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  • Submitted

    I don't recall the details of this project, I picked it up from weeks ago and continued working on it today.

    Interesting to hop out of a project and back into one, something I don't normally do.

  • Submitted

    I decided to practice my React and Tailwind CSS for this project.

    Although this isn't pixel perfect and there are a few interactive issues, I'm happy to say, this was an amazing learning experience.

    I aim to continue practicing with React, Tailwind CSS and hopefully, additional frameworks and plugins that go alongside them.

  • Submitted

    Why is this unfinished?

    I am submitting this project purposely unfinished, my goal is to see whether my code is readable in the near future. I believe this is a great skill to have and I hope to be able to easily come back, pickup this project and finish it.


    I was actually very happy with the results of this project and its current state, If you have any suggestions on how I can improve my code, I would be very grateful.

    I took a different approach to this project and decided to focus on small parts at a time while maintaining the code while doing so. This really stopped burn out and really helped me learn specific tasks, which, I believe this is the purpose of these challenges!

  • Submitted

    I'm very happy with the results of this project, I'm hoping that the code is also up to standards... (aside from the lack of variables for the colours).

    I tried my best to ensure good accessibility for the HTML within this project.

    I struggled with the placements of the images for a while, but I think it's close enough for now.

    NOTE: Just wanted to say thanks to @pikamart for sharing their wisdom with me. It believe it really helped with building this project.

  • Submitted

    I honestly don't know what went so horribly wrong when building this... I guess my focus wasn't really there, it was built over a few days.

    I have been very unfocused this week and will probably take a few steps away from my code to ease my mind a little!

    For now; he's my train wreck of a design! I'm submitting it so when I'm focused, I can revisit this and learn from my mistakes.

  • Submitted

    I'm personally not happy with this project, I've been very tired and busy, so the code seems rushed and messy.

    I'll revisit this project one day, but right now; I don't want to see it again!!

  • Submitted

    So, this isn't perfect at all... I mainly wanted to practice TailwindCSS & React together.

    I would love some advice on React. (Go easy, I'm fairly new with React & TailwindCSS)!

    Thanks in advanced for anyone reviews the code!

  • Submitted

    I'm super happy with the results of this project.

    I would love some constructive criticism and pointers on things I could have done better with and/or missed within the code.

    It's difficult to remember all the accessibility stuff; however, I'm hoping this is an improvement from my previous projects!

    Thanks you for reviewing my project.

  • Submitted

    Pretty happy with the outcome and looking forward to moving onto some harder projects.

  • Submitted

    I decided to give tailwind a try with this project.

    This project ended up being a bit messy and is not my best work; however, it was fun learning new tools and the building process of these tools.

    I hope to redo this project in the future.

  • Submitted

    I was a little confused about the colours within this page.

    Perhaps I was missing a CSS property to darken a particular part of the text. (used opacity for lighter colours)!

  • Submitted

    I wanted to build this without JavaScript, I'm pretty happy with the validation expect for the fact it's always "active".

    Is there any way to only trigger the "invalid" section, only if the input was touched by the user?

    Thanks for checking out my solution <3.

  • Submitted

    I was pretty satisfied with the code, up until the desktop section. I ended up restructuring some containers.

    Is there any CSS pointers for that particular part?

  • Submitted

    I'm pretty happy with how accurate I managed to make this, any suggestions on CSS tips would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    I realised during this that I'm awful at background images, sizing, positioning and overflows.

    I would love some advice, guides/resources for practice!