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Social media dash board using grid

Natnaelβ€’ 40


Desktop design screenshot for the Social media dashboard with theme switcher coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

is it close enogh ?

Community feedback

Matt Studdertβ€’ 13,611



Nice work, Natnael! Congrats on submitting this solution. Here are some thoughts after taking a look at your code:

  • I'd say the solution needs a bit more work to get it looking close to the design. You can see in the design comparison that the boxes are a bit small, and the gaps a quite big vs the design. It would be a great exercise to try refining it to get it matching up more. Attention to detail is a key trait in good front-end developers, so it's good to practice.
  • Your theme toggle uses a click listener on a div to trigger the action. I'd recommend avoiding setting click listeners on non-interactive elements, like the div element. These can't be accessed by anyone not using a mouse/trackpad to navigate the content, which is a bad practice. Instead, add click listeners to interactive elements like a or button. This will ensure the element is focusable and accessible by people not using a mouse/trackpad. As it's a toggle, I'd use a button in this instance.
  • You've left the alt attributes blank for all img elements, so screen reader users won't know what social media platform each stat is for. When you build interfaces, it's essential to think through how all users will consume the content as you could easily create inaccessible interfaces otherwise.

I hope these tips help! Keep up the great work! πŸ™‚

Marked as helpful

Roc Tanweerβ€’ 2,500



Hello πŸ‘‹ @Natnael

Great πŸ‘Œ work really..! Your solution is meeting all the expectations..!

But let's do some more work to increase UX, wouldn't you agree?

Let see... You may put some animation or transition when the page loads and when the theme is toggled...


Try to save the recent theme used by a User.

Hope it helps(Good Luck and happy coding..!)

Marked as helpful


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