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    Now this was really amusing to me, as it is maybe one of the first or part of very few pages that I made which has asymmetrical elements.

    Though there weren't many asymmetrical elements in this one but something new in any quantity is always fun😁.

    Please share your thoughts on this one😊.

    p.s. might have messed up responsiveness a bit😅

  • Submitted

    This was my first time making an accordion, but it wasn't much of a challenge compared to positioning the images.

    It was the hardest part of this project for me. Though eventually got it to anyhow. Please suggest a better way to implement that.

  • Submitted

    This was the first project of mine in which I used the BEM naming convention, checkout it possible and give you feedback

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    Hello👋, One more challenge has been defeated⚔️. It was a really fun one and I enjoyed it a lot! The theme toggle was the most interesting thing to implement and I learned many new things from it. I am really happy with the outcome😀.

    Though any constructive criticisms are allowed here, so if possible check the code and suggest improvements. Thanks😄

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    Just did another challenge, to be honest it was the most challenging one I did so far. I really wanted to the flip animation but I couldn't do a refined version, please teach me how to do it if you know how to🙏.

    Also suggest for any improvements I can do.

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    The Calculator

    • HTML
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    Another challenge down✌️. This was a lot of fun and taught me a lot's of cool new stuff! I am really proud of the outcome and it motivates💪 me a lot! Thank you Frontend Mentor for this awesome challenge🤗.

    At last if possible, a feedback never hurts. Thank you.

  • Submitted

    It was a lot of fun to make this, hope you guys like it. Improvements are appreciated🤗.

  • Submitted

    I really enjoyed doing this challenge! And I am satisfied with the result tough comment if you have any suggestions.

  • Submitted

    This was my first challenge from frontend mentor. Hope you guys like it.

    Please suggest for any improvements!