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    Hello, it's my first time working with JSON. It would be great to receive feedbacks on how I can improve my codes, especially javascript.

    Also, for the styling, I struggled a bit showing the amount div in the center, above the bars, how would you guys do it, instead?

    Thanks in advance for any feedbacks!

    Happy coding :)

  • Submitted

    Hello, it's been a while since my last project. This one was challenging because I just started doing "Junior" level projects. I hope to receive as many feedbacks as I can. Thank you in advance!

    Questions: 1- How can I make the sliding transition of my mobile menu smoother? 2- How can I make my webpage look better at about 945px? The image got cut off top. 3- Any suggestions on my javascript?

    Other feedbacks are always welcome, ofc! Happy coding!

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone,

    It's been a while because this challenge was quite difficult for me. I've finally finished (and very proud of myself hehe). Please take some time to review my solution. I'd love to receive as many feedbacks as possible.

    One thing I noticed is that, when on a few specific mobile devices (iphone SE, next hub, and galaxy S8+), the overlay effect acted weird. There was a white part at the top of the page. This doesn't happen in other mobile devices though. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

    Any other feedbacks are welcome. Thank you in advance!

    Happy coding :)

  • Submitted

    This is my first project working with API.

    I notice that if I click on the button twice in a row, it will not generate a new advice as I expected it. If I click again, then it works. Any suggestions on how to fix that?

    Any other feedbacks are welcome as well :)

  • Submitted

    Under the mobile view, my error message and submit button is too close. I tried adding margin for both element, it still doesn't work (nothing moved). I don't know why? What am I missing here? Any help would be appreciated.

    Any other feedbacks are welcome. Happy coding!

  • Submitted

    When I click on a question and then click on a different one, the box (or the entire left side) doesn't move smoothly and it looks like a glitch haha. Any suggestion how to fix that?

    Any other feedbacks are welcome as well.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Submitted

    This was a fun challenge. I found a codepen from SOF, that helps filter the svg color into a desired color. But, what are other (probably) more effective, quicker way to do it?

    Any other feedbacks on styles and codes are very much appreciated. I love to learn.

    Happy coding, as always.

  • Submitted

    Hello, this is my 3rd JS project. I'm starting to get a feel of how JS works but I'm still a beginner, so I hope to receive many feedbacks so I can learn. Thank you in advance.

  • Submitted

    Hello, I've struggled a lot with this challenge. I have a few specific questions but also welcome any other feedbacks.

    1- I use setTimeout so that the form is clear before the alert pops up, will there be any issue? If I use promise instead, how can I do this? Any other way that you guys did to clear out the form after successfully submitted?

    2- I learned from someone else how to do this linear background but I'm still very confused about how to achieve it. Is there any good tutorial on this topic that you'd recommend? How do you just look at this background design and know which colors to use for the linear gradient?

    This is my second project using JS. Your feedbacks will help me learn a lot so I hope to receive some comments on this project. Thank you in advance :D

  • Submitted

    Any feedbacks are welcome. I have some questions regarding background and fontawesome icons. 1- I tried to position my background exactly as the design, and it worked but only when I did background-size:contain. The issue is using contain, when my browser got bigger, but not big enough for desktop size yet, the background doesn't cover the whole page. I hope I explained this well enough.

    2- Are we still able to use fontawesome with CDN now? or we can only use with Kit? (version 5 and up)

    3- Any suggestions on how I can clean up my codes? Any recommended articles/ videos on this matter?

    Thank you in advance for anyone's help. I love to learn so throw me some feedbacks please :D

  • Submitted

    I'm getting more comfortable using grid. Also I spent time updating the file and I'm proud of it. I'd love to receive feedbacks on anything.

    Some specific questions I have are: 1- any other way to make this design work? using grid or not using grid? 2- what would you do differently for the box-shadow, that makes it look closer to the design? 3- how do you like the active state that I added for the cards? :D

    Happy coding!

  • Submitted

    I have a few questions:

    1. I used flexbox for this challenge but would love to know how to use grid on this.
    2. how to align the component vertically center? I don't know what I'm missing. Any other feedbacks are welcome too. Thank you!
  • Submitted

    This challenge was a little tough for me. I have a few questions:

    1. How can I make my code more clean and efficient?

    2. I use rem and px mixed up, it seems unorganized for me. Any suggestions?

    3. I used border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, etc... Because in this challenge, the rounded corners change in mobile and desktop view. Better way to set the border-radius?

    Any other feedbacks and suggestions are welcome as well. I'd love to learn. Thank you! :D

  • Submitted

    Any feedbacks are welcome. I have a few issues that I'd love to receive suggestions on:

    1. At the ethereum icon and days line (below the paragraph), I couldn't center horizontally the words and the icon images. Tried adding padding -bottom and margin-bottom and both didn't work.
    2. I used fixed height and width for this project but would like to learn how to use rem and em better. Any recommendations on good tutorials for this specific topic?
    3. Also, I think I'm using a lot of divs in this project, will that be a problem in the future, for more advanced projects?
  • Submitted

    QR Code Page Using Flexbox

    • HTML
    • CSS


    Hello, I've tried my best to recreate this webpage. This is my very first project and I have a few things I'm not satisfied with and would love to receive feedbacks on

    1. My container's still bigger than I wanted it to be, what's the best solution to make it smaller?
    2. The blue background of the qr code has 2 shadows which I have no idea what it's called and how to do it. I'm happy to receive feedbacks on any other things too. Thank you!