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    Had issues with bootstrap here - the indicator buttons i was going to use on the carousel weren't working as meant to, when I include them in the build trying to scroll through more than one picture using the buttons, or leaving it to scroll itself would give an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'classList')"

    Pretty sure i've got everything correct, all the target classes match. I could have included the indicators just as images without the functionality but decided to leave it until i can do it properly

  • Submitted

    Quite a fun easy build, nothing too complicated, only issue I had was with the order of the "Transform your brand" section and the egg image. I have made that section using one single bootstrap row and 6 columns which default to full width on small screens and to col-6 on a large one. I tried to use col-push or pull and the apparently newer float-end, but none seemed to work? Any suggestions on what I might be missing?

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    Pretty Close

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Some alignment issues, re-set button submits and clears fields instead of just clearing

  • Submitted

    This was a fun one to build, using a lot of bootstrap grids to sort out responsive layouts.

    I struggled a bit with placement of some of the items, for example aligning the up and down figures on the smaller cards to the bottom right while staying inline with the numbers in the bottom left, I had to do this just by adding a right margin the to bottom left numbers which doesn't quite leave them in the right places. The same goes for the Theme toggle switch at the top of the page.

    Also any suggestions on an efficient way to change the themes would be welcome, especially if there's a way to toggle a single class for the whole document to see the change? Overall the effect turned out fine, especially like the transition between the themese

  • Submitted

    Set the screen width to match the style guides for more accuracy, so it looks a little strange when deployed on a larger screen, since those widths are hard coded. Will look at my next one to assume screen widths marked in the style guide but will be able to scale up to a larger screen

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    Feel this is pretty close, quite happy with it, only small differences I can spot like the size of the $. Feedback appreciated

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    HTML & CSS

    • HTML
    • CSS


    Again, likely could be a lot more compact on the CSS, and I know it's inefficient using the way I have added the stars on the reviews - would be interested to hear solutions to add these without 15 lines of repeated code. I considered writing it as an element in a separate file and importing it?

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    No doubt my CSS could be reduced by quite a lot, any advice would be appreciated.