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    This was actually a lot of fun, and I learned a lot from this project. I learned that...

    • There is a big advantage to Figma. This project almost made me want to get the FEM Pro subscription so I can see the exact distance and measurements of certain elements.
    • Planning is very important. I don't think I did enough initial analysis of the design and planning what variables to create.
    • This project also helped me realize how useful the gap property is.

    If anyone is reading this, I would like to have some assistance on one thing from this project.

    • Currently my mobile navigation menu can be toggled by clicking on the hamburger icon.
    • I tried treating the mobile nav window like a modal and attempted to make it so that it listens to an outside click and closes the menu. However, I could not get it to work. If anybody can share with me their ideas on how to make it so that the mobile nav can close when the user clicks on the hamburger icon AND outside of the mobile nav menu, that would be great!
  • Submitted

    Wow. This one was a real challenge. I had to constantly look up a lot of things especially on the JS part.

    Any feedback is always appreciated.

    I learned:

    • More about grid
    • Using JSON files
    • Appending content with JS
    • Utilizing flex-wrap to make things more "responsive" when content gets too small
  • Submitted

    Another challenge pushing me to learn more. This was really fun, and I can't wait to go on to the next one!

    I struggled a lot with trying to make the page as responsive as possible. Again, the discovery of clamp() has helped me a lot with this, and it is SO useful.

  • Submitted

    This challenge was surprisingly difficult to me. It took me two days to complete. I also had to take a few breaks during the 48 hours because certain things weren't going the right way for me.

    This video by Kevin Powell helped me tremendously with responsiveness.

    The video taught me about:

    • clamp() -- can't believe I never used this before!!
    • margin-inline
    • utility classes to make my projects easier to organize and create.

    I absolutely love frontendmentor for another challenge that pushes me to teach myself and learn new skills.

  • Submitted


    WOW - this was a really fun and challenging project. It looks so simple but the styling had my brain in knots. Getting better at Vanilla JavaScript.

    I hope to complete more JS projects on here. I also personally did not like how low resolution the hero images are. It bothers me how blurry it gets when I use my 4k monitor.


  • Submitted

    This challenge was very easy to me. BUT I took this opportunity to push myself and learn Grid.

    Grid has always been a technique in CSS that I avoided. I have always been more comfortable with Flexbox. This challenge was absolutely possible with Flexbox. However, pushing myself to learn is always important. I am so happy I took that extra time to become more comfortable with Grid.

    I believe the next challenge for me is to start learning and using SASS. I realized how cluttered my CSS is getting with all the resets that I have to do.

    Although I had no issues completing this challenge, any feedback as always is GREATLY appreciated.

  • Submitted

    Wow, this took so long to make. After countless hours of studying JavaScript, watching crash courses and tutorials. I was finally able to create a simple pop-up on a page.

    I'm very confident in HTML and CSS now, especially Flexbox. I hope I can have challenges that push me to utilize more CSS Grid. I also appreciate the challenge and countless hours of studying I went through to learn a little JavaScript.

    I am still in the learning process of vanilla JavaScript, and I know the code I wrote for the pop-up is not exactly the cleanest. If anyone has feedback on how I can make the code cleaner, or acceptable for the industry, I would greatly appreciate any sort of feedback that you give me out of your time.

  • Submitted

    Did this with Flexbox because I am still not comfortable with Grid. This definitely felt like a project that would have been easier using CSS Grid. A lot of videos/resources on learning grid are a little confusing - If anybody has any good resources that helped them, that would be great. I know grid is very powerful when used correctly.

  • Submitted

    I feel myself getting better at this and hoping that I reached the desired result on my first attempt.

    If anybody has any criticism, advice, or feedback. It is so greatly appreciated if you could take some time out of your day to leave a comment. I am doing my absolute best to improve everyday.

  • Submitted

    MY SECOND ATTEMPT AGAIN -- I spent a good week reviewing how Flexbox works and how I can center content correctly to follow frontendmentor's format. I also tried my best to make the page responsive by making media queries for 375px.

    Any feedback is genuinely appreciated, I study hours a day to try and perfect everything on here.

  • Submitted

    THIS IS MY SECOND ATTEMPT... I spent my whole weekend learning how to replicate this with zero knowledge in HTML and CSS. I tried using only Google, and no YouTube tutorials.

    I am still trying to grasp media queries and how to make everything responsive.

    If anyone has any suggestions on how I can write my code differently, please let me know! Any feedback out of your time is greatly appreciated!