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All comments

  • @Smartlify08


    The code allows users to operate on numbers at a go. But there's a problem , when the user enters something like "5+5" then presses the minus key. The code doesn't seem to work unless the sign pressed is the same as the one used as the operation. Is there a way I can sort that out.

    Ahlam 350



    Multiplication does not work

  • Richard 10



    How would you rate this code out of 10?

    The code is not designed to be responsive yet the card on mobile seems adequate (not sure about this)

    Are there any obvious mistakes here?


    Ahlam 350



    Good work Richard!

    I have one suggestion, "HTML & CSS foundations" is clickable, and clickable items should be either a button or an anchor depending on the action :)

  • @miteshp98


    Building this project significantly improved my coding skills by immersing me in the practical application of HTML and CSS.

    Any Suggestion ? Or Feedback ?

    Thank You.

    Ahlam 350



    Good work!

    Here are a few suggestions:

    -Try to use classes for styling instead of directly styling elements.

    -Implement a CSS reset.

    -Avoid using Px for font-size

    -Avoid specifying fixed heights and widths; try using 'max-height' and 'max-width' for flexibility.

    Marked as helpful

  • Aleš Zima 170



    Hi, would like to get your opinion on font-sizes.

    1. I prefer using rem for font-size so it scales nice with users setting in the browser. Is it a good practice to scale fonts according to vw size and clamp it to rem?
    2. How can I easily apply a base text size? Will the code below scale every child font-size?
    body {
    font-size: 0.8rem;
    @media (min-width: 40rem) {
    body {
    font-size: 1rem;
    .child {
    font-size: 1rem;

    Thanks! Aleš

    Ahlam 350



    As @techyjc said, you need to define :root instead of repeating the size each time. but you are right about rem, it is not recommended to use px

  • Ahlam 350



    Good work!

    Here are a few suggestions:

    -You don't need an extra <div>, you can wrap the whole content with one <div>

    -Implement a CSS reset.

    -Use em or rem for font-size instead of px

    -Avoid specifying fixed heights and widths; try using 'max-height' and 'max-width' for flexibility.

    Marked as helpful

  • Ahlam 350



    Great work! I assume this should be <a> instead of <h2> because it's clickable.

    Also, consider using rem or em instead of px for font-size.

  • Ahlam 350



    You can use <s> for the old price and also it's better to add some visually hidden text for the old price and the current price for screenreaders users

    Marked as helpful

  • Ahlam 350



    Which edge do you mean?

  • P
    cloudpc7 160



    In this solution what I found difficult was how to make it better using less code and create the symantic html that is most simple and basic. I know that this should be an easy challenge so I wanted to make it less code and simpler. I am unsure of the width and the height of the code.

    I believe I did a better job this time around. if there is any critiques that need to be made as far as detail I would like to improve. thank you for all the feedback.

    Ahlam 350



    Good start! Here are a few suggestions:

    -Consider using 'justify-content: center;' to center the card on the page.

    -Try to use classes for styling instead of directly styling elements.

    -Implement a CSS reset.

    -Avoid specifying fixed heights and widths; try using 'max-height' and 'max-width' for flexibility.

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Matt 50



    I really struggled to do an overlay of purple hue over the image. I ended up using a div with a background of the image url, but this omits any alt text which comes with an img element. I couldn't get a ::before or ::after pseudo element to work with an img element. Are there some rules that I don't know about? Does anyone have any good articles/tutorials on doing overlays over an image?


    Ahlam 350



    Actually, it's enough to have a background-color and then use mix-blend-mode: multiply; and then control the opacity

  • Ahlam 350



    I have some suggestions based on advice I received from other developers:

    -Use classes for elements like h2, p, etc. Consider applying different styles across the entire website if needed.

    -Implement a CSS reset.

    -Avoid using pixels for font-size.

    -Consider using 'display: flex', 'justify-content', and 'align-items: center' for the body to center the box.

    Marked as helpful



    #Day 15 of frontend training For this piece, it took me 2 days to create. On the first day, I practiced doing it myself using the knowledge I gained from the past 10 days. After encountering a problem that I didn't understand, I went to study on YouTube. and solve problems until getting the finished product

    Ahlam 350



    Great job on your work! I have a few notes to share. I'm also in the process of learning and addressing past challenges to reach best practices. Here's some feedback I received that might be helpful to you:

    -It's recommended to have only one h1 per page. For this task, consider using h2 headings for 'Sedans,' 'SUVs,' and 'Luxury.'

    -Instead of using buttons, consider using anchors as these will navigate to other pages.

    -Incorporating landmarks such as 'Main' and 'Footer' would improve the page's accessibility and structure.

  • Ahlam 350



    How did you determine the image size? It appears identical to the challenge

  • Ahlam 350



    I tried to find the source code but it is not available. Can you please share it with me?

  • Ahlam 350



    Great work! you can also remove the buttons' borders to match the design

    Marked as helpful
