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    After spending the past few months deep-diving into React, I decided to go back to basics and built a webpage with HTML, CSS, and (vanilla) JavaScript. I wanted to refresh my memory on the foundations. I'm feeling pretty confident about this build which is either a good thing or a bad thing. 😅 Hopefully, it's a good thing.

    However, if there's something I could have done better or differently with this build, I'm open to hearing about it. Thank you.

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    Aside from advice about best practices, I have one question in mind for this project:

    How to adjust the active state of the button for mobile?

    I noticed when I viewed the live version on my mobile device, after clicking the button to generate a new piece of advice, the "glow" effect around the button remained in affect. In other words, it did not reset to the normal button. There was still a neon green box-shadow on the button.

    I'm sure I need to adjust the media query or something to fix this. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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    Unsure about the days calculation

    I spent a lot of time working on the calculations to compute the age in years, months, days based on a birth date. Initially, I incorrectly calculated the days. At first I thought the days represented the number of days since one's birthday.

    However, after checking the design specs it looks more like it's number of days since the day of your birth.

    For example, at the time of this writing it is June 11. If you were born on the the 4th of June, then it's been 7 days since your birthday so you would be XX years, 0 months, and 7 days.

    Feedback welcome

    Hopefully, I've (re)interpreted this correctly and properly implemented the code for it. If not, I would greatly appreciate feedback on my error and how to improve it.

    Other feedback related to styling or best practices for HTML/CSS/JS/React is also welcome.

    Thank you.

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    This is another project where I'm practicing my React skills. In terms of feedback, I welcome all general feedback but I'm mostly interested in best practices when it comes to React. I'm still new at learning React so I'd like to build good habits now as I continue to increase my skills. Thank you.

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    I'm currently working my way through the 'React Basics' course on and I wanted to put into practice what I've been learning about React and forms.

    I welcome any general feedback for best practices, however I did notice a strange 'glitch' when I was testing this solution. Whenever I input incorrectly formatted data into the form my error messages display correctly (which is great! that piece took some time), but in Firefox and Chrome the form changes it's width when this happens. I tried investigating why this happened and how to fix it, but couldn't figure it out. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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    I have a feeling my solution is not the most elegant when it comes to the CSS styling for the mobile design. I had to "tweek" a few things in the product div to get it to be the correct height and background color.

    I would love any suggestions on how to get better at making mobile-friendly designs. I'm open to specific suggestions to this project or general resources. Thanks.