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All comments

  • @ClariceR


    Hi everyone! Here's my solution :) I would really appreciate some feedback on the following points:

    1. Is the code well organised?
    2. Are there any accessibility issues?
    3. Are there any other potential problems with my solution? This was my first challenge and I really enjoyed having to refactor it until I found the best way I could do it. That's why I'm interested to know if it has any issues I wasn't able to spot. Thanks!
    Shomy032 270



    Your card element (class = card ) , is not centered vertically on my screen , i am on my laptop with resolution 1600 x 900 px , you can wrap your .card and .attribution classes in one div and center it .

    Anyway great work , and keep up coding :)

  • @MSorJinxi


    This is my first project and I would need a feedback because I don't even know what to ask. I'm learning how to code by myself from 2 months.

    What mistakes did I made? What could I have done better? What should I be careful about in such design? How would you rate my code from 1 to 10? ;)

    Thank you for your help and support :D

    Shomy032 270



    1 . Your cards are not centered vertically on desktop view , solution : use flexbox or grid insted of float , that way you can do it easily , ( Floats work really well in small cases like when there's an element, such as a button, that you'd like to move to the right of a paragraph. But the real issue arises when you start using floats to lay out entire web pages. And the reason for that is: floats are not meant for layouts , instead use flexbox or grid)

    2 . Maybe you can add property ' transition ' on your buttons , so when you hover them color change smoothly ( for example : transition : all 300ms linear ; ),

    1. you can add tagret="_blank" , on your link to github , so its open on new page.

    helpful links for research :




    Target blank

    Anyway great work , if you have any more questions feel free to ask , and keep up coding :)

  • Shomy032 270



    I am on my laptop , and your box is not centered , its at bottom of my page. Its because you set a min height of that element , and i can scroll page way to much .

    maybe add overflow hidden to body and remove min height from .element class , and it should work.

    Anyway great work , and keep up coding.

  • Capassoft 30



    I couldn't obtain fix slider control on bottom of avatars. I tried to add an container to images and the control on position absolute but the design is damaged. I hope in the future to have better skills to complete the challenge. I appreciate any advice, thanks.

    Shomy032 270



    I think this should work

    position : relative;  
    width : 500px ; // for example
    height : 500px ; // for example
    .container img{
    width : 100% ;
    object-fit : cover ;
    .container button{
    position : absolute ;  // relative to container , this will remove it from flow
    bottom : 0 ;
    left 100px ;
    transform: translateY(-50%); // this will push it down for half of their height

    Anyway great work , and keep up coding :)

  • OK169 605



    I'm very pleased with the JS part of it, but CSS definitely needs some improvement. Leave a feedback, I will be happy to know your opinion!

    UPD. updated version finally all works as it should.

    Shomy032 270



    Very cool , i am looking forward to build it myself. What was the hardest part for you?

  • Shomy032 270



    When i click "more" button scroll bar appear top left of screen , everything else works just fine. Good job :)

  • @thenutscout


    Even though I liked the backgrounds images for the given widths, I didn't liked how it turned out outside of those widths (I explained more in detail on the README in the repository). Can you give me any advice of how to make it more responsive for the users screen? Is it the size? Is it the positions? Is it the units I used?

    Thank you for taking your time!

    Shomy032 270



    You can make your black text little bit brighter , maybe set lower opacity or change color . Overall great work , i think its fully responsive , keep you coding :)

  • Femi 300



    had problems putting an image behind the color in this task and also had problems on the mobile hamburger menu and gave up

    Shomy032 270



    Great work dude , ill suggest you 2 things , fix your padding in footer (bottom of page) , and add transition to all your elements that have hoover state , for example 300ms , then it will work much smoother.

    Happy coding :)

  • Shomy032 270



    I you want it to be perfect , you can add media queries for i-pad , go to firefox dev tools and press ctrl + shift + m and select i - pad , but its not that big off a deal.

    Overall great work dude :)

  • Shomy032 270



    Good job mate , i have one suggestion for you to improve your project , and that is to add transition of 300-400 ms to your buttons , then the hover effect will be so much smoother.

    Everything else is great , its completely mobile responsive , its work on i-pad too . Maybe add some animation when the page loads , if you want to practice css even further.

    Overall great work , and keep up coding :)

  • Femi 300



    had problems putting an image behind the color in this task and also had problems on the mobile hamburger menu and gave up

    Shomy032 270



    I cant preview your site , your link isnt working for me.

  • Shomy032 270



    I worked very hard to get this done , ill appreciate any feedback. Hope you like it , and happy coding to you all :)

    Shomy032 270



    it works fine but only on screen wider the 1500px , challenge is on 1440 px , i guess its to late now (how use 1440 px screen anyways :) ), just demo it and you will see.

  • Shomy032 270



    Oh I just realized that i forgot to positon back-groud-img op purple card on tablet(900 x 600) , and my border radius i smaller then it shoult be , and grid gap is also smaller . But i guess now is to late :)
