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  • P
    Briuwu 750



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    One of the highlights of working on this project was using Tailwind to make the website look good and work well. It was really enjoyable to see the design come to life on the screen.

    In the future, I plan to organize my work better so I can use the same parts across different pages, which will help me avoid doing the same thing many times. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    the toughest part of this project was figuring out how to set up the comments section. At first, I was pretty lost, especially since it was my first time using Drizzle ORM and Neon for the database.

    But I got through it by looking up information and studying the guides for both tools.

    All in all, it was a great time learning something new! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I’m eager to dive deeper into the tools I’ve used, like Next, Neon, and Clerk, and I’m also keen to learn about making websites easy for everyone to use!

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on my project! Any feedback or a little cheer would be great! (≧∇≦)



    Nice job. Very impressive. It seems I am not able to add new Feedback under the topics UI and UX. You maybe want to look into this :) No other issues found when I was quick testing with Chrome.

    Marked as helpful

  • @DavidIrvine-TW


    Hey all...

    I'm beginning to think about creating my portfolio. I was thinking that many people would have the same content as me as FrontEndMentor is a popular web dev school. I decided to use the initial design, but change it to make it look more original... I also decided to expand the functionality. This is the result.. I hope you like it.. its not designed for small screens really... larger screens are a better experience.

    This is a full-stack solution:

    I used Nextjs 13, MUI, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, TMDB, Mongoose, and a number of smaller UI libraries including React Youtube, Toastify, and Swiper.

    **edit I removed the session lock to open the additional features (video selection). The sign-in feature now only unlocks bookmarking, and the option to save and retrieve bookmarks across your devices. I used MongoDB and NextAuth for this.

    Happy Coding! :)

    Entertainment Web App Solution.





    Great job David. This is a perfect piece for a Portfolio Project. Create one or two more and put them on your personal website. You can start applying with such kind of projects in my opinion. Prepare yourself to defend your project to answer critical questions why you have made some decisions and why you did it that way and if there might be room for improvements. Critical thinking is a skill companies will look for. I wish you good luck on your job search soon ;D

    Marked as helpful

  • Dan 820



    I have an issue with the Tech page, 50% of the time it works fine, For others I get a return of null and am not fetching the JSON data correctly. not sure why... I think I will watch the tutorial now to get a better handle on the correct methods to get this site looking and functioning properly.



    Hi Dan, good job on the project. To answer your questions:

    I do not see issues with fetching. That seems fine for me. The two issue you name if understand correctly is that switching between the objects in the technology page is not working correctly. It seems your event triggers when you click the h3 or the parent div element. My solution would be to lift up the data-set to the parent div like so:

    In your technology.html file at line 80:

    <div class="technology-toggles-container ">
        <div data-technology="Launch vehicle" class="technology-toggle-btn technology-toggle- 
            <h3 id="tech1">1</h3>
        <div data-technology="Spaceport" class="technology-toggle-btn">
             <h3 id="tech2">2</h3>
        <div data-technology="Space capsule" class="technology-toggle-btn">
             <h3 id="tech3">3</h3>

    Otherwise the div element will not have the infos when you click on it and the page is not changing.

    Another issue you have is the:

    script.js:53 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'textContent')
        at updateDestination (script.js:53:42)
        at script.js:20:9

    This issue happens because your single script.js file is always trying to read elements which are not always in the document. If you switch the pages then some of the elements are always missing.

    You can help yourself if you wrap your functions into a try catch block so that the code does not break if you try to use properties of null or what I would advise is to use a different structure in first place.

    You could create a src folder and divide your script file into a script file for each page instead and link the correct file in the head. That should also avoid the error since the elements wich are missing will not be tried to selected or used.

    I hope this helps you a bit Dan. My advice is to make a different structure for your files in the next project, since its not common to have everything in one file. Practice this please :D Also make more use of Git and structure your project in small steps and commit them. This helps to understand how you developed your project and helps your to jump back to a working state in case the projects breaks.

    Best regards Alex

    Marked as helpful

  • @alexander-hergert


    This solution is made with React. Its hiding the API key and is using netlify serverless functions to prevent the API key being visible in the devtools.

  • @mehmetakifakkus


    Hey, I would be glad if I hear your comments.

    Visually, I tried to create the best visual results and try to make very similar to design as much as possible. Can I do much better? What is your advice or any comment?

    • First-level comments are ordered by their score, whereas nested replies are ordered by time added. Upvoting and downvoting scores on the first level comments changes the order.
    • Replying to a comment adds the new reply to the bottom of the nested replies within that comment.
    • A confirmation modal pops up before a comment or reply is deleted.
    • You can only edit or delete your own comments and replies.
    • Bonus1: System stores all the comments and replies on the localStore so the data persists when the browser refreshed.
    • Bonus2: System uses a timestamp and dynamically track the time since the comment or reply created. At first, there was a static createdAt string on data.json file.

    Besides completing all the items in the challenge, I have stored comments and replies so that modified data persists when browser refreshed. For details, please visit my github:

    Here are the tech stack:

    • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
    • Nextjs: A javascript framework works top on the React and uses all the benefits of
    • React. It helps for SSG, SSR and routing.
    • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that enables rapid UI development with pre-defined styles and components. Flexbox and CSS Grid have been used for the css layout. Typescript: Type safe version of Javascript.

    Interactive Comments





    Great job on your project Mehmet. I also started to work on it and hope it will work out :D Your project works almost perfect but I have spotted a little bug.

    I'm able to up- and downvote the comments more than once and same goes for my own comments. Maybe you could look in this issue in the future. We should probably only be able to upvote or downvote once on each comment.

    best regards Alex
