Completed the challenge using:
- Vanilla JS
- Vanilla CSS
- PostCSS
Added some animations and a spinner loader. JS throttling function to better handle resizing.
What I learned:
- BEM notation is totally amazing must have if you work with Vanilla CSS makes navigation in your css much easier great for debugging helps when making responsive design with media queries
- Vite Before I used webpack, Vite is easier to configure and feels more fresh and modern
- PostCSS amazing stuff which uses JS to transform your CSS, such as: pxtorem you can write your code in px anywhere, which I find to be more accurate and overall easier to work with. PostCSS will take care of it and during build it'll transform your px to rem. autoprefixer adds vendor prefixes to your CSS based on browser compatibility, automatically
- Cypress I know a little bit of e2e testing with Cypress before. Always good to use and practice.
- Vitest Just like e2e testing being able to develop Test Driven Development style is a valuable skill never hurts to practice writing tests.