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  • P
    Julieβ€’ 120



    I think the one thing I struggled with on this one was in the mobile version, if you open the window up or down (vertical), the bars in the summary section collapse and/or the gap gets wider. Is there a way to make it so it sticks to the same height or do I want it to be flexible like this?

    Any thoughts on best practices, I'm all for wanting to improve!





    Hi, Julie! Congratulations on completing the challenge, it was really good! πŸ‘πŸ»

    Answering your question...

    To prevent the bars in the summary section from collapsing on small screens, simply add the white-space: nowrap; property to the black-text class.

    .black-text {
       white-space: nowrap;

    And to prevent the content from causing overflow, set a minimum width for the summary section, this way the summary-score will not break.

    .summary {
       min-width: 16rem;

    Another detail that I noticed is that the gap between scores is very small on small screens and is almost unnoticeable. I recommend adding the gap property to the summary-scores flex container, this way it will create a space between all flex items.

    .summary-scores {
       gap: 1rem;

    Congratulations once again, great job! 😁

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    LukaSkudrzikβ€’ 40



    I found the hero section to be extremely difficult for desktop resolutions. I am proud of my solution, but I know there are definitely better ways to go about it. I appreciate any and all feedback about how I could have done that section better!

    I also appreciate any feedback regarding the structure of my HTML. Was it too messy? Were the Tailwind classes too redundant at times? I know there are parts that I could have made more concise, and that is something I will focus on for my next project.

    Thank you for taking the time to check it out!




    Hey, @Lnumber1! Congratulations on completing this challenge! πŸ‘πŸ»

    Regarding the hero section, an easy way to achieve the proposed design is using CSS Grid. Using it, you can separate content more precisely, without having to use absolute position.

    For example, you could structure the section as follows:

      <section class="hero">
        <div class="hero__container">
          <div class="hero__wrapper"> <!-- grid container -->
            <div class="hero__content"> <!-- grid item -->
              <h1>Modern Gallery Art</h1>
                  The arts in the collection of the Modern Art Gallery all started from a spark of
                  inpsiration. Will these pieces inspire you? Visit us and find out.{' '}
                <a href="/location">Our location</a>
            <div class="hero__image"> <!-- grid item -->
              <img src="img/desktop/[email protected]" />

    The structure consists of a container that will define the maximum width occupied by the content, inside it a wrapper that will define the grid, and inside this grid, we will have a div with the content and a div with the image.

    This way, you can define which columns of the grid each child element will occupy, that is, which columns the div with class hero__content and the div containing the image will occupy.

    By defining that the content will occupy the entire grid and the image will only occupy a few central columns, you can achieve the desired layout.

    The CSS would look something like this:

      .hero__container {
        max-width: 1110px;
        margin: 0 auto;
      .hero__wrapper {
        display: grid;
        grid-template-columns: repeat(12, 1fr); /* divide into 12 equal columns */
        column-gap: 30px;
      .hero__content {
        grid-column: 1 / -1;  /* fills all columns in the grid */
        grid-row: 1; /* occupies the first row */
        display: flex;
        align-items: start;
        justify-content: space-between;
        padding-top: 12rem;
      .hero__image {
        grid-column: 4 / -4;  /* fill columns 4-5-6-7-8 */
        grid-row: 1; /* occupies the first row too */

    When using CSS grid, if two grid items occupy the same cell, you can define which item appears above the other using the z-index property even without using absolute position. So, just make the hero__content appear over the hero__image by adding z-index: 10, for example.

    Finally, to make the part with a black background, we can use a pseudo element in the section, like this:

      .hero { 
        position: relative;
      .hero::before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        background-color: black;
        z-index: -10;
        inset: 0 50% 0 0;
        /* or */
        width: 50%;
        height: 100%;
        left: 0;
        top: 0;

    There are several approaches to achieving the same goal, and at first it is difficult to know which is the easiest, or which is the best. Only with practice will you find the best way that works for you. So...

    Keep practicing, you are doing a great job. 😁

    Marked as helpful

  • 00YellowLemonβ€’ 440



    I just dont know why the box shadow appears sideways also .Can anyone suggest me a fix. Feedback will be highly appreciated.




    Hi, @00YellowLemon!! Congrats on completing the challenge!! πŸ‘πŸ»

    The box-shadow has the following syntax:

    • box-shadow: <offset-x> <offset-y> <blur-radius> <spread-radius> <color>

    In your code, you defined it as box-shadow: 0 4px 8px gray;

    The box shadow appears from the side too, because of the blur, this is normal. But you set the color too dark, this intensifies the shadow. To make the shadow softer, just apply a color with some transparency, like: box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);

    Now, if you want to reduce the box-shadow on the sides, you will have to add the fourth parameter of the property, the <spread-radius> can expand the shadow, but if the value is negative it will shrink the shadow.

    In this way, changing to box-shadow: 0 16px 16px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); you will get a result with a bigger shadow at the bottom and a very soft shadow at the sides.

    For more information read this πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

    Marked as helpful

  • Adrianoβ€’ 34,000



    πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Hello everyone!

    I'm so glad I completed this amazing challenge! I've learned a lot along the way and I feel my development has benefited from this challenging project. While it took a little longer than expected due to my familiarity with some technology, I'm thrilled to finally have it done!

    I faced several challenges during the project, especially regarding organization, which was a challenging aspect to maintain. However, I believe I managed to do a good job in this regard. It was my first time working on such a large project with multiple technologies, which made it difficult to organize everything and keep the code clean. Even so, I'm confident I did a good job!

    In addition to all the functionality required by the front-end mentor I added:

    • Unit tests and integration tests done with jest & Testing Library!
    • Documentation of components using Storybook!
    • Pre-loading!
    • Keep track of any changes, even after refreshing the browser!
    • Users can drag and drop tasks to change their status and reorder them in a column!

    If you have any suggestions for code improvements, please feel free to share!

    Thanks! 😊




    ParabΓ©ns, Adriano! Excelente trabalho! πŸ‘πŸ»
