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  • Mustafa 415



    Its perfect !! 🔥 there is a little adjustment for a better look which is the box-shadow of the main container could have more blur

    Happy coding 👨🏾‍💻

    Marked as helpful

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey 👋 ,

    Everything looks perfect 🔥 but I just you should have a look at the compatibility of the css code.

    Happy coding 👨🏾‍💻

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey champ 👋,

    Its really nice try with your project.. there are actually many css problems with it

    • first it will be better if the main container is centered to the middle of the screen. You could actually check the flex box for that display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center

    • check the fonts because its not working

    • check the padding to for better look

    • you should try another way to make the line for example check the ::after pseudo element

    Keep learning and practicing 🔥

    Happy coding 👨🏾‍💻

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey champ 👋,

    The design looks perfect !! Keep rocking 🔥🔥

    There is only one issue with your code which is the responsiveness of the project especially the main container of the content. Hope you really consider it while adjusting your project

    Happy coding 👨🏾‍💻

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey 👋, The design is really perfect, you are rocking it 🔥

    There is only one thing that you might forgot which is the primary button box-shadow, it will be better if you considered this in your next project adjustment.

    happy coding 👨🏽‍💻

    Marked as helpful

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey, 👋 Your design is really good and responsive too, Keep rocking 🚀 there are some stuff I hope you consider when adjusting this project:

    • It will better if you adjust the size of the fonts.
    • the paragraph in the original design is a bit lighter.
    • the box shadow of the main container should have more radius and blur for example: /* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | spread-radius | color */ box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);

    Happy coding 👨🏽‍💻

    Marked as helpful

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey Coders 👋,

    Just finished the Preview card project with custom Framework for responsiveness ! 🚀. Really looking forward to get your feedback 🔥 That would help me to develop more.

    Sincerely, Mustafa

    Mustafa 415



    Thank you so much for you feedback ! I will be working on improving it more soon 🤓

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey👋 ,

    I was really happy working on such a project and I would definitely be happier if you told me your feedback honestly, So I can Improve my skills 🖥.


    Mustafa 415



    Thank you so much!! Really I can't be more grateful and for sure will improve this project. ❤️❤️

  • @justAdevTV


    Hey everyone,

    This was really fun to do! At work, I'm used to using react with styled-components. It's pretty cool to get to use plain HTML & SASS after not using it for a while.

    It's also responsive based on the mock-up from sketch.

    What do you think about my code?

    I'm also here for questions!

    P.S. I matched this one to the specific mockup dimensions. My future submissions will be fully responsive!

    Thanks, JP

    Mustafa 415



    Hey, I was reviewing your project and i found a problem here with the responsiveness. The subscribe button of the news letter is floating to the left.

  • Mustafa 415




    Kindly if you have time review my code and tell me if there any comments to improve the CSS or how could i make it more effective.

    All comments are welcome and thank you in advance

    Mustafa 415



    First of all thank you for reviewing my code 😁. I really appreciate your improvement suggestions and will update my projects with your suggestion.

  • Mustafa 415



    Thank you !!

  • Mustafa 415



    hey champs,

    pleas if anyone have some time to review my javascript code and give me feedback that would be really nice :D.

    Mustafa 415



    Thank you !!

  • Mustafa 415



    Hey Victor,

    Thank you for your feedback !! Yeah actually i was trying to add a ripple effect to the buttons, but it didn't go well so I will add hover state and animation on these buttons later on
