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All comments

  • @ezeaniiandrew


    You did a fantastic job on this project 👏. I do think that adding a small transition effect when opening and closing the mobile menu will improve the user experience greatly.

    Marked as helpful

  • @ezeaniiandrew


    Great design, You were able to reproduce the design and that is an important step. The next step is to make your code better and here are some suggestions to guide you:

    1. I noticed that all your images on each section were enclosed in a parent container. I don’t think it’s necessary as the other contents of the sections are already enclosed in a parent container, so setting a display flex on the common parent container will still give you the same results.

    2. Your use of labels to separate the different content in your footer section is not good, labels are used with input fields for accessibility reasons. A div tag will best serve for that purpose.

    3. The phone number should be in a link tag because we would like a potential customer to be able to call the company when they click on that number.

    4. Using descriptive names when naming classes and ids is a core part of the job because it not only helps maintaining the code easier but it also helps you when you want to review your work sometime in the future and apply the new things you have learnt to make it better. If you’re are not using a css framework (I’m not familiar with frameworks naming conventions because I only write vanilla CSS), I will advice you read about BEM naming technique and apply them in your future projects.

    Marked as helpful

  • @ezeaniiandrew


    Nice Design. Just three corrections:

    1. I noticed in your README file, you had problems when when adding margin and padding to your work. It’s good practice and saves you a lot of time in debugging your code when you add these code at the beginning of your css file:
    • { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
    1. Try and place the card in the middle of the page. You can use add the below code to your body tag:

    display: grid; Place-items: center;

    3)There is no need to add pixels when specifying the width and height of an image in HTML cos it’s already in pixels

    Marked as helpful

  • Nneoma Njoku 1,210



    I encountered some problems with the logo. The logo SVG image was showing but after

    closing the browser my live server was using the logo image stopped showing and each time i tried to reload it my live server (i use VS code) kept popping up this error message

    "Live Reload is not possible without body or head tag."

    Any help on how to fix this will be appreciated



    I think the logo image has been corrupted, try using a different image and see if you encounter the same problem. Nice Design

    Marked as helpful

  • @yuvy6376


    i dont know why the image of qr code is not showing up !!






    I think you might want to look at it again. The qr code image is showing

  • Gugg 130



    My responsiveness isn't perfect and the 2 sections for desktop don't properly scale down equally, but not completely sure how I should fix that.

    If anyone has a solution for that or some general feedback, more than welcome! Thank you!



    hello, your github site is bringing up a 404 error.
