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    Hello everyone,

    I've built this project using HTML and SCSS. For layout, I've used CSS Grid and Flexbox. If you have any suggestions on how can I improve my solution let me know.

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone while working on this project I've had some questions.

    • What is the best or better way for creating navigation both for mobile and desktop?
    • With SCSS is there a better way of organizing files, how do you separate the code? Do you make style blocks for full sections like header and footer or do you go even smaller and create smaller blocks and just combine them in one SCSS folder?
    • In case you have any suggestions on how to improve this code I would love to hear them.

    Happy codding ^^

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone,

    I've decided to create this project with a mobile-first approach and as a Progressive Web App (PWA). For layout, I was using Flexbox and CSS Grid with semantic HTML markup and CSS custom properties.

    I would like to hear your feedback because there is always room for improvement.

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone,

    I've just completed another API project let me know what you think.

    I would also like to know if this is a good solution for detecting a dark mode on a website.

    NOTE: Keep in mind because of CORS errors that are triggered by API I'm using a proxy server, in other to access the data. It is possible that you can experience around 5 seconds delay when the website is loading because the proxy is hosted on heroku and it's possible that the node needs to start-up, usually after 30 minutes of nobody visiting the website.

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone,

    This is my most complete project so far and I'm generally happy with the code and the functionality.

    For the layout, I've used CSS Grid and Flexbox with CSS Variables. While the data is still loading I'm using loading animation that was created in CSS and after the data is loaded I'm replacing it with the loaded data.

    Border counties are also clickable which just repaint the data on the current page.

    Let me know what you think about my solution and if you have any suggestions for improvements.

  • Submitted

    URL Shortening app

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    This application does not have support for local storage but it's something that will be added soon.

    Let me know what you think about my solution.

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone,

    In this project for the initial load, I've used prefers-color-sheme that would trigger and respond to the theme of your computer. Every time when you change the theme on the computer website should also change color.

    The approach above does not work as soon as the toggle was pressed at least once, because the toggle loads new CSS version of the light or a dark theme respectively. The issue that I've come across with this approach is that the link tag will be loaded every time, I was not sure how to fix that so if you have any suggestion just let me know :)

  • Submitted

    After completing my last project that had a mistake with the menu, I've decided to take another approach when creating the mobile menu.

    This time a menu is not an image but HTML code that is changed with JS, let me know what you think, I'm still not sure if this is a good approach but I'm looking for your feedback.

  • Submitted

    This project was a bit tricky or the code is just bad on my end, I've noticed that I had a layout shift and needed to use two @media instead of one.

    I would like to hear your suggestions for this solution.

  • Submitted

    I would appreciate feedback on this solution.

    Things that can be added to improve this solution is animation but I didn't have ideas, which to use and try. If you have any suggestions just let me know.

  • Submitted

    Decided to practice BEM and JS basics.

    Let me know what you think I would like to hear what can be improved.

  • Submitted

    In this project, I've practised a mobile-first design while using the BEM methodology.

    Let me know if there is something I can improve.

  • Submitted

    I've tried but at this point, I was not able to have only one open accordion at the time, I've tried a couple of ways but they were not successful, with the current code I have.

  • Submitted

    I was having trouble sending quote marks behind the title of the element and in the end, decided to put the opacity, there must be a better solution.

    Also, not sure how to create box-shadows to look like this.

    Feedback and advice is appreciated

  • Submitted

    I would like to know how to better name classes. I would also like to know if my alt text is alright for accessibility or it needs more description?