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    Any feedback would be appreciated! Strayed away from the design just a bit so that the background svg would tile nicely at views outside of the given mobile/desktop. Also, changed the error messages from given design to be more detailed for email/password validation.

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    Wondering if there is a better way to position/size the background image so that it still matches the design but doesn't tile at some views? It seems the svg given is sized to match the design at 1440 when using contain but then will tile at bigger/odd sizes. Other than that I felt the design went pretty straightforward but always appreciate any feedback! Thanks!

  • Submitted

    Any feedback would be appreciated! played around with different ways to position the active element. If there is a better/more efficient way, I would love to know! Cheers!

  • Submitted

    Main design went pretty smoothly but I sometimes have trouble with background svg placement. When tying to match the design and keep them scaling nicely between screen sizes they always seem to scale in awkward ways. Any tips or feedback on that would be appreciated! Thanks!

  • Submitted

    card component was pretty straightforward but was wondering if there was a better way to responsively scale the background svgs instead of using media queries like I did? Any feedback on that or anything else is appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Working on solidifying my responsive design (especially the transitions between each view). If you have any feedback on ways I could improve or make my code more efficient that would be great!

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    Any feedback on better responsive design or ways to clean up/make the code more efficient would be great! Thanks!

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    Any feedback would be appreciated! Working on getting better and faster at responsive design!