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  • n3ey 50



    Hey !

    My 2nd challenge here.

    I decided to take on this challenge with Angular and SCSS.

    I thought this challenge will be simple, but Angular (I love Angular) made it into a hell :-D. But that's probably because I still suck at Angular.

    There is an interesting way, how I approached handling the svg icons in Angular, and if you're experienced in Angular, please, if you have time, take a look and let me know how to do it correctly or in a better way, I'll appreaciate it very much!

    What I had problems with ?

    • Angular's View Encapsulation with SCSS, I had few problems with styling and working on the layout, but mostly because I decided to use the svg icon as components and render them from within a dynamic component. I guess I bumped into some async problems and other issues before I got it work correctly. If you know more how to work with svg Icons, if you know more about Angular, then please take a look at my code -> src/app/components/icons check it out and let me know how to handle it in a better way but still do everything dynamically.

    That's what I wanted to do, everything dynamically, so I fetch the svg colors using a service component and then using it as a background color, that was one of the reasons I decided to use svg icons as components.

    Other than that, it was probably all cool, though I'm not really happy about my code, because I know that it could be done in a much more efficient and better way, but I lack experience and know how. Working on it though, step by step.

    Thank you very much for your time!

    n3ey 50



    Oh I forgot to mention, there was a problem with the dynamic font, I imported it correctly, I use @face-font but still I couldn't get all the font weighs, that's why my font is a little bit off, maybe some Angular issue ? On my previous challenge where I used pure JS with webpack everything worked correctly...
