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  • Justyna 20



    I am not sure if this project is written properly. I would like to know what to change in this basics for better future practices.

    Kelvin 915



    Using semantic(main,section) html to avoid something popularly called div soup where you ve divs littered in your code. Also, for styling you would want to adopt relative units(rems,%,vw) and dump absolutes(px), cause they aid in building responsive sites cause they adapt to width/height changes of a screen. Absolutes are generally fixed so they play well when styling something like border-radius.

    Marked as helpful

  • Francisldn 250



    Challenges Faced and My Learnings Firebase/Firestore for Auth and Storage

    • Learning how to use Firebase/Firestore to do user authentication and CRUD operations is certainly a major learning point for me.
      • For initial data bulk upload to Firestore, while it is possible to write a NodeJS script to do this, to save time, I have used Refi App ( to do the job. This app provides a really easy interface for bulk uploading data to Firestore and it is sync-ed to Firestore seamlessly.
      • Querying, adding and updating data in Firestore is relatively easy with clear documentation provided
      • Setting up user authentication flow is another major learning point for me. This includes the logic of re-directing users who are not authenticated to the login page and using Firebase event listener to monitor the user auth state changes.
      • After a user has signed up, the workflow includes adding the user to Firestore and using the user profile to store and update the bookmarks. Learning how to implement this has also been hugely beneficial for my learning journey

    NextJS API rendering

    • Learning how to deal with API data flows in NextJS is also major thing which I learnt. NextJS has a certain workflow which differs from the normal React API rendering workflow (ie. via useEffect hook). I have to use getServerSideProps and getStaticProps for getting data from API. And the API rendering components only interact with pages, not other components.

    Learn to love TailwindCSS

    • Having used Tailwind CSS for the past 2 projects, I start to be more efficient in using this CSS utility tool which really saves me a lot of time. It is especially useful and convenient for creating responsive layout.

    React-Hook-Form for User Authentication and Input Validation

    • Learnt how to use another great tool for creating form and validating user input - react-hook-form package.
    Kelvin 915



    Hey, your solution looks great. I was meaning to ask you a question, but your dms locked on twitter.

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Juan, You should remove the overflow: hidden... On certain viewport heights, I can't view the button and footer.

  • @Igwe0001


    Hi everyone, I just finished this challenge and I would really love your opinion on my work. Thank you.

    Kelvin 915



    Hi Nwobodo. ON larger screens, your footer overlaps on the main content. You might want to fix that

  • Asha 1,210



    I remember doing the very first challenge on here and it took all day to figure it out lol. Now I was able to do this basic challenge in 15 minutes!

    Kelvin 915



    Hi Aisha your solution looks great. You might want to remove the height property from the body and the flex value on display. If you need to align the container in that direction, you can simply set the margin to “margin: 0 auto; “ …that should align it in the center(vertically and horizontally)

  • IRVINE MESA 1,855



    Hi Developers . I put in some great effort to deliver the solution as well as YouTube video on this link

    Please assist me where I can improve especially on the footer button which is slightly half visible

    Kelvin 915



    Hi Irvine. Your solution looks good on desktop view. Here are few things that need improvement; As I scale down, Your request invite button, becomes invisible as well as your copyright info which is caused due to overflow-x set to hidden... You might want to give that a responsive width. There's a visible white spacing caused by your article card. It's not well aligned in the middle when the view is in a column. It's inconsistent due to the px width you set on it. Also, your social icons breakaway too. One more thing, you've a lot of accessibility issues to fix

    Marked as helpful

  • Bazthos 430



    Hello Everyone :)

    This is my solution for the Clipboard landing page master Challenge.

    It was a cool project with great use of grid and/or flexbox. I particularly focused on responsive design, I think I found the right screen sizes to work on so that my sites are fully responsive.

    The only difficulty I had was with the social logo :hover, I used the CSS filter property to change the color, however I could not find the color I wanted.

    On a previous challenge, I used the logos available on Font Awesome and changed their color easily.

    Is it possible to change the color of an svg image without using the filter property? If yes, how to do it?

    Thank you in advance and happy coding everyone :)

    Kelvin 915



    It's always difficult that way when you specify the svg within an img tag. So, what i d most times is simply download the svg icon from popular libraries and you said you usually do. Another way is to specify it within the object tag... But I'm yet to try that approach

    Marked as helpful

  • Bazthos 430



    Hello Everyone :)

    This is my solution for the Clipboard landing page master Challenge.

    It was a cool project with great use of grid and/or flexbox. I particularly focused on responsive design, I think I found the right screen sizes to work on so that my sites are fully responsive.

    The only difficulty I had was with the social logo :hover, I used the CSS filter property to change the color, however I could not find the color I wanted.

    On a previous challenge, I used the logos available on Font Awesome and changed their color easily.

    Is it possible to change the color of an svg image without using the filter property? If yes, how to do it?

    Thank you in advance and happy coding everyone :)

    Kelvin 915



    Yes. You can use the fill property to do that.

  • @Khadijarejjaoui99


    Hello friends, I did this challenge using HTML, CSS, & JS. I am looking forward to hear your feedback. I appreciate your time :) Thank you!

    Kelvin 915



    Hi Khadija. A little observation; As my bill increases, it breaks the user interface. Seeing this is a small application, you can try to limit the character length of the bill or make value of the bill total to scroll horizontally within it’s width.

    Marked as helpful

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Justin, your footer breaks out of it’s position on widths above 700px… it’s positioned on top of the image. You might want to fix that

    Marked as helpful

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Lincol, the link to your solution is broken.

  • Kelvin 915



    There’s a lot of spacing between your footer and the bottom of your page

  • @AditNovadianto


    I will be happy to hear any feedback and suggestion!!!

    Kelvin 915



    You would want to place the footer at the bottom of the page. So far, it’s too close to the component.

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Raj, I would recommend Kevin Powell on YouTube. Check him out

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Bhremada, your footer appears on the submit button when on a device of smaller width. You might want to fix that. Your solution looks great.

    Marked as helpful

  • @chinmayagarwal3007


    Hello 👋!

    I am unable to figure out how to put refresh button (green button) on top of other div, I tried it using Z-index but it didn't work out. If someone can help me out there that would be great 😐.

    Kelvin 915



    Z-index only work on positioned elements. To achieve what you’re asking; give the div a position absolute and it’s parent container a position relative, then use the top/right properties to move it towards the direction of your choice.

  • Kelvin 915



    When I worked on a similar solution, I struggled with making the image responsive then.

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Raj, your solution looks great. A little observation; Try to adopt semantic html moving on. Like, giving your page a level one heading like h1 and wrapping the main contents within a main tag.

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Bhremada, Welcome back with a bang of a solution🔥… However, on initial load there lots of comments on the interface as Adarsh stated.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Mayesamomo


    What did you find difficult while building the project? the responsive aspect of it was difficult for me, I am new to frontend development.

    Kelvin 915



    Hi Michael, your solution looks great. Don’t worry, with more practice, you will get a hang on it. Moving forward, try adopting html semanctics other than wrapping your components in divs.

    Marked as helpful

  • Kelvin 915



    With how you set out your code, adding a margin will do the trick or translateY. Also, the text shouldn't be a div rather a p tag.

  • @Salsabaga


    Trying to filter the list and attempting to disable the click event handler to not add values that are the same and could cause issues to the program.

    I would need some more assistance of using useEffect and be more comfortable on using React hooks and complex state management.

    EDIT: Filter function has been fixed but any advice to make it more efficient and DRY.

    Kelvin 915



    Check out John Smilga's page on youtube. He explains these perfectly.

  • Kelvin 915



    Hi Gian. Your solution looks great and scales nicely. However, considering you started with section tags, you might want to replace the testimonial div with section tag and wrap them all in a main tag

  • ivan parra 610



    If you have any tips on how to improve my coding. Let me know feedback is always welcome

    Kelvin 915



    Hi Ivan. Your solution looks good. Moving on, try to adopt html semantics. For example; replacing your div container with a main tag and using h1 as a first level heading and not the h2

    Marked as helpful
