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All comments

  • P



    This was a good project! I had a hard time figuring out how to change the input value if null so I could add the class onto the element displaying the text Not Available. Getting this one part right took 75% of the time I spent on the challenge : ). In the end, I finally figured out that you can use the || operator in template literals. The only link that I couldn't get to work was for the user's company, I'm not sure why. If anyone can figure it out let me know!! I also made it so that it brings up my GitHub profile on load so if you want to compare the design to the one I made go to the live site and search octocat.



    Hi Eileen, great job on the challenge! Your question about the company, I think I see what's wrong.

    You're using the company property on the user data, but the one you want is actually organizations_url. A bit confusing, but if you look at the data in your network tab you'll see company: null and that property is actually just a string for the user's company, company: "Company Name".

    A styling issue I noticed is that you haven't accounted for longer strings overflowing their container. Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about. You can probably solve this pretty easily by adding a couple of styles to your <a>:

    text-overflow: ellipsis;
     overflow: hidden;

    That would likely solve it for all screen sizes.

    I also encourage you to take a look at your HTML report as you have quite a few issues there. For example, you typo'd on a <label> element.

    Hope this helps you out. Don't forget to be proud of all the things you did right!

  • @mykexie


    Did things in the code I'm not sure are legal. Someone please glance through my code... Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!



    Hey Michael! You've done a great job on this. Here's some feedback.

    • Your code isn't formatted very well, especially the HTML

    • Generally there isn't much of a need for empty lines in HTML. Sometimes it's useful to break up large files into smaller pieces, but large projects are going to do this using separate files

    • The indentation is also significantly wider than it needs to be. Two spaces seems to be the most frequently used indentation for HTML

    • Your CSS is better, but still has some unneeded empty lines

    • You should remove comments. Doesn't really matter, but it's a good practice to only leave comments that are necessary to explain why some code is there.

    • You've used the .img-container class redundantly inside of the media query

    • The responsiveness to screen sizes doesn't quite work on smaller screens. You might have more luck using a flex box design instead of a grid.

    But the laptop screen is great! Hope this helps you out, keep at it

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Definitely has some minor bugs, but overall works, took a break last week from coding, and would like to move onto a new project. Will probably come back at some point to finish fleshing it out. I also forgot to make it responsive to mobile... oops.






    Hi Kent! Excellent job on the challenge. I noticed a few issues that might help you improve.

    • definitely take a look at the HTML report, you have a number of accessibility issues regarding missing landmark elements.
    • you have a styling issue in the links section at the bottom, here's a screenshot

    When the text is longer as seen in the image, it's going to force the other elements to the right and it gets a bit sloppy. However, this is pretty easy to fix. There are a lot of ways to handle long strings, but my favorite is to just truncate and add an ellipsis.

    On the container div, the links wrapper, add overflow: hidden to your sass. Then on the p element, add overflow: hidden; width: 100%; text-overflow: ellipsis. That's it!

    The icons are also a bit clipped, but that's also easy enough to fix! If you open the svg file for the icon, there should be a width and height. Simply set the same width and height on the container div and it should be perfect.

    Great job, keep it up!

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    This is an extremely well done project! I don't see anything that stands out in the code. Couple of styling issues, though. On a laptop screen (1440), the card itself seems a little shorter than the design. Not a very big problem at all.

    The other is it looks like you didn't implement the background image. Generally the easiest way to apply a background image is to add the below styles to a container element or to the body directly.

    background-image: url(./image/blahblahblah);
    background: var(--paleBlue);
    background-size: cover;

    You might need to adjust based on the way your HTML elements are structured, but there are a lot of options for background images so it's usually best to play around with it in the browser dev tools. The (MDN for background)[] is a great source, it should break down all of the property options.

    Hope this helps you out. Great job on the challenge, keep it up!

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    Hi Thiago! Great job on the challenge! I noticed a styling issue in the section with location, twitter, etc. If the content is longer it will overflow the container and cover the second column.

    Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about

    You can probably fix this with some relatively simple CSS on the element containing the text

    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;

    As long as the parent element has a width, the text should cut off at the edge of the parent element. You might need to adjust that width based on how you've set up the flex boxes.

    I'd also suggest trying to start developing for mobile first, it makes styles a lot easier to adjust when you're getting bigger instead of smaller. Plus over 90% of people in the world access the internet via mobile, so most frontend work is going to require responsive styles. Still, this looks really good and the small change to the text should make the desktop version perfect! Hope this helps, let me know if you need more info.

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    Hello @ sohhamm! You did great on the challenge! I noticed one issue with the styling of the bottom section with links to Twitter, location, etc. If the displayed user has a longer url the section stretches to fit the length and forces some of the content to the edge of the card.

    Here is a screenshot of what I'm seeing

    You can solve this in a few ways. I generally prefer to truncate the text and use an ellipsis to indicate the text has been cut off. A tooltip is a great way to display all of the text in these cases. The easiest way I've found to do this is with CSS on the element containing the text. As long as there is a container, this should pretty much always work.

    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

    You also have a second problem in this same area, which is how your grid is designed. You've used grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr, which is good if the columns have the same size content or if you don't care about stretching/shrinking grid cells as needed. However, what's happening in this case is the first column is as wide as the contents and the second column takes up the remaining space or the same space as the first column, whichever is smaller.

    There are a lot of ways to solve this, but here's a simple way I did it without significant changes to your code.

    .extraInfos {
        grid-template-columns: 50% 50%;
        gap: 18px 64px;

    So we change the columns to both be 50%, forcing them to maintain their width and not stretch

    .flex {
        align-items: center;

    Centering the content in the flex box removes the vertical stretching on the icons

    .extraInfoTitle {
        overflow: hidden;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        white-space: nowrap;

    And this is the change mentioned earlier to truncate the text.

    Here's a screenshot of what it looks like after I made these changes in the browser.

    So not really that big of an issue, just a few small changes! This project gave me a headache on that exact same part. Hopefully this will help you out!

  • @Hazel-Black


    Wow, this was a great experience. I learned so much about responsive design and I'm so happy with how everything turned out. any feedback is welcome, did I use too many divs. could I have formatted my CSS better? let me know what you think below



    Hi Hazel,

    Great job on the challenge!

    Some styling suggestions:

    • the border-radius on the hero image isn't correct, the bottom is rounded when it shouldn't be
    • you could add hover states to the other buttons
    • most of the time it's not an issue, but generally it's good practice to add a generic font-family such as serif, monospace, etc. This acts as a fallback in case the font isn't available. Here's more info
    • look into using a CSS extension like Sass
    • your CSS is a bit disorganized, which can be a hassle for people doing code review. I suggest using a formatter add-on, if you're using VSCode there's one called Prettier that's used by a lot of people

    HTML suggestions:

    • moving the footer to the bottom of the page would be ideal
    • watch out for accessibility issues
    • using HTML elements like article, header, h1, etc is a good idea because it will help people using screen readers navigate through the page. Here's a resource on it
    • I suggest using a button element for things like the cancel order action instead of just a p

    Overall you still did a great job and these suggestions won't really change much about the look of the product, but they'll make your code more accessible and legible for others. Also slick move navigating to your YT from the change anchor!

    Speaking of YT, Kevin Powell is a great resource for CSS/SCSS videos.

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    Hi Arnav, great job on your first challenge!

    I'd suggest taking a look at your report as you have some HTML issues.

    • heading tags like <h1>, <h2>, etc should always appear in order. The reason for this is that it allows people using screen readers to more easily navigate the page. If you need to adjust the size of the heading, just use CSS

    • after your <body>, you should wrap content in a <main> tag. This is also mostly for accessibility reasons. You could swap your <div class="container">

    • <img> tags can only have widths in pixels when done inline, you can generally solve this by using a CSS class

    • on the page background image, you would probably have an easier time adding that image on the body in your CSS. Something like below would do the trick, but you might need to adjust if your other CSS interacts

    background: var(--pale-blue) url("../images/pattern-background-desktop.svg");
      -webkit-background-size: cover;
      -moz-background-size: cover;
      -o-background-size: cover;
      background-size: cover;
    • another suggestion is to clean up your code a bit. Generally it's a good practice to avoid empty lines within your CSS class or randomly in your HTML. Clean, easily read code will help you get a job if you're trying to and it'll make people more likely to review your code here and elsewhere.

    You can use a code formatter if you code in an IDE like VSCode. A lot of people use one called Prettier, but there are many others. I'd also suggest looking into learning Sass, it's a CSS extension that has a lot of neat features; it's also a "superset" of CSS, which means any valid CSS will work in a Sass file. Kevin Powell has a YouTube video on how to get started with Sass that I found helpful.

    Anyway, that's probably enough for now. Good luck, hope some of this helps!

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    Hey there! Check out your report for some HTML issues, looks like you need to add a <main> landmark. This link is helpful for understanding how/why. You also used backslashes instead of forward slashes in a few places. I'm not certain if you can use %5C for a backslash here or if you just want to use / instead, but there is more info here

    You can also use an HTML validator to test for these kinds of errors when you're not using FE Mentor.

  • Vicktor 900



    I had some trouble when it came to changing the image color from black and white to the purple used in the design.

    I'm aware of the filter property that can be used on images, but I'm not sure how to use it to apply a purple filter. Does anyone know how to do that, or should I just add the filter using some photo editing software?

    Also, while making the mobile version, I felt like making it without up/down scrolling would've resulted in really small fonts, so I kept the larger font with some scrolling.

    Did anyone else follow a similar approach?



    Hey there! I was having a similar issue on this challenge and never quite figured it out until I was working on something else more recently.

    .container {
      width: 100vw;
      height: 100vh;
      background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);

    Above code sets the background color (obvi use your own values here), the 4th rbga value is the opacity.

    .container::before {
      content: "";
      background-image: url(your/file/here);
      background-size: cover;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0px;
      right: 0px;
      bottom: 0px;
      left: 0px;
      opacity: 0.1;

    Above code uses the pseudo-element ::before, which allows you to place the image with an opacity. Other props are for centering and covering the containing element with the image (change as needed).

    .container > * {
      position: relative;

    Above will apply a relative position to everything below the container, without this other elements would also have the color filter.

    I tried working with a linear-gradient and/or blend-mode, but had little success (I was probably just doing it wrong) and this worked well for me on my other project.

  • @beslerpatryk


    Hello everyone 👋

    This is my "Stats Preview Card Component" solution using pure HTML and CSS. I used mostly flexbox for layout but there is also some CSS grid there. I had a lot of issues with getting the proper hue of the image but in the end, I got a satisfying result. How do you guys usually approach the problem of positioning in small projects like these? At what elements do you use responsive units and on which you use definite values?

    As always if you see any issues with this project - let me know. Any criticism/comments can certainly help me learn and grow as a front-end developer. Thank you 😁



    As the others have said, good job on this challenge!

    A quick tip on the positioning of the text. Your design isn't quite centered, which you can do by adding align-items: center on the .card_content. The justify-content property you have on there now only centers the content on the main axis. With a flex-direction: column the main axis is a line from the top to the bottom; justify-content will only center along that line.

    Hope this helps. You did great, keep it up!

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    Hello! You did a great job on this. I noticed a few things, so I'll list out some pointers that might help you out in the future. A lot of the points below are accessibility issues, which aren't so important for making things look the way you want, but are incredibly important for people using screen readers.

    • on your body you've set the margins using each side like this margin-right: 0px, margin-bottom: 0px, etc. You can simply do margin: 0 and it will set all sides to 0 pixels. You can also shorthand to margin: 0 5px 0 5px where each value is a side, starting at the top and moving clockwise. Or even margin: 0 5px where the first value is top and bottom, the second is for both sides.

    • an html standard is to wrap content in a <main> tag. I'd suggest putting it around everything inside the <body>

    • you don't want to use headings out of order, so always start with <h1> and work your way up within each section and avoid using heading tags for anything that isn't an actual heading. So your <h3> for Order Summary is good, but it should be an <h1> and the <h5> you've used on the cancel action should honestly just be a button.

    • like I mentioned before, you generally want to use buttons if clicking the element completes an action (think cancel, submit, save, etc)

    • your code is a bit sloppy, which is understandable because html and CSS are nightmares to format properly. However, there's an easy solution! If you're using Visual Studio Code, I'd suggest an extension like Prettier or other formatters. You can set them up to automatically format everything when you save

    • you're adding the font to a few different classes, but if you put it on the body you won't need to do it again unless you want to override with a different font

    That's all for now! Hope this helps you out.

    Marked as helpful

  • Amy Megan 30



    I believe when I code I make it really complicated (hence why some of the code maybe not be up to standard) any advise to deal with that? What HTML and CSS could I use to make it better?



    Hey there, great job on the challenge! I'll list off a few pointers below:

    • on your container class, you have a few extra things and I think you got confused between align/justify
    • You definitely don't need the z-index here. Generally the only time you'd need a z-index is if you're trying to stack/layer elements over/under other elements.
    • Instead of align-content, what you probably want is align-items and justify-content, that will center an element with a display: flex both vertically and horizontally.
    • when you use align-items and justify-content, you won't need the padding, the flex-wrap, or the align-content
    • you should put your background on the body, right now you have some whitespace on the edges because the container class doesn't reach the edges of the window

    I think you can probably do something like this and get better results:

    .container {
       display: flex;
       flex-direction: column;
       align-items: center;
       justify-content: center;
       min-height: 100vh;
    • on the plan-details class, you can probably add justify-content: center and align-items: center to line things up better.
    • you can remove the padding: 0px (also, you don't have to use px when you're setting it to 0)

    Aaaaand I'm out of time. Anyway, good work on the challenge! I didn't get to go through the whole thing, and some of these changes will probably break some styles below them, but once you get the hang of flexbox it'll be a lot smoother. I suggest Kevin Powell on YouTube, he's great for CSS.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Sowmo0509


    Hello! Today is my first day out here and I am really a newbie, just trying to figure out how these CSS elements usually work. I tried to use media query at the end still couldn't figure out how to make it responsive for Galaxy Fold (should I use another breakpoint?). Still, I tried to reach the similar result as the design. Hope this looks good.



    Excellent job on this! A few things I'd like to offer some pointers on.

    Your html has a few issues, mostly related to accessibility and convention.

    • a <main> element should always be present in html. I'd suggest replacing your <div class="showcase"> with <main class="showcase>
    • you're missing the <footer> from the design and that will also improve accessibility
    • don't nest <button> inside of <a> tags. If you want to make the <a> look like a button, you only need to style it. Something like below should give you an anchor that looks like a button as a place to start.
    a {
      background-color: blue;
      color: white;
      padding: 1em;
      text-decoration: none;

    As for the Galaxy Fold, I think it's due to your width: 280px; being set on the card class. That's the exact width of the Fold. I honestly have no idea how to best handle the device, but you might have more luck setting the width to a calculated value. An extra media query would work as well.

    I just looked at my own solution and it's broken on the Fold too, so I'm probably not the one to help you on this right now lol

    Overall you did great, keep it up!

    Marked as helpful

  • Olabayoji 135



    Is there anything I could have done better? Constructive criticism is welcome. Thank you.



    Nice job! I have a couple of suggestions that might help.

    Mobile styles are off on some of the larger mobile screens. I'm pretty sure I made the same mistake on this at first, but you're media query @media screen and (max-width: 375px) is smaller than it needs to be. For example, a Pixel 2 has a width of 411px and the card is on the edges of the screen.

    Your html is missing a few things that are needed for accessibility. You should wrap content in a <main> element. I'd suggest changing this div: <div class="card"> to be <main class="card>. Also, your footer can be wrapped in <footer>. These changes will make it easier for people using screen readers.

    Hope this helps!

  • @Nova988


    Is there anyway I could code this better?

    I had some problems with the background-position. Could someone give me some resources or explain how i could get the image above the view height with position.



    You did a great job on this!

    I'm pretty sure I did this in a kind of hacky way, but this css will put the background in the same position as the challenge example.

    html {
      background: url("./images/pattern-background-desktop.svg");
      background-color: var(--pale-blue);
      -webkit-background-size: cover;
      -moz-background-size: cover;
      -o-background-size: cover;
      background-size: cover;

    I like to set the background on the html instead of the body because the height will always match the window height.

    You also want to go into the svg itself and change the height on the desktop version to 900. I'm not sure why it's 1440x437 on the svg, doesn't make sense to me. Hope it helps, good luck!

  • @MoodyJW


    Hey there! I pulled your repo and it looks like you can center the footer text by just removing the margin you've placed on it.

    .code {
       text-align: center;
       ~~display: flexbox;~~
       ~~margin-right: 100px;~~

    I'd also like to give you a couple of pointers. You are using quite a few CSS properties with invalid values.

    • padding can't be set to auto (margin can, though!)
    • flexbox as the value for the display property, but the valid value is simply flex or inline-flex
    • font-weight can't be set to a unit using rem, you only need a number or a word. If you want a font-weight of 900, font-weight: 900 is all you need!

    I'd also suggest learning more about using flex-box as it would make your CSS much easier to manage. The way you've set the margins to center the card works (sort of), but as soon as the screen size changes it will be in the wrong position. Flexbox isn't really something I can break down in a comment, but this video series is pretty good:

    Youtube - Kevin Powell, Flexbox Basics

    And of course, the MDN usually has everything in writing:

  • pa-artem 15



    I'm not sure about an empty <div> with a background image at the top of the card. I've used the background image, because I tried to make the card shrink vertically when there is not enough viewport height. Maybe I should have made it with a regular <img> element?

    Also any other feedback is much appreciated.



    Great job! I can't actually run your branch locally right now, but I think you might get better results resizing the card if you wrap everything in a <div> and use an <img> instead.


    If you do it like this, you should be able to use the container div to control resizing. Images are kinda annoying in general, but you can probably just set width: 100%; height: auto on the <img> and it'll be responsive. If you use max-width instead of width, the image will only scale down, but not up.

    Either way, it looks really close to the challenge design! Excellent attention to detail.

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    This is really well done! If you need some help with the box-shadow, it's kinda weird how it works. For the button, if you do something like box-shadow: 0 4px 4px -4px blue you'll get the results you're looking for (although not the correct size or color).

    The values are the horizontal offset, the vertical offset, the blur distance, and the spread radius. What's happening is the 4px blur would normally spread out 4px from the element it's applied to, and then the spread distance moves that back in, so you end up with a box-shadow the same size and in the same location as the element it's applied to. So when it's v-offset is 4px, you'll only see it on the bottom!

    Sorry if my explanation is confusing.

  • AM46 240



    I think this was a fairly easy and fun project to help keep my HTML and CSS skills sharp. I've been learning and improving for a few months now but if there's anything that can be improved with the code and final solution feel free to leave some feedback. :) thank you!



    Wow, this is great! I put a few things I noticed that can be improved, but it's all pretty minor. Thanks for sharing!

    • the box shadow on the proceed to payment button is slightly different; you have the shadow on all sides and the mockup seems to only be on the bottom. Very hard to tell, I had to zoom in to make sure
    • I think it's a little shorter than the challenge design, but also hard to tell
    • your proceed to payment button is larger than the challenge design
    • incorrect spacing between the proceed to payment and cancel order buttons, but this could be caused by the height and button sizing

    Marked as helpful

  • @MoodyJW


    Nice job! Overall it's pretty close to the challenge, but you have a few small things I've listed below that could be improved for accuracy.

    • font weight is wrong on the buttons, title, the change link, and annual plan; the text is bolder in the example
    • font color is wrong on the price, it is more subdued in the example
    • proceed to payment button has a box shadow in the example
    • box around the price is more subdued in the example
    • on larger screens, the card is more of a square than a rectangle, but it looks good on mobile and 1440x900 which is what the challenge wants so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Marked as helpful
