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All comments

  • Martin 1,150



    Hey! Amazing job, the site looks exactly like the design. Congatulations!

    Regarding your question: if you define your grid to be 1 column wide, all the child elements of the grid will fit like you want.

    .container {
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: 1fr;

    Keep up the good work!

  • @mandeephub


    pls provide a detailed feedback Im coding for this platform for first time so pls be specific about the bugs thanks in advance

    Martin 1,150



    Looks good! Congratulations on completing your fist project.

    My only suggestions would be vertically centering the content for tablet/desktop devices.

    Looking forward on seeing your next projects!

  • Martin 1,150



    Looks good! Just remember for accesibility reasons, you should have a <label> for every <input>.

    Your form should be structured like this:

    <form action="/action_page.php">
      <label for="firstName">First Name</label>
      <input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" value="First Name">

    More info on labels here

    Happy coding!

  • Martin 1,150



    Hey Nazar, congratulations on submitting your first challenge. It's looking good! I have some suggestions to help you improve it:

    • instead of using fixed margins on the .content-wrapper, consider using something like width: min(90%, 1100px); and margin: 0 auto;. With these two you'll get a fluid and centered container.
    • for the header, remove the flex: wrap;. Instead, try flex-direction: row; and when it gets too narrrow you change it to flex-direction: column;
    • same as the header, remove the flex-wrap from .gallery-wrapper and also remove the fixed width on it's child elements, let them be fluid and stretch to the available space. once the screen get's too narrow, you can change the flex-direction on .gallery-wrapper to column.
    • also, the HTML report is yelling at you because you didn't include any h2-h6 tags inside the <section>. To avoid this problem, you can either change the sections elements for regular divs or include headings and hiding them.

    Keep at it! I'm looking forward to your next project!

  • Martin 1,150



    Hey Shubham, the site looks good! Couple suggestions to polish it:

    • Consider setting the background image in css through the background property. There you can also set the background-size and background-position to place it exactly where you need.
    • For a responsive layour, try the following:
    .wrapper {
      display: flex;
      height: 100vh;
      width: 100vw;  
    .bg-image {
      background-image: url(../images/bg-mobile.svg);
      background-color: #0c122c;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-size: cover;
    .container {
      width: min(90%, 860px);
      margin: auto;
    .row {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
    .col-70 {
      width: 100%;
      border: 1px solid red;
    @media (min-width: 600px) {
      .row {
        flex-direction: row;
      .col-30 {
        width: 30%;
      .col-70 {
        width: 70%;
    <div class="wrapper bg-image">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col-30">Fylo block with logo and buttons</div>
          <div class="col-70">Fylo block with the bar and storage info</div>

    The class bg-image should be used to place the background image.

    That should take care of the main layout for mobile and desktop, I hope it helps! Let me know if you have any doubts with the code.

  • Martin 1,150



    Looks amazing! Exactly like the design! Congratulations :)

  • @allisonkbates


    Any suggestions on how to reduce the CSS needed for the change in layout between mobile and desktop?

    Martin 1,150



    Hey Allison! Great job, the site looks really good! Well done.

    Regarding your question, I would suggest trying a layout with flexbox like this:

    .container {
      width: min(90%, 1100px);
      margin: 0 auto;
    .row {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
    .col {
      width: 100%;
    @media (min-width: 600px) {
      .row {
        flex-direction: row;
    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col">H1 and text</div>
        <div class="col">Ratings</div>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col">Comment 01</div>
        <div class="col">Comment 02</div>
        <div class="col">Comment 03</div>

    This would take care of the overall layout both for mobile and desktop, I hope it helps!

    Happy coding!

  • Martin 1,150



    Hey Alex! Great job! The site looks great. I have tiny suggestions to polish it.

    • Center the main container so the content sits nicely on the middle of the screen (in your case, maybe adding margin: 0 auto; on the <main>. Although as a better practice, I would suggest wrapping everything in a <div> and give it a container class.
    • Your <input> should have <label>, that's why you're having html issues on your report. Also, consider wrapping your forms with a <form>, it's a better practice from the semantic point of view

    An example would be:

      <label for="firstName">First name:</label>
      <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName" value="John">
      <label for="lastName">Last name:</label>
      <input type="text" id="lastName" name="lastName" value="Doe">

    Just tiny things! Overall it's a great job! Keep at it!

  • Martin 1,150



    good job! overall it working pretty well. I'm also using tailwind for my latest submissions and I feel it really improved my workflow.

    Tiny suggestions:

    • You're missing the alt attribute on the img tags, which doesn't create any problems in the visual side, but for accesibility purposes you should always include it.
    • I feel the background image would look much better if it would cover the entire size of the viewport. On mobile and tablet looks fine, but on desktop looks weird. Also consider giving a max-width to the container so it doens't stretch infinetly ;)

    Awesome work! Looking forward on what you build next!

  • Martin 1,150



    looks amazing! really neat animations and the responsiveness is sweet.

    tiny suggestion: maybe adding a max-width to the container? I'm opening it on a 4k monitor and, although it's not breaking (which is really nice) I feel is stretching too much, and the font display at that size is too small.

    Other than that, it's great! Keep at it!

  • Martin 1,150



    Hi Onyeanuna! Great job completing this challenge, it’s looking really good!

    However, there’s an issue with the main img, on small/medium devices it’s ok, but on large devices it grows extremely big and brakes the design! A fast duck-tape solution could be setting a max-width so it doesn’t stretch indefinitely. Another solution would be to make some layout adjustments to the whole layout for bigger screens with media queries.

    Keep coding!

  • Martin 1,150



    Looking great! I think the only thing missing is box-shadow on the main component.

    Here's a box-shadow generator that can help you achieve exactly the look you want with ease:

    Great work!

  • @faraz343


    Hey People . I want some feedback .Thanks in advance

    Martin 1,150



    Hey Faraz! Greay job on completing this one. The site looks really good. I have some suggestions to take it a step further:

    1. Accesibility Issues: your img tags are missing the ‘alt’ attribute, which specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed. Also, you are using the backslash character () for the path of the imgs. You should use the forward slash symbol (/).
    2. Layout: I think the site would look much better if you make the background img stretch the whole width and height of the viewport. Right now you’re working with fixed units which is something you almost never should do in responsive design, its making and undesirable thick white frame all around the site. I would suggest placing the background image as a background img on a wrapper div, and then change the img according to the device on CSS.
    3. Carefull with the phrase “GB Left”, it has the wrong typography.
    4. You could get a much precise layout if you use flexbox for the general layout as well as the individual components. Try replacing your absolute positioned elements and the floats for some flexbox directives! Let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to help! I leave you my solution to this challenge here in case you want to take a look at the code for some ideas.

    Happy coding!

  • Martin 1,150



    Hey Reymond, congratulations on finishing this project, looking really good! I have some few suggestions that I think could improve the site:

    1. The font is missing :P
    2. Your testimonial imgs are stretching becasue you set a fixed height on .profile.
    3. Adding a little more padding to the elements to separate them would improve the layout.
    4. I think the name and profession are too big. The font-size should be smaller than the paragraph.
    5. Adding some transition animation between testimonies would look sooo cool! Are you up for the challenge? Here's my solution if you want to check it out.

    That's all I can think of right now! Overall it looks great and it' working just fine. Excellent job!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Habeebullahi01


    It took me some time to find a way to vertically align the cards. And I also struggled with using media queries, (1440px didn't seem to do it). It worked fine locally but it didn't when I put it on github and vercel. Please help me anyhow you can.

    Martin 1,150



    Hey Habeebullahi, great work! I think the overall layout of the site looks good. And it's also responsive, congratulations.

    I checked your code and I think you could achieve a better result using flexbox instead of floats. You could try something like this:

    .cards {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      align-items: center;
     @media (min-width: 600px) {
      .cards {
        flex-direction: row;

    That should do the trick! In small devices your cards will display one below de other, and when the screen hits 600px size (you can change that if you like) they will display like the big screen layout.

    Also, I leave you here a short article that explains all the different ways you can vertically center an element.

    I hope it helps! Good luck and happy coding :)

  • Martin 1,150



    Hi Brian, congratulations on submitting this project. I just happened to take a quick look yesterday and now it’s looking much better! I downloaded your project to take a look into the code and see how you can make it even better, here are my suggestions:

    1. First of all, you’re getting an HTML issue because you’re using the section element and not giving it a h2-h6 element as a child. The section element should represent a standalone section inside the HTML structure. This is not the case in your HTML, since the .company-heading and the .community are not standalone sections, they are both parts of the same content. I would suggest changing them for regular div elements and using the section element as a container for both. Example:
    <section class="container">
      <div class="company-heading">
      <div class="community">
    1. Now, another issue you have right now is that the layout is not centered. If you follow allong with my example, you can center and give it a max-width with very few lines of code. First, remove the max-width from the body element. We’re gonna use the .container, as the... well... the container of the whole design ;P
    .container {
      width: min(90%, 1440px);
      margin: auto;

    The min() function is extremely usefull and flexible. Basically what it does is to analyse the 2 values you pass, and use the minimum. In this case, we’re passing 90% and 1440px. What it will do is ask ‘what’s the smallest value? 1440px or 90% of my current width?’ If 90% of your current width is less than 1440px, it will use that as the width on the container. This is a very cool way of having a flexible width on the whole layout without worrying about any breakpoints. When the screen size get’s bigger, it will reach a point where 90% of the viewport will translate to a number that is bigger in px than 1440, the function will say ‘hey, 1440px is smaller than 90% of the current viewport, so I’ll stuck at 1440px’. It will basically give a max-width to your design and prevent it from stretching endlessly. For more information on the min function click here.

    Lastly, margin: auto; will center you design (horizontally and vertically). If you don’t see it veritcally centered, try giving the parent element of .container a height of 100vh and that will do the trick ;)

    1. Ok, now that we have the layout centered and we gave it a max-width, let’s go into the inner components: the image and the text. Here you got it right, the easiest approach would be to set display: flex; in the parent element. Following my example that would be on .container.
    .container {
     width: min(90%, 1440px);
     margin: 0 auto;
     display: flex;

    And that should do it! But we’re not there yet. I can see that you struggle a little trying to match the design. If you’re following my code, I’m gonna ask you to take a leap of faith and just delete some styles you wrote.

    • Remove all the padding from the .header-title, .company-heading and .community • Remove the width: 70vh; from the .huddle-content • Remove the width: 50%: of .company-heading and .community

    After doing that you’ll see that the content is sitting on the middle of the screen (in big screens). To ensure they’re the same size and since they're flex items, instead of using width, we give each of them (.company-heading and .community) a flex: 1; value. Now the should be the same size, which is exactly what we want. To separate them you can add margin-left to .community or margin-right to .company-heading (5% should look good). Finally, to center the content you can also add align-items: center; on .container.

    Finally, for the mobile breakpoint. All you’d have to do is set flex-direction: column; on .container and remove either the margin-left or margin-right you set on it’s child elements to have it looking like the design.

    And that should give you the basic behaviour you want for the whole layout of the page. If you’re still seeing some issues, try removing all the padding’s and margin’s u have on the media query. A lot of times it’s easier to find the bugs when u start removing things.

    Sorry if it got too long. I hope it’s not confusing! I really like the job you did, the styles are almost there, I think the main issue was the overall behaviour of the layout, which is what I’ve tried to help you with.

    Let me know if you tried my approach and most importantly, if it worked! I’ll be happy to help if you encountered any issues.

    Keep up the good work! Happy coding.

  • o.kowu 30



    Hi everyone,

    I just finished the Fylo data storage component. It would help me a lot if you have feedback on the points that I can improve.

    Thank you all

    Martin 1,150



    Hi o.kowu, congratulation on finishing this one. It looks really good! You really nailed the desktop and mobile versions of the site.

    However, you could really improve it if you made it responsive (that is: make the components automatically adjust their size based on the screen size available). Right now you have a breakpoint that changes the layout from desktop to mobile, but what about the sizes of the devices in between? A tablet for example.

    Also you have an issue with the background. You set a max width on the body element, which is making the whole page appear at the top left screen of the browser. This is not ideal. The bg image and the color should fill the entire browser window, and the components be centered.

    As a general rule, is almost never a good practice to work with fixed width's and height's. Start by removing them and see what happens!

    If you want to center an element, a quick trick is to set it's parent to display: flex; and the give the element you want to center a margin: 0;. That would do the job.

    A possible solution for the bg and centered content would be:

    /*this class should be on a div that wraps all the rest of the elements*/
    .bg {
      width: 100vw;
      /*flexible unit: this way you make sure you fill the entire width of the viewport*/
      height: 100vh;
      /*flexible unit: this way you make sure you fill the entire height of the viewport*/
      background: url('./images/bg-desktop.svg') no-repeat bottom, hsl(229, 57%, 11%);
     /*bg color and img on the same definition*/
    .container {
      height: 100%;
      display: flex;
    .content {
      margin: auto;

    I hope I was clear enough, give it a try and if doesn't work let me know I'll help you polish the rest ;)

    Happy coding!

  • Martin 1,150



    Hey Amokomowo, great job. It looks fantastic, and it completely responsive, congratulations on finishing this one!

    The only thing I can think to polish it would be to remove the fixed height on the main element of the html. When the device screen starts to get narrow, and before reaching the mobile layout, you get a lot of unnecesary white space on the first box. I think the design would improve if you leave the height be determined by the content. If your aim is to center the component on the middle of the screen, you can achieve it with display: flex; on the parent and margin: auto; on the element you want to center.

    Great work! Keep it up! ;)

  • P



    Are keyframes usually placed at the end of the file or right under the target element? Is there a particular convention? Also, why is the preview behavior different from the live link?

    Martin 1,150



    Hi Emmilie, great job! Looks amazing, and you even did an animation, it looks fantastic!

    Regarding your question, I think what matters is that the @keyframes declarations are made before you actually call them. Probably it would be best putting them at the top, before main styles.

    Keep it up!

  • Martin 1,150



    Hi Rafael, awesome work! Looks really good. The desktop version looks exactly like the design.

    However I noticed the mobile version looks a bit off, both components (the one with the logo, and the one with the storage bar) should have the same width. A solution could be setting both to width: 100%; and setting a max-width on the container :)

    Great work! Keep it up!

  • Martin 1,150



    hey Kushank! Great job on completing this challenge, the site looks really good! Identical to the original! I have some minor suggestions that can make your site look even better:

    • The JS looks good, however I would encourage you to build some animation for the transition between slides. I would look much more polished and eye catching. [Here's my take on the challenge] ( if you want to check how I implemented them.

    • The site is not centered when you view it on large devices, I suggest adding the old margin: 0 auto; to the container class to achieve that ;)

    Keep up the good work!



  • Martin 1,150



    Hey Alexis! Excellent job! I think it looks great, you really nailed the design, it's exactly the same as the original. Good job!

    My only advice would be to refine the layout a little bit, as I notice the content is not vertically centered on big screens (as it is on the original design). Also there's a wierd behaviour with the logo, as the screen gets wider, it starts getting smaller! Probably has something to do with the padding-left: 5vw; but am sure it's an easy fix.

    May I suggest trying flexbox or CSS Gris for the layout? I think this project is a good opportunity to put them into practice, and will make your project sharper in the layout details across all screen sizes. Here is my solution for this challenge if you're intereted to take a look, I used CSS Gris :D.

    Happy coding!

  • gusfoca 170



    So, a few questions arised while working on this challenge:

    1. What should be treated as first-heading (<h1>)? Some solutions made two headings for the first to blocks; is that right? What about accessibility issues?
    2. I had a hard time figuring out the right proportions between fonts, blocks' boxes, margins, etc. in order to match the design previews. Are there ways or tools for that?
    3. Finding a method for the making of the page also posed some problems. What should one do after defining the HTML and basic CSS (fonts, etc.)? What to tackle next? Are there known approaches to that? Just found myself iterating on changing things: markup - margins/padding - sizes - back on markup again...
    Martin 1,150



    Hi gusfoca, excellent job on completing this challenge! I'll try to answer your questions:

    1. Content-wise, the heading is just one sentence, no matter how it's stlyed. So IMO it should be one heading element.

    2. I think your result is almost exactly as the design preview, if you want a faster/precise way of knowing the exact measures and colors the designer used, you need their original design file, which in this case you can buy on the project details page.

    3. After defining the markup and base styles of the page, I like to start styling the site with a mobile-first approach, that means, defining the stlyes for the smallest screen and when working your way up. I think that's not what you did in this case, and that's probably why your site is breaking in small/medium screens. Open your project on a big screen and shrink the browser window to see what happens. Don't forget about responsiveness!

    I know you can improve this one! It's looking great so far. If you could refine the layout in smaller screens I think it will look better still. Happy coding!
