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All comments

  • Adriano 33,970



    👨‍💻 Hello everyone.

    This was a very challenging project, I dealt with a lot of bugs during development and also managed to learn a lot! I'm very happy with the result, I managed to practice a lot of new things, including the use of Hooks. One of the hooks that helped me the most during development was (useEffect), it was perfect for dealing with the side effect and it was also very important for passing form data through components using the Context API.

    I had never used react router before and this was my first time. One tool that helped me a lot to keep my app running smoothly, as well as being able to monitor my project's accessibility and SEO, was the lighthouse!

    I added:

    • 👨‍💻 404 error page
    • 🎨 Animations during component rendering

    Feel free to suggest code improvements!

    Thanks! 😊

    Multi-step form built w/ (React + Styled Components) 👨‍💻



    Danilo 200



    Good job my friend!

    Congrats on finishing this project and especially on learning new stuff! 🤩

    Keep coding, you rock! 🧡

  • Danilo 200



    Hello there Abdullah!

    I looked at your solution and I must say that I am pretty amazed! The page is overall responsive, and that side navigation you've got there is really clean!

    However, here is what I would tweak on your page:

    1. I think that the elements on the page are a bit too large, and could be toned down a bit, but otherwise it doesn't represent any huge problem and if I was a user I would definitely still use your site.

    2. The images on the bottom of the page start to look really stretched, until the screen-size goes below 960px and after that it starts to look fine - but then on mobile screen-size ( 375px) they start to look stretched again.

    Also, when I increase font size in my Browser settings, the page still looks nice, and I absolutely LOVE that you used rem in your @media query, but there is still that problem with the pictures on the bottom looking stretched. So I would figure out a way to fix that.

    Everything other than that seems absolutely stunning and I must say that you really smashed this project! Keep coding! You are awesome 🧡

    Marked as helpful

  • Danilo 200



    Hello Amir!

    The solution is awesome, and I really like it! The only little eye poker is the eye icon svg not being centered in the middle of the picture but other than that it looks stunning.

    Great job! 🥳

  • Jacek 170



    Hello . I've done solution for card previev in html+css. What i've unexpected - the biggest challenge for me was horizontaly center align svg icons with text - now I will don't have problems with it.

    Danilo 200



    Absolutely smashed it!

    Nice work my man, and congrats on figuring out how to align the icons with the text! One small note - the 0.041 ETH should be colored cyan just like that cyan you got in the file.

    Have a great rest of your day! 🧡

    Marked as helpful

  • Danilo 200



    Hello there Erik!

    The solution is AWESOME!, but there is just one small thing I have noticed that pokes an eye.

    The profile pictures of the users seem like they are stretched, and in my opinion you should make them 1:1 so they appear nice and crisp.

    CSS Code

    .notification-body .notification_single img {
        height: 50px;
        width: 50px; // Changed from 70px to 50px

    Other than that, everything seems and works nice and clean. Keep coding, you are awesome!

    Marked as helpful

  • S MD suleman 3,530



    It was fun building the site with tailwind-css🔥🔥. I was stuck so many times and regarding the regex... drop your valuable comments I will make same to check every one of your comment. let me know if I could do anything to make this code better ..💯

    Danilo 200



    Hello there Mr. Suleman!

    I have taken a look at your solution, and I think that you did an awesome job! However I have noticed some weird collection of stuff was going on in the solution.

    1. I have noticed that not all of the form input fields were the same size, and one was not properly aligned. The 'Expiration Date' and 'CVC' fields were smaller, and 'CVC' was sort of shifted up a bit.

    2. Your cards container seems to be overflowing the form container, and as such - the cards in your container have actually shifted out of the card container. Also, instead of having the background of the card container be an actual <picture> element, you could set a background image on your container, like this:

    Card Container CSS

    background-image: url(images/bg-main-desktop.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 60% 100%; // 60% -> Width of the img, 100% -> Height of the img
    // You can later change these values - and even the background-image later if screen sizes make you do so, using media queries

    3. When the screen size drops below 1024px, the whole page kinda breaks. The background of the card container does not stretch out across the screen, the cards info spread out randomly on the screen, and the form is not aligned properly. It only starts looking nicer after it reaches 615px, only this time the form still stays unaligned properly.

    4. As for the form validation, I have noticed that the 'Cardholder Number' input field doesn't detect letters, and even with the letters put in, it triggers the 'Thank You!' visual. The month input field accepts 0, and numbers larger than 12 which it shouldn't, and when you put in letters inside the 'CVC' field, it doesn't display any error.

    For the 'Cardholder Number' you could use a regex such as this one:


    • This will match a string which only contains numbers from 0-9 and including whitespaces (\s).

    Overall, I think you have done an amazing job! The tailwind code looks super amazing and impressive, and I like the overall logic of the solution. Keep coding, you are awesome! 😁🤩

    Marked as helpful

  • Danilo 200



    Hello everyone!

    This project was done using CSS Grid completely, without the bonus of making the mobile menu for the navigation, which may be added in the near future.

    I feel like this project took me less time to finish, but it is definitely more code-heavier than the Notifications page project, so I think I could've finished with less lines of code. But its up to you guys to give it your thoughts and feedback which I would immensely appreciate!

    Danilo 200



    EDIT: Added the fully functioning Mobile Navigation Menu!

  • Danilo 200



    Hello there!

    I just wanted to say that you did an AWESOME job and that you should keep practicing to keep becoming better and better. Just one thing that I noticed was that you didn't name your classes and id's in English which you should in my opinion for readability reasons. Other than that, keep it up because you can achieve a lot!

  • Danilo 200



    Hello there!

    Your solution for the project is interesting and it's a good idea, but it could definitely use more work.

    The first flaw I noticed was that you tried to make headers as active-states by adding the 'href' attribute to your h4 and h5 tags which doesn't work with them. I would've nested anchor ( <a> ) tags inside your h tags and styled them instead.


    <h4><a href="#">Hydrogen VS Electric Cars</a></h4>

    Second flaw I have noticed is that the images in your row container at the bottom of the page start to look squashed as the screen width decreases and at around 570px they get sorted out and start to look nice for lower mobile-screen widths.

    This should represent a problem for people who use resolutions that have low widths ( e.g. an 800x600 resolution ) as the content for them would appear squashed.

    And as for your pages main content, the image always stays as the desktop image, it doesn't change to the mobile version as width gets lower.

    The part I liked the most about your solution was the Navigation Bar and the Mobile Menu which looked super clean and worked like a charm!

    Overall a great take on the project, without the visual flaws I think this project would be a bullseye! I am very proud of the awesome work you put in!
