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    Hello there 👋, I am rajkp10

    The challenge is completed using the following technologies:

    • ReactJS Frontend Library.
    • Tailwind CSS for mobile-first responsive design.
    • Vite.js for faster and better development experience.
    • Framer Motion for adding animations to the webpage. (Bonus)

    (Bonus) I have also added input functionality. A chat message will be displayed for the text entered by the user in the input field.

    Any kind of suggestion regarding the code or the design is most welcome.

  • Submitted

    Loopstudios landing page using ReactJS, TailwindCSS and Framer Motion

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hello there 👋, I am @rajkp10

    The challenge is completed using the following technologies:

    • ReactJS Frontend Library.
    • Tailwind CSS for mobile-first responsive design.
    • Vite.js for faster and better development experience.
    • Framer Motion for adding animations to the webpage.(Bonus)

    Any kind of suggestion regarding the code or the design is most welcome.

  • Submitted

    Hello there 👋, I am @rajkp10

    The challenge is completed using the following technologies:

    • ReactJS Frontend Library.
    • Tailwind CSS for mobile-first responsive design.
    • Headless UI for navigation menu on the smaller screens.
    • Vite.js for faster and better development experience.

    Any kind of suggestions regarding the code or the design are most welcome. 🙂

  • Submitted

    Hello there 👋, I am @rajkp10

    The challenge is quite easy from the logical point of view.

    However, implementing 3 different themes was a bit of a challenge for me as I have not worked with multiple themes in the past. So, it took some time for me to figure out how to design the solution.

    The themes are implemented using CSS3 and Vanilla Javascript only.

    Any kind of suggestion regarding the code or the design are most welcome. 🙂

  • Submitted

    Hello there 👋, I am @rajkp10

    The designing part was a lot easier than expected but the javascript logic part was really interesting and difficult one.

    After brainstorming for an hour was finally able to find an approach to solve the problem and the validations.

    Bonus : Also implemented counter for age.

    Any kind of suggestion regarding the code or the design are most welcome. 🙂

  • Submitted

    Hello there 👋, I am @rajkp10

    It is a good challenge for those who are still new to HTML and CSS and wants to learn by practicing.

    The solution was implemented using HTML5 and CSS3 Flexbox.

    Any kind of suggestion regarding the code or the design are most welcome. 🙂

  • Submitted

    Hello there 👋, I am @rajkp10

    It was a bit confusing and challeging to find a solution to use vanilla javascript for the showing the bar chart from the data.json file.

    But after rubbing my head for some time, I finally managed to find the solution for it.

    Any kind of suggestion regarding the code or the design are most welcome. 🙂

  • Submitted

    Good challenge for the beginner responsive web designers.

    I completed this challenge using CSS FlexBox and Grid.

    Any kind of suggestions regarding code or design are most appreciated. 🙂

  • Submitted

    Intro Section with ReactJS and DaisyUI

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I kind of found it to be an interesting challenge as I have to use different navbars for desktop screen and mobile screen. A good responsive web design challenge for beginners.

    Feel free to give any kind of suggestion regarding the code or the design .😄

  • Submitted

    IP Geolocation API is one of the best to find details about Public IPs. Took me a time to understand the working of react-leaflet. It was quite challenging to use both the APIs at the same time to get the desired output on the dashboard and map. Overall, it was a very unique challenge for me as i was working with two APIs at the same time as well as the vite for react for the first time.

  • Submitted

    Advice Generator App using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    It was a good task to practice how to fetch the data and use the fetched data in your web app. Plus, I also learned about how to use Tailwind CSS.