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  • @bradleyhop


    On the desktop view, your image doesn't quite extend to the bottom of the card container. Perhaps using min-height: 100%; on the <img> would work? Also, there's some flexbox styling applied to the image, but my browser tools show that its not being applied.

    The button's content also seems off: the cart is facing the wrong way and the text may be too small.

    Overall, excellent work! Small details (if you don't have access to the design files, don't sweat it), but the overall spirit of the design comes through. It was easy to read through your code, too. Inspiring.

    Marked as helpful

  • @bradleyhop


    Excellent work! There are some small discrepancies in the mobile styling, for example the border-radius is 10px, the width is a little too wide, and some of the padding is different etc. (I was annoyed myself when I compared the desktop and mobile designs lol.) However, this implementation represents the design given well. I appreciate your use of CSS clamp(). I'm still using media-queries for most things. How do you determine your values? Mobile, tablet, and desktop values (in that order, of course)? Your solution inspired me to try this challenge for myself.

  • @mendoncajoao


    Complete new code for this challenge.

    I managed to place the backgrounds with calc() functions so, even if the user resizes the windows, the background wont move.

    Let me know what you think!




    I think this is a difficult challenge with the backgrounds being one of the more irritating aspects to it haha. The image sizes supplied with this challenge don't match the design, so that makes it even harder. Anyway, look into the CSS property background-position and set the image to those provided using media-queries to link in the correct image for the device side. Don't forget to set the background-color on the same element as the background image (the image has transparency). See for more info:

    It also looks like the font for the buttons are incorrect. There seems to be some horizontal overflow, too.

    It looks great overall. Elements respond to device size, positioning is good, etc. Happy coding!

  • @alidarcan


    This is my first attempt in here. I am newbie. How can I add desktop and mobile seperately? Could you check my code, too? I



    You're project matches the desktop design very well. Good job!

    I took a look at your code, and it looks like you only use on class per element, which leads to redundancy in your CSS. That, in turn, can make it harder to maintain your code as the projects become more complex. Let's take your cards, for example. In your html, you could do something like:

    <div class="card suvs">
      <p>Example content.</p>
    <div class="card sedans">
      <p>More example content.</p>

    And then in your CSS:

    .card {
      height: 410px;
      width: 210px;
      padding: 45px;
    .suvs {
      background-color: hsl(184, 100%, 22%);
    .sedans {
      background-color: hsl(31, 77%, 52%);
    /* etc */

    This way, you can set a base size for your card with one class and have another class that will specify specific attributes to that card. All the styling from multiple classes will be applied to element its assigned to.

    As far as making the site device-responsive, look into media queries and maybe start with CSS Flexbox to help you flow the cards into a column or row. A hot tip I picked up the other day: build the site with the styles being for mobile as the default, and then make changes as needed in your media queries (this is mobile first development and can really help you build your project).

    I've been learning lots from Kevin Powell's youtube channel for great tutorials and tips on CSS and other aspects of frontend web development:

    Happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    I found this the hardest of the newbie challenges so far - I rebuilt it at least 3 times using different techniques! Obviously I would be grateful for any feedback on improvements I could make. One thing I'm struggling with is trying to use clamp() for font-size. I tried using it in my code but at times it was making the font-size a wildly different size than the design, so I took it out. Does anyone have any advice or good resources that you used to understand clamp() for font-sizing? I have managed to use clamp() for width, it's just font-sizing that is giving me some trouble!




    I agree -- I rebuilt this project twice. I really don't think it's a newbie project haha.

    I appreciate your question about CSS clamp() method. I actually didn't know about this feature and it led me to do some research. I usually set my widths in 'rem' measurements and make adjustments with media queries as I work up from smaller to larger devices when I code. clamp() seems dope, and I'll definitely give it try on my next project.

    I did run across this article about font sizes and clamp(): Under the "For those who don't mind edge cases" heading, the author has a generator for your fonts and clamp()!

    I like the animations on :hover. Nice touches. Also, I like the way you structured your SCSS files. I often feel lost when it comes to structuring a project, so it was nice to look browse your clearly written code.

    Marked as helpful

  • DSoluk 120



    Hi all; I was unable to figure out how to isolate the social media link icons for the hover part of the challenge, so any hints would be appreciated!!

    I found that I had to do lots of re-work on this as I went from mobile first to desktop then tablet and uncovering better and more detailed methods (I'm a newbie). So many aspects to think of when going through all the elements. Thoughts?




    Since the social media icons are SVG format, I had trouble, too. I found this stackoverflow question: look at the pure CSS answer using the CSS "filter". There's even a link below that answer to help generate the color options you need using the CSS filter method.

    Also, consider wrapping your buttons and social media icons in anchor tags so that the pointer cursor appears when hovering per the design spec.

    General consensus on people that have completed this challenge is that this project is probably not actually a newbie level even though it's just HTML and CSS. Arranging responsively four different sections in the body is like whoa. Good job pushing through and completing it!

  • Allyson S. 190



    Hi, thanks for looking. My question with this project is mainly about setting up the files and what is appropriate to include in the GitHub repo? For example I ended up adding all my files after downloading and now I have design files in there. Should I delete those to keep the repo cleaner? Or is it helpful to have them there? Also, for a small project like this is it appropriate to have a separate css file with a normalize file included? Thanks so much!



    Your project look great! I took a look at your github repo and it seems pretty easy to navigate. I included the design files in my solution mainly because this is a learning exercise, and I wanted to show what I was working from. You could throw the design markdown file in the design folder to keep all that info together.

    I've done only one other Frontend Mentor project, but I'm paying for pro, so I downloaded the Figma design file. Since we're not supposed to upload those, I just used the template they provide to describe the project, etc.

    Your normalize.css is empty, so it's safe to delete. I'm not familiar with the normalize.css package, but as far as github pages is concerned, there's no information in that file to process. I only had one CSS file in my solution with just setting the margin and padding to 0, and box-sizing: border-box to clear out browser defaults.

    Marked as helpful

  • @bradleyhop


    I found this article to be very helpful on centering: For my solution, I followed the guideline under centering vertically & horizontally, with the element of being a fixed width and height.

    I'd extend the width of your qr component card so that the text flows better. I do like how the color of the footer complements the color scheme. Great job overall!

    Marked as helpful
