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  • @MonicaDalosto


    Hey Guys, I just finished my first project, and I'd really appreciate any feedback to help me improve my code. I didn't use bootstrap or other tools like that. How can I improve or make my code more advanced...

    • About the divs and the class names on my code?
    • About the way, I have added the icons (and aligned them) to the project?
    • About the overlay... As a newbie, I am open to any other suggestions. Thanks in advance!!!



    Mônica não da pra ver o seu site, da erro de página não encontrada.

  • @Willearyson


    nice job, on the css page use background-image:url('') in the body tag to put a background image

  • @Willearyson


    i use backgrou-image:url(), and change background-position-x

  • Maria Emoruwa• 50



    I need feedbacks on my code. This challenge was a serious one for me. Thank you.



    in @media put (max-width:376px), if putting 375px doesn't work, so here it didn't work

  • @Willearyson


    you need to define a container to align all the content on the page, use these lines

    <header> <div class="container"></div> </header> on the style page you define a width and height, background color, margin-left:auto, margin-right:auto.(to center the content) when you notice that the width is ok, you erase the height and the background color and that's it you can put the content of your page inside the container. for example: <section> <div class="container"> .<div class="text"> <h1>something</h1> </div> </div> </section>

    Marked as helpful

  • @Willearyson


    salve, Lucas. Jovem, só colocar as fonts certas na página e ela fica perfeita, no arquivo style-guide que vem o o projeto q vc baixa tem lá no final do arquivo a font usada, se precisar de ajuda pra adicionar fonts no google fonts, só chamar.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Willearyson


    hello, for using netlify drop to host your projects, when you create your account on the site, just drag the folder to the indicated area.

  • @Willearyson


    olá, vc pode usar essas linhas de css para deixar uma borda redonda e melhorar os espaçamentos, lembre-se de tirar o padding-left de 10px e deixar em 0

    hello, you can use these css lines to make a rounded edge and improve spacing, remember to take the padding-left off of 10px and leave it at 0

    .icons-link a{ width: 40px; height: 40px; padding:0; margin-left:20px display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border: 2px solid #FFF; border-radius: 50%; }

  • @Willearyson


    na minha humilde opinião só deixar o conteúdo mais centralizado na página, mas essa questão do container e centralização é chatinho pq nem sempre fica 100%,mas no geral tá muito bom jovem ;-)

    Marked as helpful

  • Mays• 170



    submit my attempt but without the main background or the blue bubbles in the main card section, appreciate your feedback to make my coding skills better



    hello, for using netlify to host your projects, put the style file and the index in the same folder, when you create your account on the site, just drag the folder to the indicated area.

    Marked as helpful
