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  • @aryanda1


    No mobile design, everything overflowing NO check for empty comment No relative time formatting able to increase or decrease score more than 1 No overlay and modal for deleting comments

    Marked as helpful

  • @aryanda1


    Well many things were off, first of all, didnt checked single thing before submitting a new comment or editing a new comment, a empty comment. Also there was no border radius on any visible border in textarea without clicking. ANd once the reply and edit forms are open, not able to close them, without submitting, Able to increase or descrease score of any comment more than 1. Did u rushed to complete it?

  • @aryanda1


    animations looked good, but footer was missing, in mobile version, the green line was not made vertical

  • @aryanda1


    Well there are many issues in the frontend part, first your mobile layout is different, and many things start coming out of their parent The green line is missing in the advanced stats part The original link is not hidden , and also less padding

  • guill52 160



    I know this needs more work, but I was having a little bit of trouble implementing the tooltips for thr prices. Any advice would be helpful🙏



    Hey the hover effects are missing, If u are having difficulty in adding it, first make those span hidden, than use javascript to add event listener to detect hover state and make them visible,

  • @3eze3


    Hello community, well first of all I want to say the following: 'working with dates is a bit of a headache', or well for me it was haha, however I had a good result.

    And also in this project I implemented a test with vitest following the TDD methodology, to create my date class, and I had good results, although it took me a little more time, it gives me more confidence in the performance of my class.


    • Does anyone know how I can test the dom elements?

    Thanks in advance and if you have any questions or improvements on any aspect of this project please let me know in the comments. Happy coding 🍿

    Age-Calculator 🍔 (Vanilla, SCSS, TDD)





    Didnt checked days in month Getting negative day for 31, april as well as -1 day for 30 feb Also your layout broke in my android phone, days are coming out of their parent container

  • @IThower


    Javascript was the hardest for me, but i got a lot of training in it and enjoyed quite a lot while learning the language and the results were quite good i think.

    I'm insure about the cap max-height and max-width in the wrapper-main and how i got to display the success message via display.

    What are the javascript frameworks that you recommend? i thought about react quite a lot.



    With less height your layout just breaks, the email address field along with its label detaches from its parent, the side image is also not responsive, does resizes itself according to parent. Also in the mobile version dont add border-radius to the main-container And u are serving same image in mobile version as well as desktop version. Also the list item icon are not in line with the item content ANd in moble version, there is no black background as well

    And for small projects, no framework is really needed

  • @aryanda1


    Just want to give one feedback, sometimes the advice sent by back api, gives same advice, u can check that out and call again until new advice is supplied

    Marked as helpful

  • @aryanda1


    Man first the main card is also vertically centred in desktop mode, Second add atleast cursor pointer to buttons, and some hover states to them atleast

  • Belly 300



    -Hi, Guys! I Just Want to Share That I Have Completed Four card feature sectionChallenge Using Pure HTML & CSS. 💪

    • Hope You Like It💙
    • I've Found The Part of Heading Responsive Difficult
    • If You Have Any Advice to Improve My Code According to Best Practice Drop it And I Really Appreciate it 😁
    • Happy Coding For You'll



    Bro where is the mobile version, i cant find it? I looked in the challenge page and i saw the mobile version where the rating are just below main text, but your rating are off the scrren and screen width is also quite more.

    Marked as helpful

  • @birkirfreyrg


    I found it most difficult fetching the json data and doubt that I used the best methods. Also this was the first time deploying a react project using github pages, so that took some effort in figuring it out. I learned a lot solving this project that I will carry over to other project like for example breaking apart and sorting components and files.



    Man for this tiny project do u really needed react? Also the gray color just below the image, in the crevices of the circular border doesnt looks great, THe bottom container has white color, and the spaces created by border-radius has gray color and it looks quite bad

  • @aryanda1


    Hey your ui looks horrible after 375 px, there isnt width for u to trigger desktop mode just after 375px

  • @gguilhermelopes


    I started this project in order to practice mainly Styled-Components, since I've been focusing on Tailwind. But it got me so thrilled I've decided to make this a Full Stack project. Used Postgres as a database (with Supabase) and Prisma as a ORM. Next makes small Full Stack projects easier with its development environment, so it was my first choice. And the Styled-Components made the theming part much simpler. Any comments or advices would be great!

    Todo app with NextJS (Fullstack app)





    HEy man. Everything is fine. Just had one question where u are storing the user details, like how u are sending the tasks from backend to frontend without any signup, and i dont see any kind of id getting stored in localstorage, or in cookies or in session storage. SO how did u completed it?

  • @tomkrieg108


    Drag-drop functionality not yet implemented - more research / investigation needed!

    ToDo App





    Well u missed one thing also, the delete button on each item is always visible in mobile mode Also the hover on buttons are absent

  • @AlexMagargiu


    Pretty hard exercise. I also added functionality to remember user themes on reload and a + SVG when you're typing in your task.



    I noticed two small problems first cant add completed task second the way u implemented drag and drop is weird. Normally the draggable item will be placed the position were it was dropped rather than on some place else, And its consantly getting dropped as i move up or down, And like u saved the theme, u can also saved the todos also Now encountered third problem, when i removed all items using clear completed, now i cant add any new item, enter doesnt adds any item, but clicking the svg icon removes input value but doesnt adds it, also when in active tab, u can remove the ticked todos, and same goes for the completed tab The bottom three buttons which appear in mobile mode appear differenlty now, WHen i go from desktop to mobile and again to desktop they dont merge with the last row which contains item left and clear completed button And that Challenge by Frontend Mentor. Coded by Magargiu Alexandru Razvan. should be placed at bottom of all your content, rather than on your main content. ANd also by deleting items, why the top images starts to come down?

  • @aryanda1


    WHen i click decimal, nothing gets updated on the screen, only after when i click another digit it gets diaplayed. ANd also when i click decimal multiple times, than nothing happens, no digit gets added afterwards

    Marked as helpful

  • @aryanda1


    Your calculator is missing some logic, like when i do some operation and than i click equal, it results to the number. But afterwards if i click a digit, the old number should be erased, rather than appending to old numbers

  • @aryanda1


    Your calculator was showing empty when i did 0/0, and when i chained a subtraction sign, it was showing negative sign on top, but only that ANd your del key is going out of its button when viewed at 375px width.

    Marked as helpful

  • Abdugafor 240



    I started learning angular like a week ago and this is my first project. I know that its very trash code , bcs first I did a Template driven forms with Router than my friend said that its better to do it with steps and Reactive form. That I changed all of my code and there no components. It's only one app component. I'am not so proud of my project bcs it's hard to read and hole project is based on "ngIf" , "if else" etc. Hope you understand :D

    I would be happy if you give some advices to make it responsive)



    Noticed 2 to 3 small probelms,

    1. the button in the last page are not in the same line
    2. not able to navigate to last page by clicking on it
    3. without entering first page details, i can navigate to any page, and even click confirm button, but nothing happens u can show some error message to fill details first or disable that button
  • Suleman 750



    Hello everyone,

    I would like to share my experience of creating a multi-step form this challenge was hard if done properly i made some improvemnts in this challenge of not hard-coding the steps, I took a more robust approach to ensure scalability in the future. By utilizing components in react, I made it possible to easily scale the form without having to rewrite the entire code were reduced or increased.

    In addition, I made a deliberate choice to avoid using the position:absolute property for the navigation. Instead, I used a grid layout. This decision was made to prevent any obstruction of the form if it ever exceeds the size of the viewport.

    I am open to feedback and suggestions from the community to further improve the project. Your input is highly appreciated.

    Thank you!



    Why clicking the change button in the summary page, doesnt lands me to the second page where i can change the plan rather than toggling between monthly and yearly?

  • @MaciejNarejko


    Hello, Frontend Mentor community 👋

    This time, I've completed a multi-step form project. I thought it was a great opportunity to use React Router, and I also added some simple tests using the React Testing Library. I expanded the project with TypeScript.

    As always, I kindly request your feedback and wish you a great week 🚀

    Thank you! 😊

    Multi-step form: React | TypeScript | SCSS





    I noticed two problems while testing your website.

    1. when i enter some valid in name and email, and a invalid number, and click on next step, the website refresh and erases all inputs.
    2. if i selected some addon, and after changing plan, the addon gets removed.
  • @aryanda1


    Tested your site, and i think the implementation of monthly and yearly toggler is missing. And also in third page, in any item i clicked, only first item was getting selected and unselected, i think you used same id for all three checkboxes label. And in the last page, the success svg is missing

  • @aryanda1


    U didnt saved the states, using react u removed the component and the inputs were removed as well, And u didnt managed states as well, after changing plan, the plan name is now missing and i am getting a total per month 0. And there is no input verification in the first page, I got to the second page without typing anything.

    Marked as helpful

  • @aryanda1


    Tested your website. It has many problems.

    1. the side-navigation which represents the page we are in, they got all checked, if i am in last page, or got checked till3, if i was in 3rd page, i think u used checkbox, rather than radio button, And even if we used checkbox, u need to make them uncheck also
    2. Int he second effect, not able to select any plan, just get hiver effect on different plans, also the month and year toggler doesnt work
    3. In the third page, not able to select the add ons by clicking any where inside the item, get a pointer, but not able to select it, also no hover effect, was able to select by clicking on the main text but than the pointer is gone
    4. The fourth page has no plan change button and the addons dont get added