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All comments

  • Marcus Hugo• 365



    This challenge was tough getting the layout to the designs! I do have some questions though.

    • Does position:absolute cause elements to move around when the viewport is resized?

    • Is there an easy way to change the color of the svgs?

    • What stumped me the most with the JavaScript, how to get the boolean value from the Regex to compare it to the email <input>. What ended up working was passing in the variables emailValue instead of email into the Regex, which I don't fully understand, It seems that they are both strings? If you understand why, let me know!

    Dmitry• 375



    Great job, Marcus. The landing page looks great and is responsive to the changes in the viewport dimensions.

    With regard to your question about position: absolute, there could be a number of reasons for the absolutely positioned elements to move around (I assume you ask about these in particular). What helps me is to think about positioning elements in terms of containing blocks - these are the boxes absolutely positioned elements are relative to. One thing to remember is that these containing blocks are not necessarily direct parents of absolutely positioned elements. These are the elements whose position is set to position: relative. So to answer your question: try finding the relatively positioned box in your code, and then, by using the top, left, bottom, right properties, you can "glue" the absolutely positioned element to wherever on the page you want, relative to the parent element, which is pretty much what you've done in your media query on main!

    I often find myself fighting with SVGs! If I know that I may want to change the colour of an SVG element (eg, on hover), I normally include an inline version of my SVG directly into my HTML instead of using an <img> tag. This way, I can change the SVG property called fill in CSS (it's like a color property), you can find more examples here.

    With your JS email validation function, you could try redesigning it a little bit, like so:

    function checkEmailValue(email) {
    const result = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
    if (result.test(email.value.trim())) {
      // returns true if email is valid
     // show success, eg green border
    } else {
     // validation failed - returns false
     // do something, eg red border and error message

    You can then call this function directly in your event listener, like so:

    form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {

    I recently learnt about a Constraint Validation API (built in JS) that works beautifully with HTML5. Here's more information about this method, if you decide to try it in one of your future projects:

    1. Constraint validation - MDN
    2. Constraint validation API - MDN
    3. Follow along tutorial on CSS Tricks

    Hope this is helpful. Keep up the great work, Marcus!

    Marked as helpful

  • Dmitry• 375



    Well done, imxbartus! The app looks really cool.

    My only suggestion would be to use CSS custom properties (mainly to make your life easier!).

    Other than that - awesome job!


  • Ranjan Verma• 10



    Can you please suggest some method or changes in my code to make it optimized. This code is very bad and unorganised. Can you suggest some method to make it more organised.

    Dmitry• 375



    Well done, Ranjan. The component looks really great.

    I think your code base is well structured, and it was easy for me to follow the logic. To make it a little bit more succinct, you could try using CSS custom properties.

    One thing I'd suggest is not skipping heading levels in your HTML. For example, I'd use <h1> for the Order Summary and <h2> for the Annual plan. More information is here and here.

    Also, in mobile view, there's a little bit of white space at the bottom of the viewport visible. I'd suggest uncommenting the height property on the body element in your CSS - this should rid of the white gap at the bottom.

    Other than these two minor things, great job and happy coding :)


    Marked as helpful

  • Carl Pericles• 400



    This is my first JS project worked on, any feedback would help. Thank you.

    Dmitry• 375



    Great job on completing the challenge, Carl.

    Your JavaScript logic seems to be working as expected - well done.

    I see you used two divs with two feature photos in the HTML file. I think you could improve your HTML by using the <picture> HTML element to make it more responsive. You can read more about this element here.

    I also notice the <input> element doesn't have an accompanying <label> element, which is required for those users who use screen readers, for instance. If you want / need to hide the label (eg due to your design constraints), you can visually hide it but make it still available for the assistive technologies. Here's more info about this.

    Hope it helps! Cheers

    Marked as helpful

  • Tomiwa Orimoloye• 1,000



    Any feedback is welcomed. Especially on how to refactor my javascript code to make it more maintainable & reusable.

    Dmitry• 375



    Hi Tomiwa,

    This is an awesome project - great job! I'm not a JS expert, but your code looks maintainable, you avoid repetition, provide good (and useful) comments and separate the concerns. I've just recently completed the same challenge, and I was really interested in the way you implemented the Tip selection section. I used (and struggled quite a bit with) radio inputs. I notice you opted into using the real button element with data value attributes. This is such a cool way of doing the 'select' section. I wonder if there are any accessibility issues with this approach?

    Once again, well done!! Cheers

    Marked as helpful

  • Ryan Calacsan• 200



    Any feedback would be appreciated! Strayed away from the design just a bit so that the background svg would tile nicely at views outside of the given mobile/desktop. Also, changed the error messages from given design to be more detailed for email/password validation.

    Dmitry• 375



    Hi Ryan, Great job on designing the form and making it responsive. I also liked how you went about implementing form field validation. One thing you may want to look into is adding labels to each input, as these should always accompany their respective input fields. Here's what MDN says specifically about the label element: "All elements within a form must have a <label> that identifies its purpose. This applies to all types of <input> items, as well as <button>, <output>, <select>, <textarea>, <progress> and <meter> elements, as well as any element with the switch ARIA role." MDN.

    On the other hand, I realise the design doesn't want visible labels present. In this case, you can visually hide labels from users but not from assistive technologies. Here's a useful article on CSS-Tricks that will guide you through the implementation of the technique: HTML Inputs and Labels: A Love Story.

    Hope this is helpful.

    Keep up the great work!


    Marked as helpful

  • Dmitry• 375



    This has been a fun and challenging project. It's the first time I've used Parcel and new Dart Sass. I'm not an expert in Sass but I'm keen to learn more about using "@use" & "@forward" syntax - so any feedback would be appreciated. Also, if anyone could point me to a good, preferably written, tutorial on a workflow using Parcel, I'd really appreciate that too as I feel in this project I've guessed my way through a lot of Parcel-related stuff. Thanks guys!

    Dmitry• 375



    Hey Amon, Thanks very much for your detailed feedback. I refactored the JS function as you suggested - thanks for that as I'd spent ages trying to figure that out!


  • Dmitry• 375



    Hi encoreOax, your solution looks awesome. Great job on completing your very first challenge. In this case, I'd also choose the anchor element as its sole purpose to lead to a new page to complete the payment process as opposed to submit a form (in which case I tend to go for the actual button element). Here's a link to an article on CSS Tricks on when to choose links vs buttons: Hope it helps. Have a lovely day.

  • Dmitry• 375



    This has been a great challenge for me to practise creating semantic forms using HTML5 and JS. While I completed the challenge, I feel I'd like to learn more about current best practice for creating web forms. I've read through a lot of online resources and couldn't find anything more or less definitive on this point. Cheers

    Dmitry• 375



    Hey Teegamtee, thanks for your feedback.

    You're quite right to comment on the lack of responsiveness, I've added a breakpoint for a tablet view as well. I originally ignored adding other breakpoints simply because this particular design is just a component and I thought following the provided figma designs would suffice. But I can see how it could've been upsetting to have a mobile view displayed on a large screen.

    In terms of responsiveness in general, I thought it was more than just having a number of breakpoints but rather using relative units, min and max values, mobile first, web safe fonts, etc.. Please feel free to share any resources or point me in the right direction if I should incorporate other features of responsive design in the future - I'd be keen to learn more!

    Cheers and have a lovely day
