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All comments

  • @dreyfus92


    Heyo @dhdbrud318 good job in completing this challenge 🚀. I was reviewing the code and I have a few suggestions:

    • It is a good practice that you don't leave your <form> with a non-empty value you presented <form action=`` class=overlay__modal container`
    • When you push code into a GitHub repo try to avoid uploading .DS-Store and also node_modules, this can be achieved by simply adding the names of the directories in the file .gitignore

    Marked as helpful

  • @dreyfus92


    Hello @NoelaOst, good job in completing this challenge 🚀. I was reviewing your GitHub Repo and I have a few suggestions:

    • I think that you used a lot of @apply directives which could've been used directly in the classes.
    • If you wanna apply a custom font, I think that the easiest way for achieving it with tailwind is using Fontsource
    • And also check the the accessibility report to delve into the problems that you had regarding landmarks.

    Marked as helpful

  • @dreyfus92


    Hello @musharafaahel good job on completing this project 🚀 ! I was reading your code and I have a few suggestions:

    • Using Backslash () used as path segment delimiter is not a good practice, try to stick to (/)
    • If use icons as images try to give them an alt attribute describing what the icon is e.g. src="images/icon-cart.svg" alt="icon-cart"

    Marked as helpful

  • @dreyfus92


    Good job Samuel, I was reading the accessibility report and I figured out that you're lacking <h1> tags, so I would recommend ya using them when you see a title. Generally, it is a best practice to ensure that the beginning of a page's main content starts with a h1 element, and also to ensure that the page contains only one h1 element. Users of screen readers can utilize keyboard keys to skip straight to the first h1, which should, in theory, let them access the web page's core content.

    Marked as helpful

  • @wlopera


    • Me gustaria mejorar el manejo de estilos (css) para que fuese completamente responsive.
    • Lo que mas me costo fue el mostrar la imagen, ya que no habia definido el estilo. const styles = { mapRoot: { height: 600, zIndex: 0, }, };
    • Una grata experiencia y lo mejor contar con un equipo para buscar y compartir información y conocimientos.



    Lo único que tienes que hacer es poner las media queries, si vas a usar styled components. checa este link que explica a detalle como hacer uso de los media queries.

    Marked as helpful

  • @ChromeUniverse


    Any tips on best practices for doing basic client-side form validation? Currently, all I'm doing is using JS to check if the input values are blank - and for email, I'm importing validator.js from NPM using the UNPKG CDN.



    You can handle validations with tons of tools, like yup, zod if you're using typescript, react-hook-form, formik. Try to read the docs and look for what fits your needs.

  • Ramita 10



    Definitely still struggling with the sizing issue. Feedback welcome!



    If you don't want the image to grow as much you should start by setting a width of the container also a height so you can play with measures, e.g try giving the container a width of 230px, and height of auto.

  • @dreyfus92


    @Osooluwa you're missing the mobile version of the challenge, you should work on setting the media queries for the respective viewports. The image is not displayed cause you did not uploaded the img in the repo.

    Marked as helpful

  • @catherineisonline


    Hello, Frontend Mentor community! This is my solution to the Crowdfunding product page.

    I appreciate all the feedback you left that helped me to improve this project. Due to the fact that I published this project very long ago, I am no longer updating it and changing its status to Public Archive on my Github.

    You are free to download or use the code for reference in your projects, but I no longer update it or accept any feedback.

    Thank you



    Amazing work Catherine
