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  • @Jitesh117


    Do you guys think that learning grid is useful if I already am comfortable with flexbox? Does it help learning grid to do more complex layouts?



    It's so useful bro.. You'll encounter that urgency in design where elements order for mobile screen is in one dimensional direction which is appropriate for flex but then when screen change to desktop the elements positioning/order are changing drastically(even different than their order in the html) which you absolutely can't keep your flexbox choice and grid become a must option

    Marked as helpful

  • @eklemis


    Udah mantap mas bro!

    Responsive semua screen. Great job lah! Haha Salam kenal!

  • @eklemis


    Hi Joseph,

    That's a great solution. Keep working and growing!

    For your question about responsiveness, you have to use Media Query on your css. It is recommended that you write style for mobile screen first, then code the style again for desktop screen wrapped inside @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { /* For desktop: */} for desktop screen (you can add other screen size as well. I used to arrange the order like below: /* Put all style for mobile screen here */ @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { /* Put all your style for desktop screen here */ } For more reference on this you could read here

    Also for margin of your grid you can use vw to your width instead of 'px'. 'px' is static value, while 'vw' is portion of screen width, range from 1 to 100vw (maximum width of the screen)

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Teano Goss• 130



    Wasn't sure how to get the underlines below my "learn more" links to offset right without disappearing. If anyone could lend me a hand I would deeply appreciate it. This was my first time trying to master flex-box and CSS Grid specifically grid-template-areas because they are awesome!



    Hi Teano Goss,

    I see you utilize text-underline to make it. Other than that you can use ::after or ::before pseudocode to get that result as well. You can google it, there must be many resources explaining the topic.

    Marked as helpful

  • @eklemis


    Hi Nanc,

    Congratulation for working so far with the challenge. Keep coding and keep making progress!

    For your navigation, i see that little triangle on on mobile screen. That one is a bit tricky but you made it. Good job! Some notes:

    1. The cursor for anchor must be pointer to urge user that the element is meant to be clickable. The top menu must have the same behaviour as the menu on the bottom
    2. All menu item should have the hover states to help user see them as clickable element
    3. On mobile screen, the burger button image must be changed to 'x' icon after user display the menu so the have clear idea how to close the opened menu. You can do that by change the src value of the img element on your #hamburger click event as addition to what you already write there.

    That's all for now, hope you understand my comment!

    Marked as helpful

  • @eklemis


    Great job my friend!

    I wish i can start my journey with React soon!

    Keep creating!

  • @eklemis


    You doing a great Job Albert! Congratulations! Also you can improve the solution by adding option to mark a task as completed when user add a new task.

    keep creating!!

  • @eklemis


    Completed nicely!

    Marked as helpful
