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    First time using React. Still a lot to learn to make this component fully functional. Will continue working on this as I continue to learn React. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Hello Everyone, I have the data being fetched from the json file. Any feedback regarding my JS code, or any code, would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Hello Everyone! I very happy with how my challenge looks on the specific width dimensions shown in the Figma file. However, when I'm in between width sizes or playing with the width of my browser, my some components are off. Specifically the images. Any feedback how making images a bit more responsive would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Hello! Would love any and all feedback! I used the Figma filed provided and built this challenge based on the screen sizes the design was made.

  • Submitted

    Responsive Landing Page using TailwindCSS

    • HTML
    • CSS


    Hello, Would love any and all feedback! Created this landing page using TailwindCss with a mobile first approach.

  • Submitted

    Hello Everyone! Completed another landing page using TailwindCSS. I do plan on returning to this project to add the JS functionality to the email form and will be adding styles for the tablet and landscape views as well. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Hello Everyone!

    Practiced working with Grid classes on this one! Was having some trouble getting the cards to align properly and went on to use the translate-y- classes. Came out nice in my honest opinion. All feedback is greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Hello Everyone!

    Continued practice with Tailwindcss. Working on understanding some of the simpler classes for flexbox and grid. Happy with how this came out but all feedback is welcomed JavaScript functionality will be added on a future update for the Share functionality!

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone!

    Focusing back on design and getting my css in order. Really enjoy working with Tailwind and thought of doing this as my first project back after a short break. JS functionality will be added in the near future for the form :) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Continuing to practice with TailwindCSS. Very happy with the turn out of this project. Still currently working on adding the check marks when marking a To Do completed and the Drag n Drop feature.

  • Submitted

    Learned A LOT about Tailwindcss. The theme toggles are not styled to match the design. Still working on implementing the styling with the functionality. Any and all feedback would be appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I am ok with the carousel functionality on the mobile and tablet screens but the desktop version feels a bit off. I think with more images added, it would look cleaner but I wanted to stick with the challenge design and mockup.

  • Submitted

    Advice Generator App using TailwindCss and Advice Slip API

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! In regards to styling, I'm still working on the bottom border lines. This feels so simple (lol) but I'm having some trouble getting it to match and look like the design.

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone, would really appreciate some feedback and any advise to the following issues i had. Thanks in advance!

    1. hiding the API keys when only using Vanilla JS. I'm aware of dotenv with Node but was having some trouble trying to get it to work (haven't worked with node before). I know its not good practice to include these in the repos but thought it would be ok for this challenge as I am still researching and learning.
    2. Ternary operator within template literals. As of now, if a profile searched has no Bio, it will just say NULL. My idea was to try to use a ternary operator to either generate the Bio from the profile data or to display "This profile has no bio." but has some issues implementing that. Similar goes for the blog and twitter details
  • Submitted

    Any feedback is appreciated. JS functionality added to the submit button to change the content on the screen. Will be looking into having JS update the rating number selected and reflecting on the Thank you screen.

  • Submitted

    Responsive Landing Page using Tailwind CSS

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    This was my first time using Tailwind Css. Made a huge effort to only use the Documentation versus youtube videos. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    Hello, Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! I tried this challenge using SASS and took a different approach in regards to my styling. I used utilities classes that I created for the basic styling and used media queries to finish the styles for each screen size.

  • Submitted

    Responsive landing page using SASS & JS

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hello Everyone, Would love to get some feedback on this challenge. This was my first challenge that I've done where I also had the Figma files as reference and feel very confident with what I was able to produce. There are a few styling mistakes that I know are still needed (padding, margins) to make it look a bit better but I wanted to submit and get any other feedback I could. Thanks!