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  • @mustafaalkhiat


    @iniyan-web you made a beautiful and responsive template, and the code clean and readable, May i ask you about media queries since your using them seemlesly. How to use them correctly. is out there any specific sizes for special designs(like libraries,frameworks) or it's totally depends on design itself so i generate a random widths myself. Thanks from now and wish you happy chrismas...

  • Amon 2,560



    Hello! Do let me know if the semantics aren't right~ 😀

    I used <strong> for the emphasized quote (the big quote). Is this correct or is there a more appropriate tag for it? 🤔



    Omg how do you learned all of that, this is amazing, wonderfull that specifity in media queries and that beutifull animation at the begining. How can i learn this, What kind of practicing you refer to. I mean does practice in general helps or there's dedicated way you used to do Thank you from now...

  • P



    I just created my first project on Frontendmentor. I have managed to do the most. I struggle to place the nested icons (the diamond and clock) in the center of its container. I would appreciate your feedback if possible, it will encourage me to continue with other projects. It also seems like I have a problem with Github and the images. I'm trying to find out why aren't they showing up on the browser. Thanks in advance



    one more thing you dont need to make the wrapper div flex , cause element already in column direction.

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    I just created my first project on Frontendmentor. I have managed to do the most. I struggle to place the nested icons (the diamond and clock) in the center of its container. I would appreciate your feedback if possible, it will encourage me to continue with other projects. It also seems like I have a problem with Github and the images. I'm trying to find out why aren't they showing up on the browser. Thanks in advance



    Dear @outerpreneur , No you dont have issue with github i noticed in :

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <img src="/images/image-equilibrium.jpg" alt="equilibrium-image"> <img src="/images/icon-ethereum.svg" alt=" "> and so on, You did not add a point "." that's why your images wont show up.try this <img src="./images/icon-ethereum.svg" alt=" "> but if add any image in stylesheet (css) you also need to add two points ".." And about the diamond and the clock it happend to everyone you can fix this with transform:translateY(-10px)

    Marked as helpful

  • Roshan 10



    Hello everyone! This is my first ever self-made project. I'm pretty new to the coding field and this was my first time coding something myself. I was following the tutorial before but not this time. Is there anything specific you would love to see? Please give any feedback you have. Hugely appreciate it.

    NFT-Card-Preview using HTML and CSS





    hi @Roshan310, You did a great job in this. my advice for you is since you added padding to the card, height is no longer required.

    Marked as helpful
