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All comments

  • @migsilva89


    I believe you can fix it with::

    margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;

    Great job with the challenge, keep going.

    Regards, Miguel Silva

  • Umair 240



    This was a bit challenging, but also learned a lot while doing it. Used json file to read data and I also tried to make my code more generic so new categories can be inserted easily.



    Hey Umair, good job with the challenge.

    I see that you have some HTML ISSUES, in order to fix them you should: consider the h1 element as a top-level heading only (all h1 elements are treated as top-level headings by many screen readers and other tools).

    Keep going! Regards, Miguel Silva

  • @migsilva89


    Bom trabalho com este challenge.

    Contudo a font parece nao e a mesma e o container fica muito esticado em ecras grandes.

    Aconselho a usar um max-width to main cointainer, e como disse o Rodrigo poderia ser um pouco maior.

    De resto muito bom, parabens.

    Se o comentario ajudou de alguma forma, marque como useful pf :)

    Bom codigo! Miguel

  • @Crab-Prog


    It selects the last number you choose, even if the others are still in orange.. I'll try to fixe that later, in order to select only one number at a time. But if you select only one, you won't have this problem! If you have any advices, I'll be happy to read about it.



    Nice job on this challenge. You have some HTML issues,

    All page content should be contained by landmarks:

    About your question, I believe the best solution is to use an input radio instead of a button. With the input radio, every time you select one the other is unselected.

    Also, see that orange is the color on HOVER and dark gray is the color when you select it. This is a rating component so we should be able to select only one number.

    Hope it helps, if so please mark it as helpful.

    Happy code! regards,

    Miguel Silva

  • @migsilva89


    Very good job with this challenge. In order to be pixel perfect, you can try to use Figma, and upload the design to it.

    This way you are able to check the px and make it px perfect :)

    Hope it helps.

    Regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • @migsilva89


    Hi Joao, I see an HTML accessibility error "Images must have the alternate text".

    More info :

    regards Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • @migsilva89


    Good job!

    I will advise you to use max-width on your body in order to match the challenge, I believe around 1000px will do the job.

    The rest looks perfect.

    For the accessibility issue please check:


    Hope it helps, if so please marked as useful :)

    Regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • @migsilva89


    Good job with the challenge.

    I think that you should take out position:absolute for the mobile version and use grid (1col 2 rows) for the mobile.

    I also see that you are missing the background image on the desktop version.

    Let me know if you need any help I can push your code and make some fixes.

    regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • @fabiviegas


    Hi! This is my first challenge and any feedback are welcome! I used just flex property and I has some difficulty with the spaces in the cards, but I did my best. Thank you!



    Ola Favi, muito bom para primeiro projecto.

    Eu so aumentava um pouco a width de forma a melhor combinar com o design pedido.

    De resto esta otimo,

    vejo tambem que tem 3 HTML accessibility errors (The element button must not appear as a descendant of the a element.) Nao pode colocar o elemento <button> dentro de um <a> .

    Por favor marque como usefull se ajudou de alguma forma.

    Boa programacao.

    Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • Max Kaiser 300



    Not too hard of one, but one thing: I couldn't figure out how to keep my mobile version from sort of floating a little left or right - any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? I couldn't get it to stay in one place.



    Good job completing this challenge

    Your solution looks very good, I could see that the responsiveness on Ipad12 is not good, I will advise you to also make a @media for that screen size.

    For the rest well done.

    keep up the good work

    Regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • @migsilva89


    Hi Fuad Hasan, congrats, the design is very close.

    Just an advice, if you see it on bigger screens it gets messy, I believe you should use a max-width in your main container or do a @media for bigger screens.

    For the rest, just keep up the good work.

    Regards, Miguel SIlva

  • P
    Josh D 140



    What are some things that I could do better code wise? How can I get my design to match the mockup more closely.

    SunnySide Agency





    Hi @Josh, I will advise you to use max-width on your body. To avoid that the squares get messy for bigger screens.

    Keep up the good work!

    regards Miguel

    Marked as helpful

  • @migsilva89


    Amazing work, congrats.

    I would add max-width from 1600px, cause if you go bigger the side cards are getting separated from the middle ones.

    For the rest looks perfect, well done!

    Regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • Slideur 70




    There is an image in the folder: favicon-32x32.png but I don't know what to do. Put it in the background maybe... Do you have an idea please?



    @Slideur good job!

    favicon-32x32 is the image in title bar.

    <header> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="./images/favicon-32x32.png"> </header>

    Hope it helps, if so please marked as useful :)

    Keep going!

    regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • sansarj17 180



    This was an easy one. But i still struggled with sizing it perfectly. It just doesn't look as it was designed on larger viewports such as 1440px. It looks fine on my laptop but I don't know what goes wrong at 1440px. Any suggestion?



    Well done!

    In order to fix accessibility issues:

    • Document should have one main landmark:

    • All page content should be contained by landmarks: Wrap your card in a main element to fix accessibility issues by placing it just after the body element and draging your content inside.

    About the size looks ok to me.

    Hope it helps, and keep going!

    Regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • @boluwatifeee


    I had some issues with the responsiveness,this is my first time working with grid layout and responsiveness. Any suggestion would be helpful.



    Good job @boluwatifeee .

    I see that the font size from the titles should be a bit bigger. Also you have hover effect on the buttons and also on the text inside the button, I will advise you to apply only to the buttons. Doing this way, text will also be white when you hover on the button.

    For the responsive you can use mobile first, so you will make first the mobile design, then apply changes from x resolution, example:

    //From 992px this will happen.

    @media (min-width: 992px) {

    .container {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        max-width: 1000px;
        margin: auto;
        padding-top: 100px;

    Hope it helps, and keep going!

    Regards, Miguel Silva

    Marked as helpful

  • @migsilva89


    Hi Luis, it looks perfect!

    Well done!

    Marked as helpful

  • Aadvik 1,250



    Was a fun challenge, although this solution has some rough edges; JavaScript is a mess, I couldn't get the formula for calculating the "Total per person" right, the code for which is here Would love to get some input on that.



    Amazing, congratz!

  • @migsilva89


    Looks very good, well done!

  • @migsilva89


    Hi Adelasch, looks like a very good job.

    Well done!

    In order to avoid errors from FrontendMentor app you should fix the img element, which must have an alt attribute.

    Keep going!

    Marked as helpful

  • P



    Another exercise!

    on this one, I struggle to place the profile picture in between the two sections of the card. What would be the way to approach this?

    I would also appreciate a few hints for placing those two circles in each way of the background. Any direction I should take?



    You should add a class relative to the back items and absolute to the image, so then you have freedom to move it as you want.

    I did the same project with Tailwind. Keep going.

    Marked as helpful
