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All comments

  • Nick• 760



    Great job, looks very nice. Best one I have seen

  • Nick• 760



    nice work. kevin powell did a recent segment about grid using this project as an example if you are looking for more clarity.

    I would play with your media query a bit so it breaks earlier, maybe around 800-850px.

    Marked as helpful

  • Daniel• 100



    Hey, this project was a game changer! Helped my CSS Grid game to the roof, I learned how grid-template-areas can be useful for minimalist designs.

    however I still have trouble with screen size responsiveness, I'd like to know how you all approach responsive design (tips, tricks etc...).

    thanks for any advice in advance!

    Nick• 760



    nice work. kevin powell did a recent segment about grid using this project as an example if you are looking for more clarity.

    setting a max-width om your main container would make it responsive, and then you can utilize media queries and change your grid template areas as needed.

    Marked as helpful

  • Nick• 760



    If you have a free moment would you be able to look at my solution for this challenge? I haven't been able to get the error messages to show using JS for the form validation.

    Thank You

  • Krypton• 180



    how can i blend the violet color with that background?

    responsive stats card



    Nick• 760



    This is the easiest way I have found for the overlay, but there are other ways try using an inset box shadow box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px rgba(109, 54, 199, 0.596); you can adjust the color.

    Marked as helpful

  • Nick• 760



    This is the easiest way I have found for the overlay, but there are other ways try using an inset box shadow box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px rgba(109, 54, 199, 0.596); you can adjust the color.

  • Joshua Briley• 415



    Absolutely did not need to use Ruby on Rails for this single pager, but I wanted a chance to see how easy it was to use Tailwind with the 7.0 release. OMG, getting Tailwind working was effortless compared to older versions of Rails. Also wanted an opportunity to tinker with Alpine. Again, I didn't need the library, and wouldn't have used it on a production site. But, the beauty of these FEM projects is that I get to tinker with whatever tools I want. :-)

    Nick• 760



    nice job. Looks great

  • Semih Murat• 40



    I completed the task as mobile and desktop task. In general, I think I am successful. However, I couldn't do what I wanted to apply a filter to the photo. The feedback you gave me about the mistakes I made in the code I wrote is very important to me. Thank you...

    Preview Card Component



    Nick• 760



    This is the easiest way I have found for the overlay, but there are other ways try using an inset box shadow box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px rgba(109, 54, 199, 0.596); you can adjust the color.

  • P



    Hi! In this exercise, I have struggled to do the pink overlay in the picture. I have tried in different ways, none of them worked.

    I also struggled to have both sections (columns) with the same width.

    I also don't know how to shrink the three columns with stats, a bit more narrow and contained.

    If you have any suggestions, I will be happy to know them.

    Nick• 760



    This is the easiest way I have found for the overlay, but there are other ways try using an inset box shadow box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px rgba(109, 54, 199, 0.596); you can adjust the color.

    you can utilize media queries to make your card more responsive, so I would research them.

    if you want the columns to be the same width you can display: grid on the container and set grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr)

    Marked as helpful

  • Jose Chaparro• 455



    Hello Everyone, Would love to get some feedback on this challenge. This was my first challenge that I've done where I also had the Figma files as reference and feel very confident with what I was able to produce. There are a few styling mistakes that I know are still needed (padding, margins) to make it look a bit better but I wanted to submit and get any other feedback I could. Thanks!

    Nick• 760



    Nice work overall. You may want to wrap everything in a main and set a max-width, as I viewed your project in a widescreen monitor and would look better with a max width. You could also add a hover state to the request access button. As you mentioned, the margin and padding need to be fixed for the text. The project does look pretty good on mobile though. The success message for the email validation doesn't seem to work. You could reference my project if you would like.

    well done

    Marked as helpful

  • Nick• 760



    nice work. kevin powell did a recent segment about grid using this project as an example if you are looking for more clarity.

  • Nick• 760



    Very nice. This is quite a large project, looks great

  • Wang• 60



    any feedback is appreciated

    Nick• 760



    Nice work.

    You might try making your main container more responsive by using max-width: 918px instead of using a fixed width. Also, you can add a hover state to or cursor:pointer to the learn more buttons.

  • Will Gordon• 20



    The css was a little tricky for the music icon / Annual Plan / $59.99/year.

    Initially, I was going to use CSS grid but quickly found this to not be a good solution. placed the elements in a div and used Flex instead. doh!

    Overall, not very difficult. Nice to code without a tutorial and figure it out on my own. I start General Assembly Code bootcamp on 11/29/21.

    Nick• 760



    Nice work. Good luck in your bootcamp

    Marked as helpful

  • Nick• 760



    Nicely done. The only thing I would say is to maybe have your hamburger menu lines rotate on click and add some hover states for the nav links in the mobile menu. Other than that it looks great.

    Marked as helpful

  • Nick• 760



    If the you look at the JS in my pricing.js file for the photosnap project it would be helpful to you and give an idea about how to toggle the value.

    Marked as helpful

  • Nick• 760



    thank you

  • Nick• 760



    thank you

  • Nick• 760



    how do you add a dark overlay to the body when the hamburger menu is clicked?

    Marked as helpful

  • Nick• 760



    how do you add a dark overlay to the body when the hamburger menu is clicked?

  • Nick• 760



    Nice work. How do you get the body to have a dark overlay when the hamburger menu is clicked?

  • Nick• 760



    Nice work. How do you get the body to have a dark overlay when the hamburger menu is clicked?

  • Shangsit• 20



    I had to face a lot of problems in handling that image. Can you please suggest me an easy way of applying that color filter to the image? and also an easy way to make that image responsive.

    Nick• 760



    This is the easiest way I have found for the overlay.....

    try using an inset box shadow

    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1000px rgba(109, 54, 199, 0.596);

    you can adjust the color.

  • tomas• 150



    I have finally completed this project. His work was fun! I have practiced everything I can. I'm most proud of the Jquery code, which allowed me to create beautiful animations on all pages by clicking on the buttons. Creating this site was simple compared to other frontent-mentor challenge, as everyone has access to figma files.

    Finally, I have one question for you. For example, how can I create an animation for a mobile device on the "technology" page, in which the image would go from its position to the right away from the page without moving the page on the mobile? overflow: hidden does not help. Thank you all for any advice

    Nick• 760



    very cool. Nice job
