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  • @barbaradamasdev



    I used the propertie multiply to do the purple effect, don't no if was the best way to do this.

    I needed to change the link in the desktop version because of the Github live version. On the VScode was perfect, but when I put on Github the picture just did not appears. I think was some bug and changed the link. Is it normal happens something like that?

    Please give me your feedback, it'll help a lot. Thank! :)

    Henryā€¢ 340



    Hello there šŸ‘‹. Good job on completing the challenge !

    I have SOME suggestions about your code that might interest you.

    • As regards your solution giving errors on the accessibility reports. This as a result of not having a Landmark. To solve this issues, add a <main></main> just outside the <div class="content"></div> and this will fix the issue. More on LandMarks

    • To help with the effect on the image, Try adding a <div class="overlay"></div> element just right before the <div class="image" ></div> container or <img> element. Now put both <div class="overlay"></div> container and the <div class="image" ></div> container inside a <div class=image__box ><div> .This will serve as the Parent Element of both . Then add the following styles below... Example


    <div class=image__box >
        <div class="overlay"></div>
        <div class="image" > ... </div>


        position: relative;
         position: absolute;
         top: 0;
         left: 0;
         width: 100%
         height: 100%
         background: ... ;  // Color goes here
    .image {
        background-image : url(...) ; // If used a url instead of placing it directly in the HTML
        mix-blend-mode: multiply;
        opacity: 75%;
    • TIP : Check out the <picture></picture> element as this can help with switching between two images based on viewport.

    I hope you find these comments helpfull! šŸ˜„ And I was able to answer your questions

    Happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @barbaradamasdev


    Hi, how are you doing? :)

    I've some questions about CSS.

    On the root, I put the names the same like was in the style guide, in the "real world" is better if I choose better names to the variables? For example: "--red" is just better than "--grayishBlueT"?

    Other question, sometimes I use padding or margin just on top or left, for example. I was wondering if it doesn't look ugly and maybe will be better try to keep a pattern? For a better example, the ilustration inside the card, I've used position relative and align with "right: -220px;". It was be better if I used display flex (or something else) to align to right?

    First I create the desktop version and later I adapted to the mobile version, and look like there's something really wrong because I needed to do this: ".content { position: default; top: 580px; width: 300px; }"

    Is this the best way to align the mobile version in this case?

    Please give me your feedback, it'll help a lot. Thank! :)

    Henryā€¢ 340



    Hello there šŸ‘‹. Good job on completing the challenge !

    I have SOME suggestions about your code that might interest you.

    • Regards naming your CSS Custom properties . It's okay to use the names provided in the .Peronsally, for best practices try using Variable names instead, as this will also be the type of naming conventions you might use in bigger projects or challenges Example --red --cyan , Try --clr-primary-1 --clr-primary-1 .

    • As regards your <div class="content" > </div> .Wrap all your body content inside a <main>...</main> as this solves the accessibility issue in your code.

    .body {

    The code above will help with centering the content and providing a much cleaner code

    • As regards the Card-Icon. If you decide to use a Flex or Grid Layout for the Card Design. Adding margin-left: auto to the card-icon should push it to the extreme right. Example
    • To solve the issue of the responsive design. Change the media-queries to adjust when the 4 Cards can no longer be visible on a large screen @media (min-width: 1100px){ }.

    • Extra Tip: Check out BEM for better naming of classes and practice using order measurement units such as rem em % as it boosts responsive design

    I hope you these comments useful! šŸ˜„ And I was able to answer your questions

    Happy coding!

    Marked as helpful
