Feel free to give me any feedback.

@palgrammingAll comments
- @JeanMiesesSubmitted over 3 years ago
- @mmc1999Submitted over 3 years ago
please feedback
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agoWhen the user selects a region from the drop-down the list does not show an option has been selected. The countries seem to update but there is no conformation that the user selected the correct region
Marked as helpful0 - @sinaGh-cyberSubmitted over 3 years ago
Hello everyone, it's my first experience in coding a CSS project on my own. I will be happy to have your guide. In the style-guide.md file the font size Is 16, but I had to use a smaller font size to code this design. Is it a misunderstanding of style-guide.md content?
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agoyou should change you body background styles to this
background: url('./images/pattern-background-desktop.svg'); background-color: var(--Pale-blue); background-size: 100vw 40vh; background-repeat: no-repeat;
Marked as helpful1 - @A-amonSubmitted over 3 years ago
Any feedback is welcome~
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agoyou should change the background-size on the body tag from
to '100% 40%or
100vw 40vh`Marked as helpful0 - @AdekolaThanniSubmitted over 3 years ago
Any feedback would be appreciated :)
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agoyou should limit the use of the
key so the user cannot enter a number like this1.
0 - @asim-ali5514Submitted over 3 years ago
Please leave any feedback as this was my first fully responsive website! I also had a bit a fun with the animations from framer motion and I hope you guys like them!
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agoThe main thing in you nav that is no state change for the user to know what page they are on. Some how you need to highlight to the user what page is currently selected
0 - @letyoursoulgloSubmitted over 3 years ago
Any feedback is appreciated, I am still learning how to implement media queries so any tips would also be appreciated.
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agoyou should change the background size on your body tag from
to100vw 40vh
Marked as helpful0 - @o0oDanielHaroo0oSubmitted over 3 years ago
I ran into a problem with the border-radius. Starting at 1055px screen width it seems to flatten out and ends up looking like a regular box. I can't seem to find the source of this issue. Any help would be appreciated!
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agowell you you need to put the border raidus on the corners of your cards that need them
Put this on your orange card
border-radius: 20px 0 0 20px;
then look at how the dark cyan card compares to the results on the orangethe key is you have to transition the border radius corners on the cards depending if it is the mobile or desktop layouts
Marked as helpful1 - @tlbodrickSubmitted over 3 years ago
For some reason, the cards resize randomly when changing the window size and I can't figure out why.
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agoyou need to put a controlled height on your card container you currently had 100vh but I put 60vh on it in web dev tools and then one each of your individual cards put a height of 100% on each of them
thank should get you close
Marked as helpful0 - @jcombs0929Submitted over 3 years ago
I decided to use svgs for the images, and they can be confusing. Please let me know if I utilized these incorrectly. Thank you!
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agowell just attach the SVG main background to the body tag in your css you do not need all the extra effort and code to when you can use use this https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background.asp
Marked as helpful0 - @JhilarytSubmitted over 3 years ago
Hey, if you have any feedback please do not hesitate in share it :-)
P@palgrammingPosted over 3 years agomaybe start by attaching the main background to the body tag in the css and not using a img tag to insert it in the page https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background.asp
0 - @shrewdmindSubmitted over 3 years ago
Modified Version.
I made some changes in my code to achieve a better result.
Please feel free to drop any reviews or advice on how I could've achieved a much better result.
Thank you! :)