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All comments

  • Phil• 185



    I cannot get the social box to hide when the same button is pressed on desktop view. Let me know where I went wrong in my script.

    Over all layout and styling with size and typography are not exactly like the original. I'm interested in hearing methods to better imitate the mock ups. Any and all suggestions are welcome :)

    Phil• 185



    @grace-snow Yes Im not sure why the script doesnt work on my live site. Something must have happened when I uploaded onto github. Im still new to github and markdown and I cant figure out how to push my updates to it.

    But I have taken your suggestions into account and now I have the toggle working :) I was not familiar with '.toggle' until now!

  • Phil• 185



    I had trouble in these three areas:

    When the button is pressed the valid or invalid notice will come up. However it will not change if the text is change unless the page is refreshed. It seems that the function can only be called once?
    The blue border on the input box. Apparently when adjusted in :active or :focus states it does not change. How do I get rid of it?
    I`m having trouble with github pages. Whenever the button is pressed it just takes to a 404 page. That does not help demonstrate the work I did. How do I adjust this?
    Phil• 185



    Thank you Gassai for all your feedback.

    Using the blank declaration worked like a charm! This is great because I was having this issue on a personal project as well :)

    I looked up validity pseudo-selectors and it works also when the correct or incorrect is format is entered. However I still get a blue border around the input when it is clicked?

    Not sure how to adjust that but when I do I think this will be good to go.

  • Phil• 185



    2 things I could use help on

    1. the overflow-x: how do I get rid of the white line on the right side?

    2. I used matchMedia to remove the toggle burger/x button when the screen resizes. However when it is shrunk it will disappear. I think it has something to do with the toggling visibility of the drop down nav on the smaller screens but I could not figure it out. Any help would be appreciated :)

    Phil• 185



    That worked great thanks again Raymart!

  • Phil• 185



    2 things I could use help on

    1. the overflow-x: how do I get rid of the white line on the right side?

    2. I used matchMedia to remove the toggle burger/x button when the screen resizes. However when it is shrunk it will disappear. I think it has something to do with the toggling visibility of the drop down nav on the smaller screens but I could not figure it out. Any help would be appreciated :)

    Phil• 185



    Hey Raymart,

    Thanks so much for your feedback.

    I made your adjustments and thank you for enlightening me on best practices for proper html arrangement my knowledge is basically zero and this was the first time I was even aware of aria. I made all the adjustments you suggested except the one about adding aria false to my javascript. I didn`t really understand the concept or what you meant I will have to do more research.

    Also, I took your suggestion of removing overflow & and the width from the navbar. It worked, however it messed up my navbar on mobile by squishing it to the left side. Any ideas on how to remedy this issue without causing more overflow?

    And many thanks for your feedback it helped me greatly :)

