙️
    • Layout was built responsive via mobile first workflow approach 📲
    • Had a lots of fun while building this challenge ! 🤠
    • Feel free to leave any feedback and help me to improve my solution 💡


    👨‍🔬 Follow me in my journey to finish all newbie challenges to explore solutions with custom features and tweaks

    Ill be happy to hear any feedback and advice !

    Cornflakes 290



    Great job! Abdul Khaliq.

    Nice and clean code, nice Read Me structure as well. For the Screen Reader Only file (sr_only), the CSS you used is a general copy-paste? Also, how did you get the badges in the Read Me file?

  • PhoenixDev22 16,990



    Hello community , I have completed another frontend mentor challenge. For sure , I've learnt few new things. I have added a pop up message using sweet alert, it appears when you submit the form and you didn't select any rating.

    I would be happy , if you see something has to be improved , please don't hesitate and leave a feedback.

    Thanks in advance.

    Rating component HTML CSS Js Mobile-flow first



    Cornflakes 290



    Amazing design! Smooth transitions, ripple effect on click, card transition, everything as it should be.

    You coded 800 lines in CSS for such a small project. That's crazy! (In a good way :D)

    You must have like 10+ years of experience being a Web developer.

    23 likes.... JUST ? Bro, you need to change your profile pic into a cute pretty girl and pick a name like Rebecca Chambers. 300+ likes easily.

    I've seen people here swarming likes on the worst designs, just because the submission was by a pretty girl. LOL. Simps everywhere.

  • Cornflakes 290



    Hey there! How is life treating you?

    This was a nice fun challenge. The most difficult part was customizing the Radio buttons, tricky and unorthodox. I would love to know your feedback about:

    1. How to properly make a CSS reset?
    2. How to properly use comments?
    3. How much time should this project be completed take? 3hours? 3days? From a professional perspective.
    4. When should I start taking level 3 challenges, intermediate? This is my second javascript challenge, I've completed one newbie and Junior .

    Thanks in advance, guys!

    Cornflakes 290



    I'm having issues with the label tag here, can anyone suggest a fix to this?

  • PhoenixDev22 16,990



    Hello There, I have completed this great challenge, I have learned a lot. I would love to hear your suggestions regarding clean code, and other things. Please let me know if I have made something in the wrong way. Thanks in advance.

    Cornflakes 290



    Nice solution Man! I loved what you did with the border-color and your handling of SVG images inside CSS. The SVG images were purely for presentation and it makes sense not to use them inside HTML. Oh and the attribution tag centered with text-align was pretty cool as well.

    I completed the challenge just about 2 days ago and wanted to check out your solution for improvements, and I learned ALOT! Keep up the good work dude!

  • Cornflakes 290



    Hello, My Fellow FEM members! I present to you yet another below-average solution, hope you don't mind.

    My first project to upload straight out of the BASH/GIT, setting up the SSH Authenticator was a real pain and more pain when I accidentally used two different E-mails to authenticate a single key, where I spent hours figuring out why are the **pushed commits ** coming from a different E-mail. In order to find a solution on the web, I came across deep complex conspiracy theories. Am I being hacked? Am I being spied? Is GitHub not as innocent as it seems? hmmm.. but finally I figured it out as always, It was my own silly mistake. I can already imagine Kratos yelling at me "BOI, WHY DID YOU USE TWO E-MAILS".

    As always please do give me any feedback, Thanks!

    Cornflakes 290



    I don't understand why the link text error. I've used the aria-hidden property inside the img tag not the anchor tag, strange. Can anyone point out the issue or a workaround?

  • Vanza Setia 27,855



    Hello Everyone! 👋

    This solution has been updated! 🎉

    I recreate this project again from complete scratch!

    Also, check the documentation of this project! I'm sure that you will find something interesting in there.

    Now for the questions:

    • Is this looks good on big screen? (e.g 1440px and above)
    • What do you think about the documentation?

    Please feel free to write down any suggestions or feedback you may have! I'll be happy to respond and fix my code. 😀

    Also, if you'd like me to give feedback on your solution, please leave a link in the community feedback section!

    Thank you!

    Cornflakes 290



    Hey Vanza! Nice and clean solution.

    What's more impressive is your "Read Me" documentation. It's honestly really detailed. It seems like you spend more time on making documentation than coding 😄. Where did you learn to document in such detail?

  • Cornflakes 290



    Hello FEM community!

    I got extremely busy with my work this month, so this project took a while to complete. I only had time to code for two hours a week, seriously 😄. I wasn't able to code consistently with this project, so sometimes I felt out of context. It also has many missing pieces but I had to make it work.

    Anyways, as always, I would appreciate any feedback. Some things I need guidance with are:

    1. How to have better HTML for the star icons without repetition
    2. Background image using the background-position property

    and any other specifics. Thank you all!

    Cornflakes 290



    I would appreciate it if someone can give some feedback on my HTML Semantics as well, like the use of <section> tags, <div> tags, and the use of HTML for testimonials. I used <blockquote> tags with headers.

  • Cornflakes 290



    Excellent way of using VH and VW as background positioning. Elegant and as always. 👍💯

  • Azka 480



    Hey community, I have a little surprise for you 😊. Feel free to give me any suggestion or advice on how to make this better.

    Cornflakes 290



    Amazing and unique. Nice, Azka! 👍✨

    When viewing your webpage on device-landscape orientation, the text is not as it should be or is it like that?

    Marked as helpful

  • PhoenixDev22 16,990



    Hello community, I have completed another frontend mentor challenge. I learned a lot while making it .

    • I generated a QR code leading to my github page and added it to the back of the card (It's a flipped card ) .

    • I also used javascript for a flip function.

    • I prefered to use the svg for the QR code rather than an image , because it's much clearer.

    • I have some issues:

    I set an explicit width and height to the card , if the remove the explicit width and height the card , all the elements would overlap. any suggestions to remove the explicit height and width without any issues?

    I'd appreciate any comments for improvements or anything I've missed. Thank you in advance. Ps: The QR code is not valid anymore .

    Cornflakes 290



    Awesome flip, Phoniex! Although, I got a little scared looking at all that <svg> tags in the index.html file. Is it that hard to make an SVG? How long did it take you? I'm intimidated I tell you. 😆

  • @miranlegin


    Hi all, is there any way to fine tune my solution to closely match the design without having an access to figma/sketch files? Maybe some common letter spacing values or drop shadows throughout the challenges? I don't want to fine tune it to oblivion but small differences are driving me crazy sometimes ;)

    Simple QR code card



    Cornflakes 290



    Almost Pixeled Perfect solution. Well done Man! 👍✨

  • Cornflakes 290



    Hey Phoenix! How ya doing?

    You gave some incredible and well detailed feedback on my 3-column-preview-card-component. I wanted to check your solution as well for some best practices. Very nicely done, man!

    It seems like you had a little trouble with FlexBox items, me too. I know you probably figured it out because it's 7 months old LOL ;D. But anyways, by setting the FlexBox items to align-self: stretch; it worked for me.

    Another thing I noticed is that you set the min-height: 100vh but why is your card not aligned the same as the original design?

    Marked as helpful

  • Cornflakes 290



    Hey BOIS! Happy big Wednesday to you all.

    I've taken accessibility and responsiveness much more seriously with this solution, thanks to @PhoenixDev22, @DavidMorgade, and @pradeeps4ini for their valuable feedback on my previous NFT solution.

    I will greatly appreciate any feedback or positive criticism on this solution. Much love!😊

    Cornflakes 290



    Hmmm.. I've check my solution on VScode offline, and the card is centered perfectly but when I posted this solution, the centering does not match the original design. Can anyone point out the problem?

  • Tarık 330



    I have practiced a lot in this project, but there is still something I do not understand, how to make the picture as in the design, I still can't do it.

    Cornflakes 290



    Hi Tarik.

    For the image color, I've used the Filter property.

    filter: opacity(0.6) drop-shadow(0 0 0 rgb(165, 3, 206));

    You can search up the use of Filter property on CSS-TRICKS and MDN to learn more about them.

    Marked as helpful
