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  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    you can check this practice in my profile, I hope it helps you in some way

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    excellent work bro šŸ¦¾šŸ’Æ

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    good job brother just missing the color of the numbers a less bright white but from then on very good job @Akhlak-Hossain-Jim šŸ‘ŒšŸ’Æ

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Te recomiendo que le apliques estas propiedades bro ya que le falta medida en el body, algo asĆ­ bro: main{ height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .card{ width: 635px; height: 476px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); border-radius: 10px; } si puedes escribeme para ver si puedo ayudar en algo bro

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Buen trabajo bro pero la ultima card se deforma y recomiendo darle un margin al container para que se vea un poco mejor dandole responsive, espero pronto trabajemos con la prƔctica pendiente

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Solo creo que te falto modificar mĆ”s el tamaƱo de la caja y modificar el width del parrafo para que se vea igual a la del diseƱo original, buen trabajo bro šŸ¦¾šŸ‘Œ

  • AditNovadiantoā€¢ 1,040



    I will be happy to hear any feedback and suggestion!!!

    Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    @AditNovadianto Mark my comment as helpful, if it was:)

  • AditNovadiantoā€¢ 1,040



    I will be happy to hear any feedback and suggestion!!!

    Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    We still need to adapt the site with Responsive, accommodate the boxes, accommodate the SVG images, if you want me to help you in this practice you can visit my GitHub repository and follow me since I have finished this practice, go to the following link:

    Marked as helpful

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Good job You can modify the container boxes of the stars and modify the background color as well as the background SVG image. Welcome. Please mark my comment as helpful, if it was :)...

    Marked as helpful

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    The transition is very abrupt, you can align them one by one, if you like you can check this same practice that I have done... Welcome brother. Please mark my comment as helpful, if it was :)

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    nice job I recommend that when you reach 840px you apply responsive so that there is no space between the background and the SVG background image...

    @media (min-width: 840px) { body{ background-image: url(""); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right 2vw bottom 0; background-size: 170vh; } } soon I will be uploading this practice in case you like to turn to my repository

    Marked as helpful

  • Travolgi šŸ•ā€¢ 31,500



    Hi there :)

    This challenge was to build the QR Code component, but it has become something more complex than a simple component!

    Inspired by another project, I wanted to add features to this challenge using React:

    • On load, it shows the default basic QR Code
    • Added a form that allows the user to enter a website URL to generate a QR Code for it
    • Dynamically update the QR Code as you type the URL
    • Dynamically update the color and background of the QR Code based on the customization input entered by the user
    • When the form is sent, the .png of the generated QR Code is downloaded

    I am eager to further evolve this project and learn much more connecting a serveless database! For now I'd be happy to have some feedback ;)

    Special thanks to @Remus432, he have really inspired me to create this dinamic component!

    Thank you for taking the time to check out my project! And Happy coding ;)

    React QR Code Generator



    Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    excellent work šŸ¤Æ

  • t-rieuā€¢ 20



    Any feedback on how to improve my CSS is highly welcomed.

    Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    It's a good design, you just need to adapt it without being deformed if you have any questions you can take a look at my Git Hub repository, I hope it helps you good job šŸ‘Œ

  • Samā€¢ 10



    Since this was created for the screen sizes of 375px mobile first and 1440px desktop, I would like to know how the desktop view is if anyone has a screen size of 1440px or bigger. What went well, even better if? first time using media queries vs flexbox, how did I do?

    Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    I recommend that you give the card max-width since when it reaches a certain size the design is deformed, it is a good design, you just need to adapt it if you have any questions you can take a look at my Git Hub repository, I hope it helps you Nice job šŸ‘Œ

    Marked as helpful

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    I can help you with some recommendations, if you like it you can add me to my networks on my profile, we are here for anything @hambergjesse ā˜ŗ

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Buen diseƱo bro te recomiendo que le des una altura a la card acorde al diseƱo original, puedes usar VH para darle esa altura, para tener medidas mƔs exactas te recomiendo un medido o usar paint, puedes agregarme a mis redes para poder intercambiar ideas

    Marked as helpful

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    nice job @nonamehz šŸ‘ just a small detail and that is to add a touch of shadow to the card

    Marked as helpful

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    you can take a look at my repository on github there I have that practice

    Marked as helpful

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    I recommend that you calculate the size of your div to resemble the layout as much as possible, use pain or a gauge. Nice Job!

    Marked as helpful

  • Mattā€¢ 20



    So, this one definitely showed that I need to work on my CSS quite a bit. Really, just need to get comfortable with all the display options are and how they effect what is displayed. I've fiddled with this enough for now and I'm sure the css can be streamlined/simplified, but for now it seems to work and I am content. If anything pops out at you, that makes you scratch your head and say, "Hey, you could have just done this," let me know. Thank you.

    Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    I recommend that you calculate the size of your divy to resemble the layout as much as possible, use pain or a gauge

    Marked as helpful

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Nice Job šŸ‘Œ

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Congratulations on completing the challenge, @Buhainu Remus!

    I had a look at your final solution and Github repository. Here are some small suggestions that might help:

    I love the design and I even think that the dimension of the articles looks better, although I think that some fonts lack more size and positioning, such as the header__content-headline font.

    But as far as it goes everything is fine, Good JobšŸ‘Œ

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    por cierto he realizado esta misma practica sin usar flex-box

  • Victor Frankā€¢ 320



    Hola ando buscando gente para colaborar en estas practicas y ayudarnos en cualquier duda, tengo dudas de esta y otras practicas que he realizado, puedes encontrarme en Github o Twitter en mi siguiente enlace espero podamos trabajar juntos y crecer. Un cordial saludo...
