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    After doing some newbie level challenges, I decided to try one from Junior level. This is my first challenge using Sass and grid and I copied the javascript and the color variables from luisdev-works project because I saw he managed to change the background color in an easy way by simply changing the body class and not the rest of the divs. I think the switch button becomes bigger when it's on the right side and I am not sure how to fix it.

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    I had a hard time trying to create the range slider. I created it by creating a range input, then removing the webkit design of it, then I created two more divs, one for background and one for progress and I changed the z-indexes like this: the slider has the highest z-index and its background is transparent, the progress div has the second highest index, and lastly, the background div has the lowest index. And with a little help from the Slack community I managed to change the width of the progress in JS. I would like to know if there is an easier way to change the background color of the slider but only the one from the left of the thumb?

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    This is my third challenge. I had a few troubles positioning the popover but in the end I managed to get it right. I was wondering if there was an easier way to position it without adding the absolute position? I tried with fixed position but it didn't work. Maybe I did it wrong. Also, is there a way I can move the image a little to the right so it looks like in the design picture? At first, I set the image as a background to the div and tried moving it with background-position but I didn't have success.

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    Hello. This is my second challenge after a long break. I took a bootstrap course recently and wanted to test what I learned so far. In my css, in some elements I used REM and in others I used px. Should I use rem or px when making responsive webpages? Also, I tried to make the page responsive for tablet and laptop too but I don't think I did it right for tablet (I wanted to keep the image's width so I made the div with 6 collumns for tablet). I would also like to know how to make the webpage responsive for landscape mode, I kinda got stuck there. Other than that, if you can offer me other helpful tips regarding responsive webpages, I would appreciate it a lot.