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  • Kaylo 270




    [🔰] Responsive

    • Range 208px+
    • Mobile 375px Desktop 800px+

    [🌎] With

    • Regex for validation
    • No libraries and queries, all styled with CSS
    • Semantic HTML5 markups and accessibility

    [💖] I will be very happy to read your feedback!

    [🎄] Fylo Dark Theme





    Hello, @KayloPortal!

    First of all, I want to say that your code is very well-written, clear, and responsive. I really like it 🦊👍.

    I have a few suggestions that might help improve the look of your site. At a width of 800px, there is still enough space to set the benefit row and feed row to 2 columns. Then, at 600px, you could set them to one column.

    Additionally, the footer looks quite big. Perhaps you could consider setting the footer-links to three columns instead of one. On mobile devices, you could set it to two navigation columns and one social-links row.

    Finally, I noticed that there are no hover effects on the address link, phone number, and email link. Maybe underlining or changing the color to white would look nice.

    I hope these suggestions are helpful for you. 🦊

    Marked as helpful

  • @Shadow-IO-oI


    Hi, I noticed that you wrote '<' and '>' before and after the <div class="container">HTML tag. I think this may be a mistake, but the rest of the code appears to be written correctly.🦊👍

    Marked as helpful

  • _nehal💎 6,730



    👋Hello, Frontend Mentor coding community.

    👨🏼‍💻This is my solution for the Time tracking App.

    🎨 I added some custom features:

    • 🪄 Hover Effects
    • 🫧 CSS Animations
    • 👆 Clickable 3 dots

    I'll be happy to hear any feedback and advice!🤗



    Hey there! 👋

    Congrats on successfully completing the challenge! 🎉

    I wanted to share some suggestions with you regarding your code that I think you'll find helpful. Specifically, with regards to the CSS🖼️:

    It looks like there is a problem with the hover effect on the items when the focus is on the rear decoration image and not on the "main-box". One solution to this issue is to add an additional class for each item, for example, "item-hover". Then, you can rewrite the ".main-box:hover" line in CSS to target the ".item-hover:hover .main-box" selector, which will solve the hover effect problem:

    .item-hover:hover .main-box {
      top: -10px;
      background-color: var(--dbl);
      cursor: pointer;

    With this updated code, the hover effect issue should be resolved.

    I trust that you'll find this recommendation useful, and once again, congratulations on your fantastic solution! Keep up the great work and enjoy coding! 🦊👍

  • cyberpunk 80



    Hey, guys! I would appreciate some advice.

    • Is there a way for me to transition button that has gradient color?
    • Is there a better way to fill the screen when viewing in mobile?
    • The mobile layout gets destroyed when width of screen is below 300px. How can I fix this?




    I looked at your code and have some ideas to resolve some issues.

    1. There are several ways to solve the hover issue for the button:
    /* 1 */
    button  {
       margin-top: 2.5625rem;
    	width: 18rem;
    	height: 3.5rem;
    	border-radius: 8rem;
    	font-style: normal;
    	font-weight: 700;
    	font-size: 1.125rem;
    	line-height: 1.4375rem;
    	text-align: center;
    	color: #FFFFFF;
       background: linear-gradient(180deg, #303B59, transparent), #303B59;
       transition: background-color 1s;
    button:hover {
    	cursor: pointer;
       background: linear-gradient(180deg, #7755FF, transparent), #2F2CE9;
       background-color: #2F2CE9;
       color: #fff;

    The second way to solve the issue is by creating a pseudo-object.

    /* 2 */
    button  {
       margin-top: 2.5625rem;
    	width: 18rem;
    	height: 3.5rem;
    	border-radius: 8rem;
    	font-style: normal;
    	font-weight: 700;
    	font-size: 1.125rem;
    	line-height: 1.4375rem;
    	text-align: center;
    	color: #FFFFFF;
       position: relative;
       z-index: 2;
    	background: #303B59;
       overflow: hidden;
       content: '';
       position: absolute;
       width: 100%;
       height: 100%;
       top: 100%;
       left: 0%;
       background: linear-gradient(180deg, #7755FF, transparent), #2F2CE9;
       z-index: -1;	
       transition: all 0.3s ease 0s;
       cursor: pointer;
       top: 0%;

    2 To solve other issues, it is necessary to rewrite the code a bit.

    Write to me if you're interested.

    Happy coding!

    I wrote こんにちは because I saw <html lang="ja"> in your code. So, I apologize if I offended you.

    Marked as helpful

  • visualdennis 8,255




    🔥 I've implemented my own custom design on top the original fem design and used GSAP to animate all elements in a timeline sequence. For optimum animation experience, recommended viewing dimensions: 1440x800. On desktop, after a while background image fades into a new one infinitely.

    It is also responsive for mobile. There might be some slight issues for tablet still.

    This time I've also added a little email validation using REGEX.

    [PS. If you have set prefers-reduced-motion to true - it wont animate]



    I'm not sure how else to contact you, so I'll just ask here.

    I saw your Base Apparel coming soon page redesign and thought it was pretty cool. So, I took your design, animations, and images and rewrote it using common JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

    Before I publish it, I just wanted to check with you first. Can I share my version with the world?

    Let me know what you think.


  • visualdennis 8,255




    🔥 Another challenge with my own custom design on top the original fem design.

    • Landing Page Animation done in gsap.
    • Changing Words Animation done in vanilla JS.
    • Error Animations done in framer-motion (due to exit animations)
    • Input Field Animations done in vanilla CSS.

    For optimum animation experience, recommended viewing dimensions: 1440x800

    • I've built the form using react-hook-form for functions and yup for validation.
    • Modal component built by using Dialog component by headlessui
    • The placeholder text for terms of services generated by ChatGPT (who would have written all that text anw :) )

    It is also responsive for mobile.

    And finally with this submission, i've officially completed all newbie challenges 🔥




  • Furk 600



    What is your opinion on "Patrick Abrams"s background color on the dark theme? I wanted to retain the contrast in the design, but is it too bright for a dark theme? I would love to hear your opinions on this, and any other comment is also appreciated.



    I like the dark mode option. 🦊👍

  • visualdennis 8,255




    🔥 I've implemented my own custom design on top the original fem design and used GSAP to animate all elements in a timeline sequence. For optimum animation experience, recommended viewing dimensions: 1440x800. On desktop, after a while background image fades into a new one infinitely.

    It is also responsive for mobile. There might be some slight issues for tablet still.

    This time I've also added a little email validation using REGEX.

    [PS. If you have set prefers-reduced-motion to true - it wont animate]



    Your solution and redesign are awesome. Do you mind if I make my own variant based on your suggestions?
