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All comments

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Hey Rarysson! Well done👍 on this challenge. Few things that you can improve are:-

    • Re scale the font-size of the heading and the paragraph.
    • Add some padding to the register button.
    • Add aria-label to the button and links to improve accessibility.
    • In mobile the huddle logo looks very small, so you can re scale it.

    Try out Sass and Bem methodology in your next solutions, they are awesome and using them will help you to cope up with the latest development trends.I wish you all the best in your development career! Keep up the good work 💯.

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Hey Senatrius, Well done! 👍 on this challenge and welcome to heaven for front end developers, you will learn a lot with these awesome challenges.Your solution scales well on mobile and tablet so well done on the responsive design. Well done on using bem methodology and sass. Few things to consider in this solution are:-

    • Color of the Gain access paragraph is gray as you can see in the design.
    • Use aria-label attribute in the links and buttons for accessibility.
    • Correct the typo on access to our github repos list item.

    Congratulations on solving this challenge.

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Awesome work! First time I've ever seen the screenshot of the solution is overlapping with the design. You just need to add hover state to the learn more button and then your solution is perfection.

  • Tobi-dev99 200



    I am new to web development(coding in general) and I think, I write a very messy code. Can someone point out my mistakes where I could have saved time and wrote unnecessary code?



    Well done!on your project.The improvements you can make in this project are: 1. the per month text should be centered with related to the $29 text.Add a box shadow and hover state to your sign up button.Add a box shadow and border radius to your main container. Move the why us subtext in an unordered list instead of an paragraph and remove padding from them.

    Keep up the good work!

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Well done on your project!

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Very well done on your project. Keep up the good work!

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Your live site link is not working.

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Well done on your Project! There was no need to draw the background pattern as it's frontendmentor default pattern for challenge screenshots and it's not part of the design. Change the font-family to poppins using Make your site responsive using media queries as it is not according to the design for small resolution devices(check out the mobile design in the design folder).Remove the accessibility issues.

  • @sauravchamoli17


    Well done on your project! I would recommend you to change the background-color to gray. Add box-shadow to the main container. Use unoredered list (ul)in the why text container instead of using br and the attribution paragraph is overlapping with the main container, move it to the footer. Make the site responsive(See the mobile design in the design folder) using media queries as it is not according to the design for small resolution devices.
