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  • @engsofjvolfe


    I know it's a basic thing but i never, never, never know how to fit my elements inside the screen, even when the element is just a card like this one. I need some help, please... Thank you all for the patience and advices.



    A realy easy way to center your div/element is for example:

    body {display: grid; place-content: center} or body {display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center}

    But in both cases your body needs a fixed hight and width of 100% or 100vw/100vh

    Happy coding

  • @burak2482


    Hi, its my first challenge.

    I couldn't find the right way to how can i set mobile width and desktop width for the project. I tried some technics but it didn't work.

    How can i set mobile width and desktop width for page?

    Thanks for everything!

    Qr Code Design





    Hallo Burak,

    to set the size of elements for different screen size you can use a me media queries.

    Here is an example:

    @media (max-width: 375px) { .card { width: 200px; } }

    In that case the witdh of your .card container will only be 200px under 375px. When working with sizes you could use rem instead of px.

    Overall the rest is looking good

    Marked as helpful

  • Keith 70



    Hello! Just curious on the structure of my HTML. I did a div for the container and one div for the card which contains all of the elements within the card (image, h1 and paragraph tags) - is this the right way to structure the card? Or should the image have been in one div and the h1 and paragraph tags in another div? Overall, it worked in the end, but I wasn't sure if there are better practices to follow. Thank you!



    Maybe you can put the container div into <main> tag and the attribution tag into a <footer> tag. Everything else looks solid.

    Happy coding

  • @pascal-prfst


    Could need feedback. When I check the design on mobile the top and bottom get chopped and I don`t realy know what I am doing wrong.
