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All comments

  • Jason Greenwald• 200



    This was mostly a review of past "card component" projects.

    • How would you suggest I handle the widths for this project (compared to what I did)? Considering they were card components, I assumed it was fine to use "static" widths. Your thoughts? As always, let me know if there's something else I missed. Thank you in advance for your feedback. Cheers!
    Jason Greenwald• 200



    Just an FYI - Not sure why the title is only takes up two lines in the screenshot. Looking at the live site, it spans three lines just like the design. I appreciate any insight into why this is the case. (It bugs me, but I'm trying to be laid back about it.)

  • Karolfm12• 130



    I'm still struggling with transparency of image. Any idea?

    Jason Greenwald• 200



    Karolfm12 - Two things that helped me with this part: 1) learning how to insert images with the css BACKGROUND property instead of the html IMG tag and 2) PSEUDO ELEMENTS - specifically the ::after and ::before ones.

    Basically, you use CSS to display the image (instead of HTML), then add a color over the top of it using the ::after pseudo element. Reduce the opacity of the color to let the image show through. I think of it like adding a layer of color on top of an image like you would in Photoshop or similar.

    This is a high level overview of what to do and how to get started. I'm still very new at this so hopefully someone with more experience responds too! But I do think looking into the CSS background property and pseudo elements are a solid start. Cheers!

  • Jason Greenwald• 200



    Tear it apart!! No, I'm only kidding. Please be gentle. But I have much to learn so the more constructive feedback I receive the better. Always at the top of my mind is accessibility, organization/structure, best practices and so on. Thank you in advance for the help and support. Cheers!

    Jason Greenwald• 200



    I read the accessibility report and added aria labels to the social media links. This was my first time using aria so feedback about that is appreciated.
