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All comments

  • @eng-milan


    Beautiful, attractive app, well done. I just saw a very minor UI problem that I know you should have missed by mistake. In dark mode, input text colour in "filter by" is set to white which doesn't show options since its background is also white. Feature where user can go into country's detail and click on each border countries that takes user to detail of that country's detail is great. Again, well done with this lovely app.

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  • @eng-milan


    Hi dear, I used Context API to store the plan and add-ons user selected and then accessed it in finishing-up stage(screen 4). You can define states for selected plan and add-ons in App component, update it inside desired component and pass states down to screen 4 component; But I think it will be more confusing and messy so using Context API would be a better option.

  • @eng-milan


    It seemed impossible to me at first, but I came up with an idea that I am not sure if it is optimal or fast. I fetched whole countries object when app loads for the first time. Then passed that object with 250 countries all the way to every country detail page. There I took boundary array and mapped through each element to find corresponding country in 250 object and used its name to show up in component. To see more detail go to my solution's code. I am not pro so my code might be a mess but gladly I will clear things for you if you'd ask me.

  • @eng-milan


    Hi, First of all, bravo; absolutely lovely friendly app. One small recommendation, you can use api to convert border countries 3 letter name to full name so it would be more readable to users. And to take it further, you could create a link out of those border countries so once user clicks on those, it will take them to that countries' detail page. But again,I am so exited about your app and UI.

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  • @eng-milan


    well done. this one is a good smooth design in my opinion. It looks like your accessibility report shows 2 suggestions. 1.Document should have one main landmark which means you should add a main landmark to your main container. Either using <main></main> element instead of containing div or leave it as a div and give it a role of main like so <div role="main"></div> 2. Page should contain a level-one heading It wants us to add at least one h1 to the project. Since this project appears to have no main heading for h1, we can add a <h1> and give it a display of none.

    Hope this'll help you. In the end again, very good job I liked it.

    Marked as helpful

  • @vivitare


    Hello everyone 👨‍💻

    This is my first solution on Frontend Mentor 🎉

    🛠️ Build with :

    • React JS

    📃 My questions :

    • It's a good way to split CSS into multiple files like I did or it's better to put all the css in one file ?
    • It's a good way to validate the form like I did ?
    • What can I add to the index.html ?

    Don't hesitate to tell me what can I improve (and i'm sure there are a lot of thing to say 🙄), it will be very useful for me !

    Thanks ! 👋



    Awsome design. I am also new and I am myself learning good practices so I won't be able to give you advise on your code bu UI is absolutely stunning.

    To answer your question about css, React fundamental is about creating reusable components with disconnectivity to the whole project. So in my opinion if you create your own styles and not using css libraries, it's better to create separate css file for each component.

    Hope this'll help.

    Marked as helpful

  • @eng-milan


    Nice work and design. One thing I felt is not good experience for user is pre-defined text in boxes. If it was just placeholder and user could click in box and start typing is very comfortable, rather than selecting text in box and delete before typing their information. Hope this comment is helpful.

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  • @eng-milan


    Hi, nice looking page well done. If you could add functionality to unread notification that with click they will be marked as read, is a nice feature. What I mean is that not only clicking "Mark all as read" will make them read, but clicking each notification would mark it as read. This is what came to my mind at first glance.

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