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  • Haziqā€¢ 320




  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hillary Clinton must crying af watching this work.

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Boek do sifuuu

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Boek dooo sifuuuuuu. Kipidap dong kebabbbbb

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hi there. I really appreciate for looking forward to my codes. I think I need some improvement especially on js. By the way, i'm still newbie using javascript. I have so much fun actually. Happy coding everyone!!

    Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hi Raymart Pamplona, thanks for reviewing my codes. I appreciate it. Thanks also for the suggestion. I've learned a lot new things from you. Thank you again!!

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hi Faiyaz.

    Congrats on completing the challenge. Here my few a opinions.

    • learn css grid and flexbox because it is useful for responsive design
    • having a strong basic of css. This will help you in making better decisions.
    • try to write css by your own instead using libraries. This is a great practice in understanding the css

    Feel free to take a look at my solution. I've completed this challenge.

    Happy coding.

  • Junaidā€¢ 50




    This is Junaid. I have completed the Social Proof section challenge. It is a responsive web page created using html and css. I would love to get a feed back on my work and suggestions for improvements are most welcomed.

    Thank you:)

    Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hi Junaid.

    Congrats for completing this challenge. I notice that a few mistake in your code.

    • body does not need color
    • set body 's height eg: body { height: 100vh; }
    • center the main by doing this simple line of code body { display: grid; place-items: center; height: 100vh; }
    • background image should not be in main instead it should be in the body
    • you should set the max-width of main so that your content does not stretch after 1440px view

    For better understanding you can refer to my code. I've done this challenge.

    Happy coding!!

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hi Ryoma.

    Well done. You completed the challenge. It was close to design. I notice that your container does not centered well. Here my tips for fix this:

    • remove width of the body instead put the height height: 100vh;
    • center container using grid body { display: grid; place-items: center; }

    I think that's it. Feel free to take a look at my code. I've done this challenge.

    Almost forgot. Here my tips on responsive design:

    • go for mobile first then desktop
    • use media queries
    • be familiar with flexbox and css grid

    Feel free to watch this

    Happy coding!!

    Marked as helpful

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hi Dhiya.

    Well done buddy the design was close. Here you can set the width of box thus it looks so close to design.

    max-width: 69.3125rem;

    Also your right-box image does not blended properly. Feel free take a look at my code to find your answer.

    Happy coding.

    Marked as helpful

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Hi Quentin.

    Well done buddy. That was close to design. I notice that your order_summary is not centered well. You forgot to set the height of the body. You can fix this by:

    • set the height of body body { height: 100vh; }
    • remove margin-top of order_summary

    That's it. Happy coding!!

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Wow it was close to the design. Great job buddy!! I notice that your main is not centered. You can fix this by using grid. Write this simple line in your body tag.

    body { display: grid; place-items: center; }

    Happy coding!!

    Marked as helpful

  • Haziqā€¢ 320



    Wow nice bootstrap site!! I think you need to adjust proper max-width of the card. Also the image should be responsive. Here how you can set a responsive image:

    img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }

    For better understanding, you can take a look at my code.

    Marked as helpful
